Any one noticed that by the latest Wacom Driver Update,
VW is doing very hard now with MMB ?
Beside High Sierra support they said they improved "middle mouse button" and "Move/Scroll" issues +
issues with Wacom Remote when used together with a Keyboard, for certain Apps.
So to say problems I never had before in any App.
It does exactly the opposite for VW as their driver explanation promises.
Now I have problems :
- that VW accepts MMB inputs by Click+second side button at all
- MMB cursor hand Symbol appears but the screen drag is shown/jumps AFTER I dragged and release MMB
(No more live drag preview)
- there are differences or problems between Remote shortcuts vs Keyboard shortcuts
- CTRL+MMB to Flyover is often ignored at all
(And may come back only after I dragged screen using the Spacebar from Keyboard
Looks like they added a little lag between the click and when it is recognized as a MMB click.
(Probably that may help other Apps ?)