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Found 3 results

  1. I've imported a PDF. it is 11.6 MB. 4 pages, but I'm only taking in 3 of them. I've un-grouped the PDF. I've deleted the bitmap and a number of rouge rectangles. I also found that AFTER i've un-grouped the PDF, i'm left with an additional, 'hidden' group inside that group. I double click that group, and enter the group edit window. There, I have to manually pull the additional 'layers' from the PDF out to get to the line bits. Then I exit the group edit window and I have my layer of lines. in fact, I'm left with a really nice bunch of lines and polygons. About 700,000 polygons. I run a 'Compose' command on a bunch of them and that drops the number by almost 100,000. I'm still left with a bunch of polygons that have a fill associated with them. I need that fill gone. I've tried several things here, but the result is the same - It takes forever. If I do a custom select, and only select polygons that have a fill associated with them, I get a more manageable number of like 58,744 polygons. I move to the format pallet and choose the 'no fill' option. I get a beachball spinning for a long time, and the fill state never changes, and I have to apple+option+delete out of Vectorworks. By a long time, I mean hours on hours. If I do a smaller selection (like 15 - 20 polygons by tedious hand selection), or marquee select small sections of the drawing, I can change the fill state and it only takes minutes. Like 10 - 15 minutes. Still, to me, that seems like a really long time. My questions are this: Am I asking too much of the software? Is this 'expected' behavior in real world applications? Is there a better way to remove fills from polygons on a drawing? Is there a good way to 'pre-prep' a PDF for import? This PDF has no layers, and isn't that big. Working on my import PDF - turn it into a model workflow. So far, it's great. Except the underwhelming speed of the fill removal. The 'breaking apart' of the PDF takes a little bit of time, but not nearly the time that the fill removal does. Not by a long shot. Repro steps - Set up new drawing File-import PDF. highlight PDF. Apple+U to un-group Delete the rectangle and the bitmap so I'm left with just a singe 'group' item. Double click that group item. Enter the group editor. delete the various rectangles that represent the 'pages' or white space in the PDF. Exit editor. you're left with several 'blobs' or groups of PDF parts. In my case, I imported 3 PDF pages. Now I have three big groups of lines and Polys. Click the group of lines and Polys. Apple+A (yes, you are doing this a second time). Now you have a bunch of lines and poly's on your layer. Custom select: type = Polygon Fill = (solid black box in my case) Check OIP, verify there are like 60,000 polys selected now. click format pallet. on fill pull-down, select 'No Fill'. leave the office an literally come back in the morning. Might be done.
  2. It seems that Ungroup (either invoked via script or manually) now prevents any attached records from transferring to the constituents parts of the group. Is this a change or am I missing something here (eg. it is a preference setting)? Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. VW 2017. Been using this platform since 1998 and yesterday my ungroup keystroke (Command U) no longer ungroups groups. Neither does the pulldown menu command. Am I missing something?
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