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  1. For the last couple days now my colleagues and I have come into the problem of every time we open the project file our VW starts to run the command before opening "Verifying (Deleting Referenced Resources)..." (see image below). I have purged the file before and after deleted all referenced files from this file to see if those are the culprits. Sadly no luck as even when there are no references to other files it still starts to run this same command which takes 10-30 min depending on the computer. I have even made a working file out of this project file and it opens easily which indicates to me that the problem lies in it being a Project File/using Project Sharing. Thanks for any help.
  2. We're running into a nasty problem with the callouts and keynotes in that the 'relative path' setting for the database doesn't seem to be working. Couple this with Dropbox and Project Sharing and you have a recipe for disaster. Every time somebody opens their working file or tries to manipulate the notes they all go haywire and the user needs redefine where the database is again for every single note. The problem appears to be that it's effectively looking for the database in Users/Dropbox/Database.xml Instead of: Users/[username]/Dropbox/Database.xml Anyone else experiencing this? Any thoughts on how to workaround? I wondered about moving the Dropbox folder to the Users folder but I'd have to mess around in the Terminal to change the permissions on the Users folder to achieve that.
  3. Is anyone using Sharepoint and Project Sharing successfully? We are experimenting with Project Sharing, which looks fantastic - but trying to do this remotely with master files saved on Sharepoint for multiple access. We seem to be having issues with syncing - and I'm not sure if this is due to Project Sharing, or Sharepoint, or a general incompatibility between the two. (Working on a master file, committing changes and releasing, but then the master on sharepoint not updating.) Any insight or experience would be much appreciated.
  4. Currently we can right click an object to check it out. I'd like to right click a blank space on a Design Layer to check it out.
  5. Hello, I do Viewport references in the project file. If the reference file settings is not "correctly" set up before creating the project file, it seems impossible to update the reference settings itself inside a project file. Example if the reference path is set to absoulte not relative, and i want to change this. In my working file i edit reference, and this popup "Edit Reference" appears, here i change the settings for Absolute -> Relative patch and locates the file. If i also change settings for "Save references cache to disk" , "Automatically update out of date reference during file open" and "Update class definitions". Then i hit OK, and then "Save & Commit" my changes. Everything now looks okay. I can close my working file, reopen the working file and this settings is saved. If I instead (or another user) opens the project file the settings for the referenced file is not changed, and have resetted back to previous settings - the same setting as when the project file was created. Other settings for the viewport like classes and layer visibilities do changes if i edit these. Same happens if i want to change the reference to another file, lets say it was referenced with a file called "drawing v1" and now "Drawing v2" have been made, i want to swap the file inside the reference, not make a new reference. This is also impossible inside the project file. Is this expected behaviour or is this a bug? If this expected, is this the way it should work, or can this be edited to be possible to change?
  6. Hey all, My collegues and I have been using VW project sharing for a couple of projects now. We are using VW 2024 (update 5) landmark edition. We have noticed some seemingly random check-outs being required to update some viewports, graphic legends, or worksheets. I've posted an image below that shows me trying to recalculate a graphic legend (highlighted in the lower left hand corner) and a prompt from VW to check out callouts on totally different design layers and sheet layers that have nothing to do with the graphic legend I'm trying to update. This has happened with other instances but this is the latest one that has prompted me to ask about it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Software engineers do a much better job of tracking versions than architects. I've long thought that Vectorworks could benefit from a system of Forking/Branching, not only as a means of enabling better collaboration but also tracking changes over time. This is particularly important when projects are being built and changes are being requested - it can be very valuable to keep track of these changes. I was impressed by Onshape's implementation of something like this where versions of a file can selectively be merged to the main file, and the main file also compared with previous versions visually to compare the changes. I think this is a viable alternative to the current project sharing system, which for our office at least, is the source of a lot of frustration and time wasting. Some clear benefits I see are: Better file integrity: You remove many people trying to commit to a project file at once which for us leads to problems. The merging is controlled by a project leader at specific points, and merging could take place collaboratively as a team whilst reviewing them in a meeting for example, not all at once at 5pm on a Friday Better approval process: Files are only merged by project leaders after reviewing the potential change and its impact. Information is "pulled in" by a project leader with an oversight of the whole project rather than "pushed in" by whoever made the change who may only be working on a small aspect of the project. Clear overview of project history: See who made changes (branched file), when and why. Project Sharing has project history, but there is too much noise and not clear enough data. The branched file is a clear mark of "we were asked to make this change by this person" not "Chris checked out this window object". I wouldn't be against these types of files being hosted exclusively on Vectorworks Cloud Services to avoid the current "Project Sharing works well on Dropbox, but not Google Drive" etc. Would be interested to hear other's thoughts or if they have other software that tracks these kinds of things for them.
