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Found 7 results

  1. Dear VW community @Scott Campbell Ive made lighting symbols that have both 2D and 3D symbols. And I have managed to put records to them. Everything seems fine. If I make a visual update it works. I edit the symbol. And boom, all my symbols in the drawing have visually changed. Great! But when I edit the text in the symbol, adding new information (field angle, weight etc), nothing happens. Not so great. I need to click on every symbol and re select the symbol it already have. Then the information is updated. Is this intended? Or am I doing something wrong here? Magnus
  2. Hi there folks and friends, at the moment, i am checking different ways on how to get a correct LED light, here you see my test file: rendering with a glowing material makes the render a bit quicker, but i don't have that photometric light that comes with an ies file. so waht is your suggestion on an LED-stripe that you can buy from OSRAM and so on. The one's you attatch on the lower side of your kitchen furniture or tv shelf. Like use a ies-file and use a lot of lights in a row? Is there a passibility to use ies-files with arealights? or line lights? Really looking forward to your comments on this one, and thanks in advance!
  3. Hello guys, I am trying hard for creating a lighted candle, but can't find the appropriate setting for light and rendering. could anyone out here help me in achieving it. I had attached my file for your reference. Candle.vwx Candle.vwx
  4. So over the last few years I've been slowly updating my venues ground-plans in Vectorworks. Unfortunately the previous plans were off by up to a foot in many places. I'm also in charge of all technical aspects for our building now so this has been a slow process updating the files. We have a single rep plot/hang that gets used in several different ways that warrants changes to patch, focus, etc. I would like to be able to house the other variations of my lighting plots within the same "Master" Vectorworks file for my building. For almost every light, there's a change to orientation, focus, purpose, channel etc. And I want to get it all documented in Vectorworks and Lightwright like my overall standard plot is. Is there a way to have other layers of lighting equipment that I can completely turn off to not be referenced? Ideally Have a single inventory set-up in Vectorworks, but be able to have multiple plots with separate XML files for the Lightwright exchange that alters their data like purpose, channel, etc. Mainly because with how often I'm updating the drawings, I don't want to have six different files for our 6 different plots that I have to update architecturally. Any help would be appreciated
  5. Hello, I have been experimenting with rendering gobo recently. And I seem to get a ring of light spill around the shape of the gobo. Is there a way to fix/get rid of this? Please see the image below to see what I mean. Also, the breakup shapes seem to be really low quality. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks, Ryan
  6. I've Lamps in my Plaza and need to put them off and do a Day Time Render. How can I do this? Can't find an option to keep those lights off and remain day time. Thank you!
  7. Hey Guys, does anybody have spotlight symbols for this lamps / Fixtures? PAR 20 Can PAR 56 Can Pepper 300/500 Generally, where can i search for this symbols.. Where can i get them from? best regards Phil
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