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Found 4 results

  1. I did a quick little video as a tutorial for some users that wanted to learn about the Video Camera tool instead of using the Renderworks Camera tool, and thought it might be good to share it here. Hopefully this topic will generate some feedback, questions and helping users see the power of using the Spotlight 2025 Video Camera Tool Hers a link to the video on YouTube Vectorworks 2025 Video Camera Tool
  2. Anyone else find it odd that you need to edit the camera through the viewport in order to change the camera settings? Is there another way to do this? Right now you have to right-click the viewport-->Edit Camera-->Change settings-->Exit Viewport-->Update Viewport. I have a vague memory of not have doing this but maybe that's just some Mandela Effect stuff.
  3. Previously my rendering attempts have been relatively basic; I set up a sheet layer viewport, and then use the settings for the viewport to control how the render looks. But I know there are Renderworks cameras. Previously when I've dabbled with these I've got confused and given up due to lack of time but this morning I decided to brace myself and try and get my head around what they are for. So, it seems they basically give you a greater range of controls over how your renders look ("camera effects" and so on). I have to create a camera and I have to create a viewport, and I have to link them. OK. Got it. Then I want to adjust the settings for that rendering. I've linked a camera to the viewport because that gives me greater control, via the camera settings. When I right-click on my viewport to edit the camera I get an object info pallette titled "Renderworks Camera". So, logically, everything that controls how my rendering looks is in now in here, instead of in the settings for the viewport, right? Wrong! In my camera settings I find a dropdown called "Render Mode". Aha! This is where I change from an OpenGL rendering to a Renderworks one. I choose a Renderworks mode. Nothing happens. Ok. Maybe I have to return to the viewport for it to take effect. I return to the viewport on the sheet layer. Nothing has happened. I try updating the viewport. Nothing. Maybe I thought I'd changed it but actually hadn't. I go back into the settings for the camera. Yes, I have changed the dropdown, and now the view, in this "edit camera" mode, is rendering in a Renderworks mode. Back to the viewport on the sheet layer. Viewport is still rendered in OpenGL. *time passes, some cursing* So I discover that what controls the render mode of the viewport is what's set in the viewport settings, not what's set in the camera settings. But some things in the camera OIP settings don't affect the viewport. For example if I go into "edit camera" and using the camera OIP: - Change to top/plan view, the view in the camera edit mode does change, but does not in the linked viewport, and has not been preserved next time you go into the camera edit mode - Change projection from perspective to orthogonal, view in camera edit mode does not change, does change in the linked viewport, and has changed next time you go into camera edit mode. - Use "activate camera" then "click to aim camera", view in camera edit mode does change, does change in the linked viewport, and has changed next time you go into camera edit mode. In other words the controls in that camera OIP are completely inconsistent in what they do. Some seem to control attributes of the camera object, some seem to control not the camera but what you see in edit mode, and of these, some take immediate effect and some don't Am I alone in finding this horribly confusing? Basic questions 1) Why have settings in the camera OIP that neither affect the camera itself or what you see during that "edit camera" session? 2) Why not just control all this stuff in settings for the viewport itself (fundamentally what's the point of the renderworks cameras at all?)
  4. I would like a "target" camera or "target" camera mode where a RW camera can be locked on to a point/object. As I move the camera around (x,y,z) I would like it to automatically adjust its pan/tilt to focus on the target. C4D has a good implementation of what I'm looking for. Kevin
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