  8. I am working on a project file, shared on Dropbox and we have been getting the “reset the project file” notification. I have reset it, the lead administrator has reset it, and I am still getting this message. Any suggestions? I am guessing it is time to start using the cloud service for hosting.
  9. Hello, In one of very first projects that we decided to switch to new version we are encountering major issue when committing is in action. Committing after short time get stack and never gets complete. Only way to make project sharing work again is setup project sharing anew. After project sharing is working back again it works for some time with shorter time between commits and less amount of changes, but when there is more changes to send (seem like it is related to amount of changes that need to be pushed to project file ...?)it get stacked. Any idea or hint what might be causing this issue? Is there some hidden limit that we can not exceed ...? Project file originally created in 2023 version. We have same issue with other file in which we log our project hours ... typically one work hour = one slot consisting of 2D symbol with text + record format attached. Over fewer years we have collected decent amount of symbols in that one file. Problem occur when starting new project and new project name is inserted into record format list of projects + this change is sent (commit) to project file. Vectorworks cant handle it and process always gets stacked...Again, only way is to save file as a regular vwx file and setup project sharing anew. But this is not the case of first mentioned project (no piles of symbols with records) , just trying to find answer and am sharing this issue we are having related to project sharing ... same in 2023 and 2024. Any workaround? Thanks.
  10. We should have an option to "Automatically check out objects" full stop. I think I understand the rationale for restricting automatic check out to just the layer(s) that the objects you're currently checking out are on, but I never want to work in this way. When I'm checking out objects automatically I want automatic check out to check out any object I need going forward. I don't care what layer it's on. There is never a point that I think, oh, thank you VW for asking me if I wanted to check out this object because it's on a layer that I haven't checked anything out of yet.
  11. I am having trouble setting up Key Note database with project sharing. We keep our project sharing VW documents on the Vectorworks Drive. We have set up a shared workgroup folder on our google drive. the workgroup folder seems to be working for multiple users. I cannot get the notes in a place that is stable or accessible. after i think i get things set up it gives me this. I have not found a step by step description, video or diagram that has helped me figure this out. any direction would be appreciated
  12. It seems like Marionette doesn't work with Project Sharing. Or am I missing something? I created a test file with some Marionette objects. I put it in Dropbox and saved it as a Project Sharing file. I opened a Working File, and everything worked as expected. I signed out of my main user account and went to my evil twin user account, where I created another Working File. There, when I tried to modify a Marionette, it simply disappeared. When I edited the script for another Marionette, its wires (in a network symbol) were disconnected or, mostly, just non-existent. With the Select Similar tool, I determined that the invisible Marionettes still had some kind of presence. When I returned to my main user account and refreshed that Working File, the Marionettes seem to work as expected, but the invisible ones still have their presence.
  13. It would be nice if VCS could render the viewports and save cache in our VW files (as well as creating PDFs)
  14. When sharing a folder in Vectorworks Cloud Services . . . The dialog for team member permissions offers no feedback to know which option is enabled. The dialog options do highlight individually via hover, but no confirmation after click to select. Is this intended? I would prefer some notice notice of status, such as underscore or background highlight. -B
  15. Hi Everyone, We are having difficulties with sometimes work is not being saved even after saving and committing in a project sharing file since we updated to 2018. We tried making a new project file after making previous project file into normal Vectorworks file. I am wondering if someone is having the same issue or know anything about it. Thank you!
  16. Despite the advent of Project Sharing we still find ourselves (reluctantly) splitting files up in order to minimise memory usage when working in the main model file (and, to a lesser extent, save and commit time). If we weren't slowed down by large numbers of Sheet Layers and Viewports we'd almost certainly keep everything in one file. So in order to split files up we have to use Workgroup Referencing. But Workgroup Referencing is cumbersome, because the process of editing the model file, then doing a save and commit, then waiting for Dropbox to sync, then updating the workgroup reference is a long one. But the main culprit is the last step, updating the workgroup reference. Because it fetches the entire file every time you do it and locks up VW in the process. So until Vectorworks can handle a large number of Sheet Layers and Viewports without getting bogged down, it would be great if we had a new form of referencing that worked more like Project Sharing: It would support delta updates rather than having to fetch the entire file It would have a refresh button like Working Files do But it would behave differently to a Working File in the that you could create Sheet Layers that aren't pushed back to the Project File VE-101609
  17. Hi guys, I'm trying to setup the project sharing procedure in our office. We have three windows-based licenses of vectorworks 2021. So, we are able to install the project sharing server (always at the same folder from our local NAS), create the master file and create the first (admin) working file. Or problem starts here. When we open the master file in the other two pcs, it keeps opening as admin, not creating the new users... How do we establish them? And how do I differentiate them? We feel like it is a massive tool, but we're struggling... Thanks!!!
