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Found 9 results

  1. I recently learned how to use both the sectional viewport tool and the Helidon tool in Vectorworks. I have created a 3D model for my university project that is based in Italy, I enabled shadows for the OpenGL rendering option, I was wondering is there a have the shadows come up whilst using 'sectional viewport'? Also can is there a way to enable shadows for the Hidden Line rendering option?
  2. check it? I can change Heliodon to a different class and it looks like it does.... but I'm having issues making it appear with class visibility settings in a view port... I've narrowed this down to even though I select the heliodon and it shows as the class I want in the ObjectInfoPallet... in the visual resource pallet the helidon reports as still belonging to the original class it was placed with. A quick work around is to activate the class I want the heliodon on and place a new one... can't seem to "really" change the class on ones placed. See attached file and open the Visualization-Lights pallet to confirm...heliodon bug.vwx
  3. For live presentation, eg to show shadows from different views, it would be great to adjust the view, then call up the Solar Animation dialog without intervening steps. A key command? Or have access to view navigation (esp flyover) while the Solar Animation dialog is open. Is there a way to directly invoke the dialog for Solar Animation without a bunch of steps to select the Heliodon and press the OIP Solar Animation Button? My Heliodon is in its own layer (but I guess I could do this differently) I know 2 ways to invoke the Solar Animation feature, but both require multiple steps and dialogs: 1. •Set view as desired •Visualization Palette/Lights pane •Right Click Heliodon item •Click Edit •Click Force Select (layer changes to Heliodon, OIP shows Heliodon is selected) •Wait for Vis Palette to minimize (Otherwise it stays open until Solar Animation dialog is closed) •Click OIP Solar Animation button •Dialog opens - It's BIG on a laptop. •Adjust things as nec. Have to close the dialog & start over if need to change view. 2. •Set view as desired •Switch to Heliodon layer •Select All (CmdA) to select the Heliodon •OIP click the Solar Animation button •Dialog opens - It's BIG on a laptop. •Adjust things as nec. Have to close the dialog & start over if need to change view. -B
  4. Has anyone ever experience this or seen this? The typical Heliodon *.vwx files are in the locations they ought to be so I'm not sure if there is some other files. Starting a new file still results in this message and I even re-installed 2017 SP-4. This is on a co-workers machine.
  5. Seems that Center View after View Change is broken wth SP3. I think it already did not work properly in previous versions of VW but with SP3 my Views jump all the time in a way out of screen that I see a blank screen, whenever I switch my active Layer. Which in my current case of screenshotting different geometry versions from same POV is extremely annoying. I think it always centers to the VW origin. Unfortunately not where my center of interest is. And it jumps also in Z with differen Lay Z (Stories). Happens with Active Layer Switch only, Visibility only does not change view.
  6. Im in the process of naming some light sources in my files so easier to set up certain renders. I have named a light and that shows up in the visualization pallet, however when I name the heliodons the name doesn't change.
  7. I'm using the heliodon tool to create solar animations with the timestamp displayed. I set them to go from sunrise to sunset, with frames every 15 minutes. I set the location to "Wellington, NZ", and when the date is set to March 20, the times displayed show things such as 11:60. I've attached an example movie showing this. Wellington_March_20_-_garage.mov
  8. Currently we have to type in 'AM' or 'PM' in order to change the Heliodon time from AM to PM (for 12-hour time locations); We also have to type in a number to set the time. I think it would be more user-friendly to have up/down buttons to set the time and AM/PM. An alternative to up/down buttons to set AM/PM would be a pull-down menu. Example from other BIM software package:
  9. Aside from having to reset my Vw Preferences just about every other week in order to fix tools that spontaneously decide to no longer work properly, I've been having issues with the Heliodon tool and was wondering if I'm the only lucky one. 1. Select a Heliodon and on its OIP, select a Month and Day from the pull-downs. (To test my issue, don't select March, June, September or December) 2. Now select one of the Solstice or Equinox dates at the bottom, do the Month and Day both change to the correct Month and Day? For me - when I select one of the Solstice or Equinox dates, the Day changes but not the Month, so even though I select the Equinox on September 22nd, the Month remains July but only the Day changes to the 22nd. Does anyone else see this behavior? Thanks. Additionally - why do we have to type in 'AM' or 'PM' in order to change the Heliodon time from AM to PM? Seems like an AM/PM pull-down would have been much more user-friendly. ( I have started a wish-list item for this as it's tangentially related to my issue).
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