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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, Is there an easy way to change the "sort order - order" in a worksheet? In Excel ,Microsoft refers to sort order "levels" which can be moved up and down (e.g. sort by Column A first, then by column B and then by column C) You have a relatively friendly dialogue box where you can move those levels up and down. I can see the little numbers within the worksheet column header icons that show the order levels, so I can see the order in which they are applied, but the only way I can change the 'levels' is to remove all the sorting completely and start again. I looked here - but nothing mentioned - notably bullet option 5 doesn't work (perhaps this is an older feature now removed (I'm using 2021) https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2016/eng/VW2016_Guide/Worksheets/Database_Row_Sort_and_Summary_Functions.htm I know there are movements afoot to update worksheets significantly for the next release - so here's hoping 🙂 R
  2. Hi All, I was just wondering if anybody knows of any 'advanced' Stacking Order tools? We have a complex 2D elevation of a multi-tiered auditorium I'm currently working on. Sometimes new geometry needs to be in a specific place in stacking order to display correctly, but there can be a huge number of them (lets say 5-50 'stacking' layers?). If I need something to stack at say, 25 out of 50, this is quite time consuming! This may end up being one for the wishlist, but I'm imagining a tool which allows you to move the stacking order of an object to match another object (i.e. just in front or just behind) Does anything like this currently exist? Thanks, A
  3. Hello guys, I work in a landscape architecture office and recently we moved from VW2016 to VW2017. So we have this shared Project File that 4-5 people work on at the same time. The problem is when someone sets the order of the overlaying objects in the same layer he's working on and sends the changes to project file, the others get another whole different order of the objects. And this happens also everytime anyone closes the file and opens it again. The Objects remain in their right positions as long as the file is open, but only on your own computer. It seems that VW2017 totally igonres the order of objects or doesn't send it at all to the project file. We worked so far with VW 2014 - 2015 and 2016 and this is the first time this is happening and it's really annoying, since everytime we want to export a sheet layer, we shoud first get inside the respective design layers and redo the objects orders. Also clipping or trimming the overlaying objects is not an option, since we use many symbols, transparent objects, and also it makes the further edits harder. So does anybody know what is the problem? maybe we miss something here? Thank you
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