Running VW 2019 SP2 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.1
Mac Pro (Late 2013) 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5, 2 * AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB, 64GB RAM
Experiencing a consistent problem when trying to edit text. After clicking on the text, moving the cursor about and editing is SO SLOW! Also editing text inside the Call Out tool is slow and artefacts are left behind by the cursor. These problems only started with the upgrade to Mojave. On my laptop, which is still running High Sierra and the same version of VW, the problems don't exist.
There are also still annoying incompatibility problems when importing and exporting DWG files, line thicknesses and arrow sizes especially seem to be a problem. Currently trialing Bricscad which flies along in comparison to VW and also seems to be more compatible with DWG drawings (which is unfortunately a requisite in my industry as I often need to exchange drawings with AutoCAD users).
If SP3, when it eventually comes out, doesn't solve the problems with Mojave then I think when my VW subscription runs out next autumn (fall) I shall have to move on to another CAD platform - suggestions welcome!