  18. Hi guys, I'm trying to setup the project sharing procedure in our office. We have three windows-based licenses of vectorworks 2021. So, we are able to install the project sharing server (always at the same folder from our local NAS), create the master file and create the first (admin) working file. Or problem starts here. When we open the master file in the other two pcs, it keeps opening as admin, not creating the new users... How do we establish them? And how do I differentiate them? We feel like it is a massive tool, but we're struggling... Thanks!!!
  19. Hi folks, We're working on a file that's setup with Project Sharing and our Master File has corrupted a number of times and we're looking into it but in the mean time, I've been using our backups to create new Master Files and keep working. I've kind of cobbled together a workflow that I think works but I'm wondering what other folks do? There's probably a better way of getting everyone back up and running again with as little re-doing of work as possible. Here's what I do. 1 - Figure out which file is the most recent between the Master File backups and the local Working Files. I do this so that we have as little work to re-do as possible. 2 - Save a Copy of the most up-to date file, usually one of the working files as they'll always have the most recent work in them. 3 - Re-name the most recent file and append with todays date (ie Master-20-09-13_userid.vwx to Master-20-10-14.vwx) 4 - Move all existing Working Files to an "Archive" folder stored locally. Move the corrupted Master File to an "Corrupted" folder on our server (where the Master File is stored) 4 - Re-make a Master File from the new vwx file on the server. 5 - Have everyone create local Working Files from the new Master File. 6 - Re-do the work that was lost. It's not overly complicated but it could use some improvement. Ideally we could re-connect our local Working Files with the new Master without loosing the work we have done individually. Or if one user with a complete local Working file could Save and Commit to replace the information in the Master File with their copy and we could all keep working that would be grand. At one point I tried creating a new Master File as described above but I didn't re-name it with the current date. My hope was that just replacing the file with an uncorrupted version would allow everyone to continue to working without disruption. Well, that didn't work. Knowing that it might not work, everything was manually backed up and I followed the steps above and it worked. Any other recovery systems out there? Not just with Project Sharing either, vwx files corrupt as well. Is there a VW prescribed workflow that I haven't found in my searches? Cheers for the input and have a great day everyone. -Dylan
  20. Hello everyone, Our office just started using Project Sharing for one of our jobs and for the most part it works great. We have been running into some issues and I'm wondering if anyone is running into the same ones. Firstly, approximately every two weeks our Master file corrupts and we have to replace it from its backup file. While this isn't too much trouble, I get the feeling that it shouldn't be happening. Secondly, from time to time, walls/door/other symbols will delete. Its just two of us working on the file and we're not doing the deleting. Has anyone else had elements of their buildings disappear? The last issue might not be project sharing related (but maybe it is?). We've started using data tags for doors and windows. The door tags work fine but most of the window tags will empty (become blank) on plan and elevation views. The windows are there and haven't been modified at all. There's no rhyme or reason as to which window tags go blank or when it happens. Here's the info about our system We are all working on Mac computers but our server is communicating with SMB (I've reached out to our IT folks to ask why it doesn't run AFP). The master file is located on our office server. VW 2020 SO% (Build 562257) (64 Bit) Mac OS 10.14.6 2.6 GHz i7 16 GB memory Radeon Pro 460 4 GB It looks like we will be working with Project Sharing more often and it would be great to have these issues sorted out. Cheers, Dylan
  21. When we save and commit on a project sharing file, many of us are experiencing a visual thing where multiple viewports ghost in. It seems to be a memory issue but it is strange that it seems to be tied to project sharing and saving and committing.
  22. We're considering a move from our local Mac server to Dropbox but I want to test a project first. Is there anything I should know? Is it as simply as moving the Project File to Dropbox and off we go or is there some process I need to follow? One other thing I'm curious of, because I seem to remember somebody telling me it works this way: Does Save & Commit and Refresh data get transmitted over the LAN if the Project File and Working Files are on the same LAN? Or does it need to upload to Dropbox first and then download again? Can we expect any kind of delay if we're all on a LAN?
  23. I'd like the option to have a window pop-up when a Refresh of the Project File is available, with choices to Cancel or Refresh.
  24. Got to work this morning and we're finding we can't do anything with any of our Project Sharing files. If we try to edit a Working File we're getting the attached message. Same message in v2019 or v2020, macOS 10.14 or 10.15, which makes me think it's a Dropbox issue. Is anybody else experiencing this? We've had to convert them to standard vwx files to continue working on them for now.
  25. We are a Mac based office using vectorworks woth project sharing across the majority of our architectural projects as we have multiple users on each, and it’s been working fine. we are now looking at setting up some teams with pc’s instead (so they can also run revit), and we were wondering how the project sharing works across pc and Mac, and if anyone have had any problems with this? in effect some teams might have to do crossover work between Mac saved and pc saved vectorworks files via project sharing. any thoughts and suggestions would be helpful. many thanks kind regards anton
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