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Found 8 results

  1. The shapefile's hegemony over spatial file formats is quickly becoming outdated in terms of variability and portability, its many limitations are outlined here. Currently the only real useful option when exporting is the the ability to modify attribute records that can then be used as modifiers inside VW. Also, weird things happen in .shp exports (like data coming in as integer!!) The only other export alternatives from spatial applications is the .dxf file, which limits efficiency in modifying by record. I personally like the geopackage format developed by OGC. It permits multiple layers to be stored in one file along with style information. Its an open standard. As of yet unlimited file size, other benefits are listed in the link above. But I am open to other spatial formats if members of the VW community have strong opinions. PWF
  2. When I try to take a Geo Image I get this message, none of which helps.
  3. On three occasions now I've had to reset the user origin to match the georeferencing coordinate system in the project I'm working on. (Tools > Origin > Set User Origin to match the Georeferencing coordinate system). I'm the only one working on the files. Any idea what could be triggering this to periodically come undone?
  4. Hi When preparing a vwx file with georeferencing for export to a DWG - which typical (proprietary) Vectorworks features should you remove to get a correct DWG? First that comes to mind is: User Origin > Set User Origin to match the Georeferencing coordinate system But what about 'Angle to True North' - can this be properly exported and interpreted by other software or does this need to be reset to 0? Any thing else that could cause problems for a proper collaboration? Any file workflow recommendations for that? for example: in your vwx file you work with an angle to True north, the viewports are made etc. Then you need to share your design with someone who works with different software. Knowing this person will send you his file back with additional information you need to integrate in your vwx file. Is it recommended to make a copy that you strip from these Vectorworks features or is there another work around? Thanks! Carol
  5. We're working in EPSG 27700, and have a drawing with plenty of content already created. I need to send some of this information out, ideally in EPSG 4326. I have tried to just change the EPSG in the existing document properties... which seems to perform a transformation of my geometry depending on the options for transformation I have selected. However, when I export (for example, an image file with associated georeferencing file,) the export still references EPSG 27700 co-ordinates. Am I doing something wrong here? Does Vectorworks perform georeferencing re-projections like this? (And if so, what's the right workflow?) If not, I can work this out in GIS - I just thought it might be neater to do directly!
  6. Is there a way to move a GIS stake to a defined co-ordinate position? For example, with a normal stake, you can place a stake, and then amend the X, Y details to move it to an accurate position. Can you do the same with a GIS stake, to identify a particular co-ordinate position, i.e. 257850E, 667750N (British Grid) - without having a line or point on the drawing already in this position to snap to?
  7. This has happened to a few of us all working on separate drawings now - our drawing information sometimes seems to transport itself way way off grid, with no particular pattern as to why? Can anyone shed any light on this? In terms of our workflow, all of our drawings are set up initially using design layer viewport referencing, to reference in information such as topographic survey, architects / engineers layouts etc, from separate Vectorworks files. All of these referenced layers are set to 'Centre first import, align all subsequent imports' when initially importing into their own files from DWG. Once all of these design layer viewports are referenced (and sense checked that they are in the correct place and suitably stacking on top of each other,) we are then choosing to centre drawing on internal origin, before we begin adding our own information. We then use the design layer referenced viewports as a base to work from to inform our own design, which we draw on a separate layer(s) but in the same position, often snapping etc to the referenced layers and turning things on and off. Sheet layers are created with annotations etc, using both our own layers and the referenced layers. The file can be used for days or weeks working correctly. But then, suddenly we will notice that a sheet layer is only showing annotations and any referenced layers, with none of our own drawing information. The design layer references all remain in their original position, but our drawn information is appearing anywhere up to 250,000km away, and requires to be moved back into place. Is there a reason for this / something we can fix in our workflow to avoid? Or is this a bug of some sort?
  8. Hello, We are working on a BIM level 2 project and have to import our 3D landscape model (produced in Vectorworks) into the Architects master Revit file. We planned to do this via .ifc but it is not importing in the correct place. If we export our drawing as a 2D .dwg it imports correctly but the .ifc seems to lose its georeferencing. Does anyone have any idea why this might be/if I am missing something? Many thanks! JJ
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