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Space Room finishes are lost when converting from 2024 to 2025
GatRed posted a question in Troubleshooting
Hi, We are thinking on using 2025, but I noticed that the room finishes of space are lost when I convert the file > see example attached. Is that normal ? or is it un bug that will be corrected ?Vectorworks-Space 2024.vwx @François de Felix? -
Version 1.3.5
About this File This tool is available in english ("Apartment Tag") and german ("Wohnungsstempel"). The contents are nearly the same just translated. This Marionette Tool summarize all Space-Areas, which are part of the same Appartement Number and shows the result in a symbol based Marionette stamp. Alternatively we can pull out sum of apartment area with a worksheet. But this Marionette is also a nice method to do this. Instructions: 1. The Marionette Objects access to the field "11_Room ID" of the space object. Every other field can be used if necessary by editing script. 2. With the Marionette PIOs field "ApartmentID" you can tell the stamp, which apartment should be displayed 3. With the Checkbox "Layer from Apartment Tag". You can make the Tag collecting spaces of the tag's layer. Otherwise it will collect areas from the layer of the layer popup 4. You can exclude Spaces with specified keywords. Delimiter for Keywords is "$" 5. To use the Marionette PIO on the Target Document, copy/paste the PIO and then import the Symbol definitions from the Folder "ApartmentStamps" on the Target Document. Über diese Datei Dieses Werkzeug ist auf Deutsch ("Wohnungsstempel") und auf Englisch ("Apartment Tag") verfügbar. Die Inhalte sind bis auf die übersetzten Bezeichnungen nahezu gleich. Der Marionette Wohnungsstempel fasst Wohnungsflächen zusammen und zeigt diese in einem Symbolbasierten Marionette-Stempel an. Raumflächen können auch mittels Tabellen ausgezogen werden. Der Wohungsstempel ist eine komfortable alternative. Anleitung: 1. Räume welche zur gleichen Wohung gehören, werden mit dem Standardfeld "Raum ID" identifiziert. Auch andere Kriterien für die Wohungszugehörigkeit können festgelegt werden, dazu muss das Script geändert werden. 2. Im Feld "WohnungsID" wird eingestellt, welche Wohung angezeigt werden soll. 3. Mit der Checkbox "Ebene von Wohungsstempel" lassen sich explizit die Räume auf die Ebene des Wohungsstempels eingrenzen. Ist die Checkbox deaktiviert, gilt die Einstellung "Räume von Ebene:" 4. Räume mit bestimmten Namen, können hier ausgeschlossen werden. Trennung der Namen erfolgt mit "$" 5. Um den Wohnungsstempel auf einem anderen Projekt zu verwenden, zuerst das PlugIn mit copy/paste übertragen, dann die Symbolressourcen im Ordner "Wohnungsstempel" auf das Zieldokument importieren. -
Hello, While data tags are really great and we deploy them wherever applicable we see these issues present when using them: 1. tagging spaces in section viewports - data tag is wrongly not seeing - not picking space objects that are actually cutted by cut plane of section viewport but instead only those not cutted but beyond cut plane. We saw on few occasions that there is small prompt provided to help chose from multiple overlapping legible objects (same as we have with coincident objects) but this prompt is not always there when there are multiple same spaces (for example) seen beyond cut plane ... 2. tagging objects (e.g. door/window and probably others) that are using own 'cut plane and display' settings (accessed through edit section in-place) are not seen by data tags. See attached screenshots. 3. we see that currently viewport styles are not really friends with data tags or this is is not fully fine-tuned yet - when unstyled viewport is converted to styled existing data tags in annotation disconnect from source object and reset to default vaules (we see this at least with tags for door/window and space objects ). We wanted to start to take advantage of new viewport styles but it seems that working with unstyled/styled viewport styles can trigger resset. Generally we see often disconnection of data tags from source objects for unknown reason and it is really pain to reasocciate them back one by one when there is a lot of windows/doors/spaces etc. We see it mainly happening in horizontal section viewports or regular section viewports. We normally place data tags only in annotation space. @Nikolay Zhelyazkov Would you have some clue what might be the issue or is there something we should be aware of? Thanks a lot. Pavol
Version 1.0.5
This Marionette Script creates multiple space objects from worksheet data. A very nice and time saving Marionette script to automate a routine peace of work. Please consider, that the the script takes the area column and calculate the square with that. If you have a language settings with comma instead of points for decimal seperator, the calculation will fail. Use points as decimal character or eliminate decimal places in your list -
The below image is from a new blank file and shows 3 "spaces". Anyone see the issue when using them to show room sizes? Hopefully the same issue doesn't happen for windows, columns and other objects.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't use the data tag that much, when you press the reshape tool when selecting a data tag nothing happens. The reshape tool gets activated but you can not reshape the data tag. Why don't make it so that the reshape tool gets activated for the object associated with the data tag? This can be a space, but also a wall or window or whatever. So bringing back the reshape possibility when selecting the space label (like VW 2022 and below). And also improving the workflow for other objects.
