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  1. In VW 2017 and prior, I had a class, Glass Lens, that I used to emulate the color of the light passing through a lens. In 2018 it is no longer working. I think I have my setting correct in the Spotlight Preferences. I have noticed that there is now a part called Lens in the Parts. What is the function of this part? Could it be messing around with the settings?
  2. I will confess that I'm not that efficient with light sources to the point where I can't get a custom source to show light in any rendering mode. I'm working on a project where we will be providing path lighting with small fixtures fit into new planters. I've modeled that planter to include the a standard "flood" and as you can see in the screen shot some of the are showing up while the same exact symbol suddenly stops rendering the light. Is there a limit to the number of light sources or some setting that I'm missing? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  3. Is there a way to add (or subtract) a specific number from the channel field of a group of instruments? For example: selecting a group of instruments that are numbered 1 to 9 and adding 10 so they're now numbered 11 to 19. Maybe there is a vector script that can do this? Thanks
  4. So over the last few years I've been slowly updating my venues ground-plans in Vectorworks. Unfortunately the previous plans were off by up to a foot in many places. I'm also in charge of all technical aspects for our building now so this has been a slow process updating the files. We have a single rep plot/hang that gets used in several different ways that warrants changes to patch, focus, etc. I would like to be able to house the other variations of my lighting plots within the same "Master" Vectorworks file for my building. For almost every light, there's a change to orientation, focus, purpose, channel etc. And I want to get it all documented in Vectorworks and Lightwright like my overall standard plot is. Is there a way to have other layers of lighting equipment that I can completely turn off to not be referenced? Ideally Have a single inventory set-up in Vectorworks, but be able to have multiple plots with separate XML files for the Lightwright exchange that alters their data like purpose, channel, etc. Mainly because with how often I'm updating the drawings, I don't want to have six different files for our 6 different plots that I have to update architecturally. Any help would be appreciated
  5. Hello, I have been experimenting with rendering gobo recently. And I seem to get a ring of light spill around the shape of the gobo. Is there a way to fix/get rid of this? Please see the image below to see what I mean. Also, the breakup shapes seem to be really low quality. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks, Ryan
  6. I called the service select tech support yesterday due to a problem with Blended Screen. I was extremely surprised to hear that blended screen is no longer part of the standard Spotlight tools and is no longer supported. This was a great tool to work out projection. To my knowledge, it has not been replaced or added to the standard Video Screen tool that doesn't allow to work out how to build a large image with multiple beamers. Anyone has an idea why or perhaps I am missing something. Fabrice
  7. Having issues rotating my movers so they are positioned upright onstage. Can't seem to figure out how to make them not in the hanging configuration.
  8. I had a quick search but I couldn't find anything. Is there a function in Vectorworks Spotlight 2017 that allows me to insert a lighting symbol at different lengths? So the length of the symbol is variable? For instance, when I draw LED tape the length is never a set amount. It is normally set to the size of scenery or buildings. Which means there are sometimes over 10 different lengths the symbol can be. Which makes reports and instrument summaries a nightmare. I think it will be really useful if there was a tool in which you could choose the type of LED Tape (For example RGBW @ 8w per meter). And be able to draw the tape live on the plan. Sort of like how the truss tool works but more of a click and drop like system (So you can create curved tape). It would then be useful for this to automatically be a singular lighting symbol and add information to the `Light Info" records. For example standard lantern information such as Unit Numbers, Circuit Numbers, Purposes, Positions. And additionally new information such as automatic Tape lengths, splits, and final wattages calculated from the watts per meter given and the variable length. I think when it comes to the instrument summary it would be useful if there was just one symbol that showed a section of the length. Named for example RGBW LED Tape. At the moment this is possible but the build list is flooded with 10 different lighting symbols for LED Tape. I know you can choose to hide/show symbols in the build list but symbol management would be so much organised. Let me know if this does or does not exist. Hopefully, I haven't been too oblivious. Many Thanks, Ryan Lawrence
  9. Hey VW Friends, working on rending some 3d shots of a design we are working on for a project and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. any time i try fast or final render works i just get a solid colour Crop. but yet in open GL i can see my full shot, what is also interesting is in Open GL not all my lights turn on, yet they are all duplicated from the first one thats turned on. for my final render work i figured it could also be my Ambient lighting was too dark at 12% so i upped it to 75% and all i got was a more Brown Screen instead of black, i attached that screenshot too. I guess i'm trying to figure out the best render settings for presenting my projects that all the lights are on and i have a nice dark ambient lighting, Thanks in advanced VW Friends. Andrew Total Events
  10. Hi, I have a clean install of Vectorworks Spotlight 2017 SP2. I have used the straight Truss tool to create a Lighting Position. This worked fine initially. Now when I change the z height of the truss the truss dissapears, in 3d and in Top/Plan view. I don't understand what is going on here. Any help much appreciated. See attached files for details. diappearing_truss.mp4 benlight_demo_show01A.vwx
  11. Looking for a bit of help. VW2017 crashed when i reloaded all my lighting fixtures in plan 2d view have all disappeared the channel and DMX info from my lighting legend remain. if i go to edit the instrument and click on 'get resource' the correct shape is there but they do not show up in plan view. They do show up in rendered views. help!
  12. I have a file on spotlight in which, being used to the workings of AutoCAD, I simply set up a 24x36 rectangle and drafted in 1/4" scale in that, since this was my first time using this program. Now that I want to export, I can't seem to get it within the sheet layer. Is there a quick and easy way to get the sheet layer to contain what I drew, or do I have to alter a lot? Also, is there an easy way to change my title block, drawn just in a design layer instead of sheet layer, to the regular format of a title block? If it helps, I have attached the file in question, in vectorworks 2017 format. Beauty_and_the_Beast_Plot.vwx
  13. I have a file that I have drafted in 1/4" scale that I'd like to scale up to 1:1, since it would be easier to manipulate. Is there an easy way to do this without messing up the dimensions of my drawing? Beauty_and_the_Beast_Plot.vwx
  14. Hi to all; Do anyone know any way to associate a hoist with a pipe or truss or any element to work together, and take the weight loads automatically. Or do I trim the loads on every hoist manually on every height change? This maybe a noob question but if there is a way I can't find it on forum or resources. Thanks.
  15. I am currently running VWX 2017 SP2 on Mac, but have encountered a problem. Whenever I insert a 3D Lighting instrument and a focus point, and go to focus the light to the point, VWX crashes and closes down. I have tried a few different things but cant seem to fix this... got a few plans going out this week so could do with sorting it! thanks for any feedback which could help me!
  16. Now that LED's are being used we need Circuit Breaker panel, relay and Contactor symbols to be included in the Spotlight library. These symbols are as necessary as Dimmer rack symbols Its should have reporting functionality as well. **for not fort!
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