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Found 5 results

  1. Is it possible to render solar animations in the cloud - my desktop struggles to do high quality rendering at the best of times. Being able to send the process up into the cloud for processing would be awsome! Thanks, R
  2. For live presentation, eg to show shadows from different views, it would be great to adjust the view, then call up the Solar Animation dialog without intervening steps. A key command? Or have access to view navigation (esp flyover) while the Solar Animation dialog is open. Is there a way to directly invoke the dialog for Solar Animation without a bunch of steps to select the Heliodon and press the OIP Solar Animation Button? My Heliodon is in its own layer (but I guess I could do this differently) I know 2 ways to invoke the Solar Animation feature, but both require multiple steps and dialogs: 1. •Set view as desired •Visualization Palette/Lights pane •Right Click Heliodon item •Click Edit •Click Force Select (layer changes to Heliodon, OIP shows Heliodon is selected) •Wait for Vis Palette to minimize (Otherwise it stays open until Solar Animation dialog is closed) •Click OIP Solar Animation button •Dialog opens - It's BIG on a laptop. •Adjust things as nec. Have to close the dialog & start over if need to change view. 2. •Set view as desired •Switch to Heliodon layer •Select All (CmdA) to select the Heliodon •OIP click the Solar Animation button •Dialog opens - It's BIG on a laptop. •Adjust things as nec. Have to close the dialog & start over if need to change view. -B
  3. I'm trying to create a solar animation, but layer plane objects are displaying in the .mov file. I do all of my rendering from Viewports (where there is an option on the OIP to prevent planar objects from appearing), but it seems that one needs to be able to select a heliodon in order to create a solar animation (which I can't seem to do when looking at a viewport), so I'm assuming that I need to work from a saved view in order to be able to select a heliodon and create the animation. This is my first try at using saved views or rendering anything other than a viewport, so perhaps this is where I'm messing things up. The project is a 3 storey house, so there are 5 layers turned on (basement, ground, second, third, roof). Unified view is on so that they all appear correctly. Under Unified view options I have deselected Display Screen Objects. When I render my saved view as a static Custom Renderworks image, everything looks as it should, with no planar objects displaying. However, when I export the solar animation, planar objects are now showing up. They appear as solid lines rather than dotted lines as they do on the design layers (in case that's relevant). There are lines for the property lines, dotted lines that represent eave overhangs when in plan view. circles that represent tree trunks in plan view. Etc. Here's a copy of the mov file. I've just exported 5 frames. On a completely different topic, I wish I the Physical Sky Background had an adjustable horizon. I want the sky to change colour throughout the animation, so I have to use the Physical Sky Background, but there remains a gap between the edge of my site and the horizon. I've tried extending the site, but it still never seems to close that gap. Thanks, and hoping someone has a fix for those planar objects that don't belong. Animation 4.mov
  4. I'm using the heliodon tool to create solar animations with the timestamp displayed. I set them to go from sunrise to sunset, with frames every 15 minutes. I set the location to "Wellington, NZ", and when the date is set to March 20, the times displayed show things such as 11:60. I've attached an example movie showing this. Wellington_March_20_-_garage.mov
  5. I posted this on the old forum, but it seems to have disappeared. I'm running VW2016 SP4 on OS X 10.11.6 with Architect and RW. I've got a brand new 27" iMac, and now (it worked perfectly on my old computer, with exactly the same software) whenever I run solar animations, it renders two frames and then gives up without an error. This happens even on a brand new file, with only a helidon object in it. I've reinstalled VW and the same behaviour occurs. Any ideas? Console prints out a bunch of stuff that seems relevant when I try to run one: 31/08/16 10:13:03.706 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.706] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:03.706 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.706] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:03.706 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.706] <<< FFR_Common >>> FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType: *** Could not create format reader for URL file:///Users/three/Desktop/Wellington%20March%2020.mov FileType '' MIMETYPE (null) SuggFileName (null) instantiationError = -12893 31/08/16 10:13:03.706 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.706] FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType signalled err=-12893 (instantiationError) (Error creating FormatReader) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/FormatHandlers/FigFormatReader_Common.c line 2157 31/08/16 10:13:03.708 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.708] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:03.708 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.708] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:03.708 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.708] <<< FFR_Common >>> FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType: *** Could not create format reader for URL file:///Users/three/Desktop/u.mov FileType '' MIMETYPE (null) SuggFileName (null) instantiationError = -12893 31/08/16 10:13:03.708 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.708] FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType signalled err=-12893 (instantiationError) (Error creating FormatReader) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/FormatHandlers/FigFormatReader_Common.c line 2157 31/08/16 10:13:03.709 AM taskgated[374]: no application identifier provided, can't use provisioning profiles [pid=956] 31/08/16 10:13:03.754 AM garcon[956]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable 31/08/16 10:13:03.754 AM garcon[956]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable 31/08/16 10:13:03.764 AM appleeventsd[49]: <rdar://problem/11489077> A sandboxed application with pid 956, "Dropbox Finder Integration" checked in with appleeventsd, but its code signature could not be read and validated by appleeventsd, and so it cannot receive AppleEvents targeted by name, bundle id, or signature. Install the application in /Applications/ or some other world readable location to resolve this issue. Error=ERROR: #100013 { "NSDescription"="SecCodeCopySigningInformation() returned 100013, -." } (handleMessage()/appleEventsD.cp #2098) com.apple.root.default-qos 31/08/16 10:13:03.876 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.876] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:03.876 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.876] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:03.876 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.876] <<< FFR_Common >>> FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType: *** Could not create format reader for URL file:///Users/three/Desktop/u.mov FileType '' MIMETYPE (null) SuggFileName (null) instantiationError = -12893 31/08/16 10:13:03.876 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:03.876] FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType signalled err=-12893 (instantiationError) (Error creating FormatReader) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/FormatHandlers/FigFormatReader_Common.c line 2157 31/08/16 10:13:03.939 AM garcon[956]: Connecting to Dropbox on 'com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon.cafe_503' 31/08/16 10:13:03.940 AM garcon[956]: Connected to Dropbox on 'com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon.cafe_503'. 31/08/16 10:13:03.940 AM garcon[956]: Garcon is ready (1 alive). 31/08/16 10:13:03.940 AM garcon[956]: Invalidating watch set. 31/08/16 10:13:03.947 AM garcon[956]: Watch set is now: {( file:///Users/three/Team%20Dropbox%20(new), file:///Users/three/Dropbox/ )}. 31/08/16 10:13:12.531 AM Vectorworks[601]: GVA info: preferred scaler idx 1 31/08/16 10:13:12.536 AM Vectorworks[601]: AVF error: Perf capability check failed: 0xe00002be 31/08/16 10:13:13.161 AM Vectorworks[601]: <<<< VT-CS >>>> vtCompressionSessionCompressionWork: vtCompressionSessionEncodeWork -12348 31/08/16 10:13:13.162 AM Vectorworks[601]: [10:13:13.161] <<<< MediaProcessor >>>> mediaprocessor_OutputSampleBuffer: (0x7fd0bbefab40) processing failed (-12348), posting notification and continuing 31/08/16 10:13:13.535 AM mdworker[762]: [10:13:13.534] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:13.535 AM mdworker[762]: [10:13:13.535] <<< FFR_Common >>> FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType: *** Could not create format reader for URL file:///Users/three/Desktop/eou.mov FileType '' MIMETYPE (null) SuggFileName (null) instantiationError = -12893 31/08/16 10:13:13.535 AM mdworker[762]: [10:13:13.535] FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType signalled err=-12893 (instantiationError) (Error creating FormatReader) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/FormatHandlers/FigFormatReader_Common.c line 2157 31/08/16 10:13:13.540 AM Vectorworks[601]: [10:13:13.540] FigMediaProcessorGetSampleBufferProcessor signalled err=-12785 (kCMBaseObjectError_Invalidated) (FigMediaProcessor was invalidated) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/MediaConverter/FigMediaProcessor.c line 771 31/08/16 10:13:13.541 AM Vectorworks[601]: [10:13:13.541] VTCompressionSessionGetPixelBufferPool signalled err=-12903 (kVTInvalidSessionErr) (Session was invalidated) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/VideoToolbox/VTCompressionSession.c line 2350 31/08/16 10:13:13.647 AM Vectorworks[601]: [10:13:13.647] assetWriter_AddPixelBuffer signalled err=-12348 (storage->failureError) (AssetWriter has posted a failure notification) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/Export/FigAssetWriter.c line 1355 31/08/16 10:13:13.647 AM Vectorworks[601]: writeNSImageAsFrame error Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd0bbbf8c80 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12348 "(null)"}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-12348), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed},{ NSLocalizedDescription = "The operation could not be completed"; NSLocalizedFailureReason = "An unknown error occurred (-12348)"; NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12348 \"(null)\""; }. 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] <<< FFR_Common >>> FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType: *** Could not create format reader for URL file:///Users/three/Desktop/eou.mov FileType '' MIMETYPE (null) SuggFileName (null) instantiationError = -12893 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] <<< FFR_Common >>> FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType: *** Could not create format reader for URL file:///Users/three/Desktop/eou.mov FileType '' MIMETYPE (null) SuggFileName (null) instantiationError = -12893 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType signalled err=-12893 (instantiationError) (Error creating FormatReader) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/FormatHandlers/FigFormatReader_Common.c line 2157 31/08/16 10:13:13.735 AM QuickLookSatellite[419]: [10:13:13.735] FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType signalled err=-12893 (instantiationError) (Error creating FormatReader) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/FormatHandlers/FigFormatReader_Common.c line 2157 31/08/16 10:13:13.877 AM garcon[956]: Garcon destroyed (0 alive). 31/08/16 10:13:13.878 AM garcon[956]: host connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fc5196403d0> connection from pid 601 invalidated 31/08/16 10:13:14.236 AM Vectorworks[601]: [10:13:14.236] <<<< RemoteEncode - client >>>> vtRemoteEncoderWaitForPendingFramesToComplete: Encoder didn't emit all frames during Invalidate. cancelling them. 31/08/16 10:13:14.236 AM Vectorworks[601]: [10:13:14.236] vtCompressionSessionTrackFrameGetInfo signalled err=-12902 (kVTParameterErr) (Unrecognised VTVideoEncoderFrame token passed in by encoder) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/VideoToolbox/VTCompressionSession.c line 2301 31/08/16 10:13:15.252 AM mdworker[762]: [10:13:15.252] FigAtomStreamInitWithByteStreamWithSize signalled err=-12893 (kFigAtomStream_OffsetOutsideOfParent) (Offset exceeds stream length) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia_frameworks/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Sources/Utilities/FigAtomStream.c line 305 31/08/16 10:13:15.253 AM mdworker[762]: [10:13:15.253] <<< FFR_Common >>> FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType: *** Could not create format reader for URL file:///Users/three/Desktop/eou.mov FileType '' MIMETYPE (null) SuggFileName (null) instantiationError = -12893 31/08/16 10:13:15.253 AM mdworker[762]: [10:13:15.253] FigFormatReaderCreateForStreamReturningMatchingContainerLabelType signalled err=-12893 (instantiationError) (Error creating FormatReader) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.206/Prototypes/FormatHandlers/FigFormatReader_Common.c line 2157
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