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  1. I would really like to be able to use a renderworks camera as a source feed on video screen tools. I have clients that change minds on scenic/staging all the time and its quite an ordeal to have to capture and export an image file, then re import it as a texture then apply it to a screen. When a client changes camera locations, scenic etc, I just want to be able to move the camera and have it update my video screens. Is that possible?
  2. The first image on the left is a Design Layer view of my model. Note that the mapping of the grey texture has an equal module each side of the bay. This is an Autohybrid containing an extrude and looks like this in OpenGL or RenderWorks. The second image on the right is a Sheet Layer Viewport in a Workgroup Reference file rendered with RenderWorks. Note that the texture mapping is offset slightly and doesn't match my model. Any ideas how to fix this and synchronise them?
  3. Hi all! Working on a small interior project and for the first time only worked with Renderworks. Would like to share the results so far
  4. I'm being asked to create a rendering of the exterior of a restaurant that my company is proposing some lighting upgrades for. One of the options is a direct-view flexible RGB LED rope-light-like solution around the top of the exterior wall. In order to get the brightness that I need out of the glow or backlight textures, I have to pump the brightness up significantly in order for them to look correct. But the amount of light that they are throwing off onto my exterior walls is too much. I thought maybe I could make some sort of "invisible wall" for the lights to throw their light into that the renderworks camera could see through, but I don't think that will work because in Vectorworks, if an object is transparent then light passes through. Anybody got any ideas?
  5. Hi there folks and friends, at the moment, i am checking different ways on how to get a correct LED light, here you see my test file: rendering with a glowing material makes the render a bit quicker, but i don't have that photometric light that comes with an ies file. so waht is your suggestion on an LED-stripe that you can buy from OSRAM and so on. The one's you attatch on the lower side of your kitchen furniture or tv shelf. Like use a ies-file and use a lot of lights in a row? Is there a passibility to use ies-files with arealights? or line lights? Really looking forward to your comments on this one, and thanks in advance!
  6. Dear All, Hopefully an easy one for one of you talented bunch. Please go easy on me. Whilst not new to Vectorworks I am new to Renderworks (usually export and render in c4d). So I have a simple model with some simple textures applied. One of my custom textures appears 'correct' in openGL (bottom image) but flipped in Final Render (top Image). See attached.. Is this usual behaviour? Many thanks in advance...
  7. I was hoping someone could shed light on this issue. I may be setting it up incorrectly as I don't have much experience with textures. Basically what I am unable to replicate the preview of a renderworks texture in the actual model. I've attached a couple reference photos. The desired result is to map this texture to a flat surface or bulge to emulate a densely packed crystal chandelier. Thanks!
  8. Hiya & Happy Pre-X-MAS season, I was wondering where the 'Vectorworks Image Gallery' has been? It was not posted on the new Vectorworks website up until about 4 weeks ago when it briefly popped up and then dissapeared again. I even posted the question to technical support but even when following it up never received any feedback. See some of the images of projects Vectorworks users posted. I'd love for this page to be up and running again if that would be possible.
  9. Hello, I'm learning to use render works textures and have a strange glitch where my slab is bright red, despite the applied texture being white paint (bottom) & hardwood (top). I've tried: applying the white paint directly by dragging and dropping from the resource browser applying the white paint to the slab style applying the white paint to the object, both overall and by component deleting and re-drawing the slab out of desperation But the strange red persists. Any suggestions? Screenshot of the very red ceiling attached.
  10. Even if the Curved Geometry is set to 'Very High' some of the curved elements come out shattered when rendered with Renderworks. As you can see, at the revolving door (modeled not plugin) or the street light outside (imported from sketchup). It shows perfectly fine in the Open GL (also attached) mode or in the hidden line. Any ideas on what might be the problem? I can send over the file if needed... Thanks!
  11. Guest

    strange black

    Hi, with VW 2017, in a small bathroom, I used two mirrors that form a 90 ° corner. In the rendering, a strange black portion appears. How can I fix this? Thank you.
  12. I am an enthousiast user of Artlantis for some years. Should I still upgrade to version 7 or stick with Renderworks? Or maybe buy Twinmotion?
  13. Hello. I had some human figures in a 3D model I was doing. Every time I tried to render with the Figures Layer turned off, they still kept appearing. I have deleted said layers and deleted the symbol from my file's resource folder, yet all my renderings still have all my human figures in them. How should I proceed?
  14. I just started using VW 2019 and am wondering if anybody else is having issues with rendering lights with shutters in place. I have a light pointed at a 3d solid and it shows up fine in Open GL, Fast or Final render. If I put a shutter cut in place then I can see it in the wireframe view but it doesn't always show up when I switch it to the other modes... sometimes it does. Sometimes I will change a cut and it will show but then if I edit the fixture and adjust that same cut, when I come out, the change doesn't render. I've tried this in the drawing I'm working on with 50+ fixtures with shutters and also with a test file of just one light and a surface. Is there anything I could be missing that might make these changes visible in some cases but not in other? Thanks. Dave H.
  15. Dear VW lovers, a hideous task I am facing over and over again in customising lights in the Visualization Lights Edit Mode ... Ok, so ... Viewport/VP activated, Visualization Lights Window shows the lights active within the VP, chose a light --> Go Edit, and here it comes ... ... the smallest of pop up windows of Properties shows up ... which I have to re-size/enlarge every single time I am in the Edit mode, in order to see all of the light feature settings below ... over and over again ... see images attached Can this Properties Window somewhat be frozen to be a size I want it to be? Help Help Help please !!!
