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Found 12 results

  1. Hey, I have one question. Is there a possibility to replace certain fittings all at once. Example: I made a cabinet with 10mm (diameter) dowels. Later if I decide to use 8mm dowels, how can I replace all of them in the shortest time? Thank you for suggestions.
  2. Version 1.1


    Populating empty wardrobes has never been easier. This Marionette will add a clothes rail, complete with coat hangers and even some garments, to your wardrobe. Features: Clothes Rail is placed at correct distance from top of shelf space Choose from a variety of rail types and rails supports (HETTICH) Coat hangers can be placed (with custom spacing) - option Random rotation of coat hangers - option Random deviation from set spacing - option Random garments can be placed - option Show shelf cage - option Supports copying and pasting between documents Automatic filtering for garments that are too long for the given space "Reset on Move" is OFF Integrates with interiorcad cabinets and can be configured from within. Will resize with parent box. Known Issues: Garment lift height filtering is not currently possible as popup menus cannot receive dynamic content. Don't use a garment lift in a cabinet that cannot accommodate it. Kinda makes sense. Some notes on how to use this Marionette: All symbols and miscellaneous geometry is contained within the Control Geometry of this Marionette. The clothes included are courtesy of archive3d.net and free to use in commercial or personal work. If you want to put this Marionette to good use, I recommend you purchase some proper high-quality CGI content from the usual sources on the web and replace the ones I have included. (The textures also need some love.) To replace the garments, right-click the Marionette and choose "Edit Control Geometry". Find the group with the garments. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UNGROUP ANYTHING. Enter the group with the garments. In there, you will find all the clothes symbols. Start replacing at your heart's content. You're safe to do so as long as you stay within the group. Enjoy.
  3. Good evening, I am new to vectorworks and interiorcad and trying to learn it. With interiorcad I made a kitchen cabinet with drawers. I want to edit one of the drawers (to move it a little bit higher, because now drawer runners are just with the bottom edge of the drawer front). But I can't find, how to do that. Is it possible to edit current drawer or I need to delete it and make a new one? Thankx for all the help.
  4. Hey there! I recently upgraded to VW 2024 v2, mainly because I was excited about the dynamic cabinets tool showcased in the videos. However, I've noticed that my settings window looks quite different from the one demonstrated in the guides. Oddly, I seem to have fewer options compared to the previous versions, and just so you know, I still have the interiorcad tool from VW 2022 installed. Any thoughts on what might be causing this discrepancy? Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch!
  5. Hi everyone, Is it possible to create a new set of materials in interior cad? At our company, we work with some wood materials and finishing that aren't available in interior cad. Is there an option to just create one out of thin air? Give it a name, thickness etc. Also for the sides.. Hope someone can help me 🙂 Stay creative!
  6. Good evening, I'm writing because I'm trying to create my own worksheet in interiorcad, to use as an automatic legend in my sheet layer. (see attached screenshot) I was able to filter the cabinet and to show some values as, for example, the Board ID using ='Custom Part - Material'.'Board' but I can't show the most important value, the material Description (as I made my own material database in the interiorcad-Master Data-Edit Boards... menu) I've seen that in the template lists of interiorcad this value I'm looking for is visible with the command [BoardDescription] but I'm not able to transform this in a worksheet string. Is it possibile to do it, so I can better organize my own legend? Thank you in advance, Martina
  7. Hi, I had previously set up a set of undermount slider fittings in VW 2020 using the standard method outlined in the InteriorCAD manual, and they continue to work just fine. I remember vaguely that I had a difficult time locating where was the right place to find the record format inside the symbol. Now I am trying to set up some variations, and I can't locate the record format, or else if I do, all the fields are zeroed out. according to the manual, it should be located on the main group of geometry in the symbol definition, but it's only showing the "sales info" records. However, when I place this slider into a cabinet, it correctly applies the records to the drawer box. Is there any other way to access the records for these fittings? I tried rebuilding from the default example fitting, but I can't find the records for that, either. Thank you!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Adjustable lidded box. The box can be resized and the lid height and offset can be set. Features: Textures of lid will adjust with lid rim A printed logo will replace the label holder if space gets tight (Adjust or replace the texture to change the placeholder logo) dimensions are always outer dimensions, regardless of lid offset (box will shrink if lid offset is increased) Box and drum insertion reference is always front for convenient placement on a shelf Textures and label holder symbol are contained within the marionette script so it fully supports cut/copy/paste between documents "Reset on Move" is OFF
  9. Hi everyone, I'm trying to evaluate how Interiorcad could help on the building of a library of kitchen furniture. I'm having quite few issues, like I don't seem to be able to change the door style, or add a frame to the cabinetry. Has anyone had some knowledge to share or some ideas about this? I've tried to contact their agent but I don't seem to be able to get support. Thanks!
  10. Hi all, I have just updated the books. What's new: All books are now contained within the object. You can freely copy and paste the books from file to file without issue Only available for Vectorworks 2018 Known Issues Please allow for the Marionette to regenerate when you make a change for the first time after pasting/duplicating. Subsequent changes will run fast for the same object but with each new copy that process starts again. Currently, all parameters are set to default values after each regeneration. I will update this once this has been resolved. Download
  11. Hi all, here is a little preview of some new functionality that we want to integrate into interiorcad 2018. With more and more VWX users now developing their own Marionettes, we thought it would be nice to integrate Marionette objects into interiorcad cabinets. This is merely a working prototype but we hope to get this ready for the next major version upgrade. Stay tuned and for those interiorcad users out there: now is the time to craft your own Marionettes :-) Enjoy --Stephan Marionette_interiorcad.mp4
  12. Ever since I saw this 'Drilling 3d' tool shown around 3m45s in Episode 13: Integration of Renderworks in Vectorworks, I've been trying to find it in 2017 without any luck. Is this a localization-provided tool? It would be extremely useful for light fixtures that penetrate a ceiling, so that you don't have to manually boolean a hole out of it. It also shows a tool palette that I have not seen before, is this only available to Designer? Thanks.
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