Constraining a Space Object 3d to dormer ceiling above creates some voids. Ceiling/roof above the voids is not missing. Is this a problem with dormer config? Or, some of the ceiling areas are not actually part of the Roof object? Or? One workaround is to view roof from bottom and extract all the ceiling surfaces, then raise the space object to the extraction instead of to the roof object ceiling. But then, if roof edited, need new extraction. -B Space object @ Dormer v2022.vwx
Hello, I am currently working in VW Architect 2021, and I am designing a two story residence. I would like to capture the space/room/dimensions and have that data reflected/incorporated into a VW worksheet so I can produce accurate estimations and material take offs. Any assistance that you can provide in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ryan Russell
Hi all, I'm pretty new to direct scripting in Vectorworks, but always wanted to learn. As a first attempt I wanted to create a simple script that searches for "spaces" and assigns them to appropriate class depending on Net Area. In my file there is an example that should assign Spaces with area <10m2 to the RED class and rest to the BLUE class. But, obviously, it fails since I' pretty green in this Area 🙂 Can someone give me a hint, not the solution, something that will help me to write this script? Space sorting script.vwx
Why can I not see or alter the 3D boundary information for a Space Object in the OIP with 2021? Why would VW change that? Am I missing some higher, more sophisticated model method? It's annoying to enter each space object to change the Classes and other information.
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my clever colleague worked this out, so I hope it helps others. 2019 VECTORWORKS Useful Notes - areas calcs.pdf
I have had trouble editing room finishes through worksheets for spaces with Space Style. Even all the Room Finishes are by instance, whenever I attempt to change the finish using dropdown, I get a message: "One or more objects could not be updated because the selected parameter is defined by the object style". The fields are not grayed out as it would be if it was by style. If I make the space unstyled, I have no trouble changing the finishes in the worksheet. If I check "Hide Style Parameters" in Object Info Palette the option to to edit Room Finishes disappears, even when all the parameters are by instance. If I update the Space Style all the applied finishes of all the spaces that has the style turns into the default finishes (or disappear) I believe there are some issues with the overall Room Finishes by style/by instance setting, as there is no place in the Space Settings one can define it. I guess, it assumes that in all the styled spaces Roof Finishes are by style in default and overrides other "sub-properties" I can easily edit the finishes through Space Settings for the styled Spaces, but the problem that I have to go to my 100 spaces and do it room by room. Then, when I have spent several hours editing finishes to individual spaces and all looked good, for whatever reason I decided to update the Space Style, all my work was gone - all the finishes turned into the default Space Style Room Finishes. My conclusion - I can't use Space Styles for rooms with different finishes. Let me know if I have missed out something in the settings. Spece Finishes Test File.vwx
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1) Fix Lag Issues 2) Option check box to: Auto Centre Space symbol to space boundary (should update automatically when the boundary is changed) 3) Option check box to: Auto Constrain symbol text box widths to space boundary (this might be harder to achieve but will help keep thing tidy) 4) Show Space Symbol in Sections
Something happened with graphic attributes in space tool. It seems impossible to have a label 100% opaque and 2D boundary in less than 100% opacity. This functionality was working in VW2018 but 2019 and 2020 has rearranged info and settings boxes and it is no longer possible. Its kind of indispensable when dong planing and color coding different uses etc.