  16. Happy Monday to all VW & Renderworks lovers, the Obj Info Palette currently displays if a camera is connected to a Viewport. In addition, it would be great and very useful to have the camera settings visible and edit-able here as well, without having to open and access the camera itself inside the viewport. Meaning --> at the moment I have to double click onto the viewport, open the Edit Viewport window under Camera, and only then can see and edit the camera setting for Camera Effects --> Bloom, Shutter Speed, ... Unless I am missing that this is already at hand somewhere else? Cheers, Grethe
  17. Dear VW lovers, a little bit of shameless self-promotion going on here 😂 but I thought I'd share some really nifty rendering results which I have been working on for a veeeeery loooong time 😴 😫 I work with VW Architect, not VW Spotlight. So when looking at the results, you can tell how I brought my VW version to the very brink, including my poor graphics card and CPU or whatever works in the background rendering away ... 😱 My main aim was to figure out the best Renderworks Style settings for backlighting, glowing graphics, LED, neon, shiny, glitter, metal, and reflective textures, fog lighting, lighting, even multi-coloured lighting beams, and the combination of many of the above in one single scene. Now honestly I could not have done it without this forum and the help of the always patient and very resourceful support of @Jim Wilson and @Luis M Ruiz who were outstanding in their knowledge, 1:1 correspondence, video tutorials and even providing template files. So hats off and my biggest gratitude to you both 😘 !!! RW Styles - Event Venues - 2018.pdf
  18. I am an enthousiast user of Artlantis for some years. Should I still upgrade to version 7 or stick with Renderworks? Or maybe buy Twinmotion?
  19. A problem with my viewports occurs more and more often, which is that at some point all viewports on all sheet layers in various of my project VW files disintegrate. All viewports had already been previously rendered. This results in all viewports now showing up in Wireframe = none-rendered, whilst still keeping their settings. How st this even possible?
  20. Dear VW lovers! Q&A Is there a way to avoid for a Viewport to become 'Out of Date' when simply going to an associated Design Layer of the Viewport? Example I go to a Design Layer - either by: A) Double Click on a VP --> Edit Viewport --> Design Layer or B) via the Navigation Palette I don't change anything on the Design Layer. I only activate everything and copy it. This in order e.g. to copy paste it to a new and unrelated Design Layer to try out some things. By that time ALL VIEWPORTS associated with the Design Layer are out of Date. If I go direct and simply --> 'Duplicate the Design Layer' then of course all associated VPS are also Out of Date because they attach themselves automatically to DL duplicates. Soooo frustrating and time-consuming to re-render everything .... Is there a 'Work-Around" to this or am I the only one experiencing this? Cheers, Grethe
  21. Dear VW lovers, would anyone know if it is possible to export Renderworks Style Settings into a worksheet or excel spread sheet? I have multiple Renderworks Styles and currently I am creating screenshots and copy paste them into a file for comparison. This is a huge effort and I would love to have a faster and more convenient work around for this. Any input is much appreciated. Cheers, Grethe
  22. working on a specific file in VW2018 sp1, when I go to render a viewport, all RW options disappears. The Render option in the viewport menu changes to wireframe and all RW options in the main view menu goes grey. The problem persists, when quitting and opening a new file afterwards. Seems that after some reboots of VW I get a new start w. all RW options, then, opening my current job , the problem immediately reoccurs. Workaround, anyone? st
  23. Hello everyone, I have a rendering problem with Renderworks. I created a cyclorama with the Soft Goods tool and created a special texture for it, to allow it to be lit from the back. The texture settings are : Color : White 100% Reflectivity : None Transparency : Plain 99% Bump : None Cast and receive shadows Override Indirect Lighting, Emit Light and Receive Light checked. With these settings it works well with OpenGL, but with all the RenderWorks (I tried Fast, Final and Custom with different settings) modes the scrim is just black. And I can't only use OpenGL as I want to use more than 8 lighting instruments in my renderings. Anyone ?
  24. I was an early adopter of Vision but have not used it for some time. Can anyone tell me what one can and cannot do when rendering an image in Vision now that VW and Vision are integrated? I don't recall what the feature is called, but you can export an image file with better quality images than what you would have with standard "operational" OPEN GL meaning the rendering you see when working in real time. Here is what I suppose I would really like to know: - Can I export from VW into Vision using all of my existing VW textures? - When exporting still images at higher quality, do those textures appear the way they would in final quality Rendtrworks? (i.e. reflections, bumps, transparencies) I am assuming not as I do not believe that was ever the case before, but perhaps there have been some changes with the integration?
  25. Hello everyone, I have a strange behaviour on VectorWorks Spotlight 2018 SP2 on macOS. If I apply a gobo (R71005) to an ADB DW105 (didn't try with other models, but maybe there is the same problem), set a Focus Point and turn on the light, nothing appears in Fast renderworks (I also tried with Custom and Final). Thought I was doing something wrong. So I tried with another fixture (an ETC Source 4 36deg), applied exactly the same settings (with the same gobo texture) and no problem, it works like a charm. Anyone has an idea ? A bug in the lighting instrument ?
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