Anyone else having problems with VWX 2018 loading? If I am not connected to the internet, it takes over 10min to load if it loads. Most the time it just freezes my computer and I have to force quit the program. I never had this problem with any of the previous version of VWX. This is very frustrating when you are on site or traveling and do not have internet but need to get work done. Is this happening to anyone else?
I am also having the problem when I am online, just not as often as when my computer is not connected to the internet. Currently trying to open it on my laptop and connected to the internet. Had to force quit 3 times so far. Takes a while to load workspace and libraries and then stops on checking activation and sits there for 5+min. Sometime it continues, other times it just stops and I have to force quit. I am really hoping this is just a bug and is something that can be fixed.
Using Macbook pro 15" Mid2012
2.6ghz core i7 8 gb ram on High Sierra