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Found 4 results

  1. Hey, Does anyone know how to get the Vectorworks 3D stair in this file to look like the 2d version next to it? (as in remove the top and bottom treads and add them to the middle run?) Kind regards anton House Type Stair Test.vwx
  2. Jumping from VW 2016 to 2019. All very simple geometry no longer renders under 'final shaded polygon.' I even took the 2019 file shown in the screen shot, saved as a 2016 file to test. File rendered perfectly (and fast) in 2016. Not sure if there are some settings that didn't carry over, or if I'm doing something wrong? Any help someone can offer would be very much welcome, thanks!!
  3. So we just recently started having problems with our plant database after having it work fine. I'm wondering if a change occurred in one of the recent Service Packs? Without informing users? Before the .exe file and folder used to be called 'VW Plants' and now it seems to be 'Vectorworks Plants'? This seemingly simple shift has me boggled because we track our favorite plants by checking the box for favorites...and they all disappeared. I am able to retrieve my old data, in tact, and find my favorites, but when I try to import the .usr file with just the favorites, I can't seem to select an option that just updates existing records with the "favorites" box checked. Instead, the only way I can seem to get those records in is by adding entirely new and often duplicate records into the database. When I do this I end up with two 'Plant name A's...one checked as a favorite and another unchecked. I want to be able to delete duplicate entries in the database. I have even found ones that come in it stock. Is there a way to quickly purge the database of duplicates based on a specific field (i.e. VW Latin Name)? Or Is there a way to import records from another database and have them simply update the records within the database without adding duplicates...mainly the check box for VW Favorites?
  4. So we just recently started having problems with our plant database after having it work fine. I'm wondering if a change occurred in one of the recent Service Packs? Without informing users? Before the .exe file and folder used to be called 'VW Plants' and now it seems to be 'Vectorworks Plants'? This seemingly simple shift has me boggled because we track our favorite plants by checking the box for favorites...and they all disappeared. I am able to retrieve my old data, in tact, and find my favorites, but when I try to import the .usr file with just the favorites, I can't seem to select an option that just updates existing records with the "favorites" box checked. Instead, the only way I can seem to get those records in is by adding entirely new and often duplicate records into the database. When I do this I end up with two 'Plant name A's...one checked as a favorite and another unchecked. I want to be able to delete duplicate entries in the database. I have even found ones that come in it stock. Is there a way to quickly purge the database of duplicates based on a specific field (i.e. VW Latin Name)? Or Is there a way to import records from another database and have them simply update the records within the database without adding duplicates...mainly the check box for VW Favorites?
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