Hey Community, I would like to select a Room to Input a Roomnumber wich is seperate in the Informations. Look at the attachment We have 1500 rooms it can helps a lot 😉 Thx a lot from Dresden - GER Mathias (I work with VWX19)
The Volume function in a worksheet does not seem able to calculate the volume of a space? The space has a height, Show 3D is turned on? I can see the volume of the space if I use database row but when I use the VOLUME function it returns 0. In the example screenshot the criteria in the formula are the same as for the database rows I am also getting the same figure (just the gross) for Gross and Net Volume despite having set different heights for each?
I have been using multiple space tags in my 2018 file. All space tags and their tag symbols where in different classes and visibilities were controlled in viewports. I just converted my file to 2019 and it shows all space tags even the class is turned off. This is how it should look like: This is how it looks in 2019 with 2nd tags showing (though the class is off): I know that the space tag tool is remade, but this bug doesn't help in smooth conversion of existing files. I would like to keep some of old system in place till we have time to update drawings with ID Tags. Plus other things: - Using Space Styles crash the file. - Applying Space Style to an existing space it change all space info (Space ID, Occupancy etc) to default Space Style info, though the parameters in those fields are set By Instance. Besides it changes Space class to 2D Boundary Class not to Space Object Class which is set in Space Style. - Space tags Data Tag doesn't allow to change space name with a drop down list offering just Custom or Edit List - Space name or other dropdown lists of Occupancy info in Schedules doesn't work either.
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I am finding the space tool/object has great features but can be very frustrating to use. There seems to be two issues: 1. There is so much information in the object info palette that the tool takes a long time to refresh, causing a delay in selection, moving etc. The delay seems to get worse the longer VW is left open. Selecting multiple spaces or moving them can take a considerable amount of time. Perhaps if some settings can be turned off in the settings dialog box then the OIP refresh would not be so much of an issue. 2. The second issue is selection and snapping. This does not seem to work as well as say a polygon would work. I'm not sure if the first issue is causing the second issue but basic selection and snapping are delayed or just simply inaccurate in some cases. I am working with a particular drawing at an angle and so maybe this is part of the problem too (accuracy that is).
Hi All, I've been setting up a bunch of room's with the space layout tool, but made the mistake of not having 'allow multiple labels' option turned on in the advanced settings. Now I'm trying to set sheets up at both 1:100 and 1:200 which require different size room text labels. As far as I can work out, the best way to do this is turn multiple labels on for each 'space', then create a second label with the same information but at a different scale, and have these both on seperate classes (i.e. one for 1:100, one for 1:200). This means I have to go through and individually change the option for 'allow multiple labels' on for each room (about 80-100 of those..). Is this the right way of going about doing this? Can anyone recommend any shortcuts for any piece of this process? Thanks!
Is there a way to get the Space and it's label to show room dimensions in the secondary dimension units instead of primary? Our Primary is millimetres and we want to keep that for all general dimensions but want to show the space label as metres on different rounding rules. I know I can change primary but that causes issue with drawing transport and other areas. Changing the area was easy I find it odd if the dimensions can be changed why the answer isn't just us obvious.
Any ideas what could cause the below? Try to edit a space and the nodes don't come up. Try to move and the whole thing disappears.
Hello guys, I tried to calculate average area in worksheet where i need to divide cell B2 by cell C2, I used (=B2/C2) in cell D2 which is in my database but the result is not as expected, its not actually dividing its just showing the values in Column B. whereas addition and subtraction is working fine but not divide and multiplication. Does anyone have a solution for it, I attached my file below kindly refer it. worksheet div.vwx