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Found 13 results

  1. Hi Y'all... Pour yourself a coffee and tuck in; this is a long one! I'm having trouble mapping an NDI stream to various LED tiles placed on stage in set carts. The set looks like the following screenshot. All of the display surfaces are LED Screen plugin objects with dimensions and pixels set correctly in the OIP as indicated: The image on the LED screens is set in "Edit Array Image" where a custom texture is selected. Notice that the Scale is set to 50% to get the image to display correctly (the illusion is a stack of TVs with different images). The image used for the texture is only two TVs wide, so this makes sense as applied to the still image in VWX. Changing this scale, however, has no effect on the eventual video mapping problem that we shall see in Vision. I tried exporting MVRs with all of the Scale adjustments in this menu set to 100% and had the same results that are illustrated below. I also wonder what the "Capture Source Name" and "Capture Source Number" are in the "Select Vision Video Source" dialog. These names do not correspond to the names that Vision ends up asking for, and you could put Fred or Ethel in the "Capture Source Name" field and you never see those names come up again throughout the process: But let's not get distracted... OK, so now we move over to Vision, after exporting the LED tiles in their own MVR. The set carts that they travel in get exported as a separate MVR to keep things organized. These two MVRs plus my Amphitheatre MVR merge together in to this model: Let's begin by selecting our first LED array (in this case the 4 tile square array top center) and choosing Assign Video Input: We assign the video input a name: The video input is fed via NDI from a MacBook Pro running Resolume Arena. The NDI monitor on the Vision PC shows a smooth, steady video image in real time: We find the 1920x1080 NDI input that is being scaled by 1/3 to give us a raster of 640x360 for use in Vision. So let's crop the NDI stream! I scaled my 1080 template down to 640X360 in Photoshop to determine the exact corners of every crop and wrote them down (analog, in a notebook with a pencil) because the cropping tool in Vision is rudimentary at best. You can't zoom in on it, there's no grid or snap guide... best to use the tools in Photoshop and write down the pixels. So we get our square crop for our square video surface: And we do it for each of the LED screens in the model: During this process, plan to spend a lot of time looking at this screen, waiting for Vision to "see" the NDI input that it "saw" just perfectly moments ago: Eventually we have created 13 separate crops of the NDI raster and mapped them to our LED screens. And here is the confusing result: Note the different scaling of the crops! Nothing seems to work out right, except the SR High and SL High set carts! The 2wide x 4high carts are the only ones that display the crop faithfully. The Ctr Top crop is perfectly square, mapped to a perfectly square screen. It ends up stretched vertically. Ditto the Ctr Bottom... that one is stretched vertically and doubled. The math certianly does not work for the downstage 3wide x 1high boxes. Playing with the texture scaling and offset in Vision does not help... You can't fix an asymetrical scale as is occuring here. If we use Vectorworks to create an LED screen and send it to Vision, and Vision has the ability to crop an incoming NDI stream, why doesn't this just work? I did try sending the crops from Resolume as separate NDI streams but Vision could not see them as separate. Any help would be appreciated. Getting this model to work will greatly increase the chances that it will be useful to me before we get to rehearsals. Thanks peace aj peace aj
  2. Good morning folks, I have a weird thing happening in my published PDF sets. I got an email from one of the consultant asking me if I could remove the blue overlay from the two sheets I'd sent them. I've attached screen shots that they sent me and shots of what I see. The blue we see in the consultant screen shot are the space objects extending beyond the crop rectangle on the SLVP. On the design layers, they are that blue colour. The really odd thing is that they extend beyond the boundaries of the page and display as such. Usually when there is an export glitch, it stops at the edge of the page. I have three Data Visualizations running applied to the viewports. One to change the appearance of the spaces to indicate which type of flooring to use. The second changes the rest of the spaces grey or white depending on wether they're in the scope of the project. And the third is to change the overall appearance of the walls and other objects by class. The two DVs applied for the spaces each alter the visual characteristics based on which Zone the space is included in. Flooring (Type 1 and Type 2) for the first DV and Scope (In Scope, Outside of Scope). Any ideas what's going on here? If you need any other info, let me know and I'll try and get it posted here. Thanks, -Dylan
  3. Hello. I am setting up some LED screens in Vision. They are placed as graphic screens, so no regular image. Therefore i am cropping every screen from a singel input. It gives me arround 25 crops. When after exit it seems that vision forgets the crop. Is there a way to make vision store the crop for every screen, or will i need to do it on every startup? Best from Mathias
  4. I might be splitting hairs on this, but I find it constantly annoying. Alright, let's say I create a cropped viewport on a sheet layer, then I go in to the viewport and move the crop, I would really like Vectorworks to be a bit smarter and keep the viewport crop centered on the sheet layer where it was originally and not make me run after the viewport and move the object back to where it was on the sheet layer. Surely this is feasible?
  5. All of a sudden my worksheet images are being cropped. Settings for Image are custom scale 1:48, Top/Plan Anyone know how to fix this?
  6. After years of creating viewports with drawn rectangles, all of a sudden on files I've been using for a long time, a green rectangle comes up in 2D crop viewports both on the sheet layer and the original design layer. Sometimes there are several stacked on the design layer. They show up as simple rectangles in the None class - I can delete them, but they come back. I've never seen these in over 17 years of using MiniCad / VW. There must be some default that got triggered. I'd like to know how to get rid of these for good. thanks, Ken
  7. Dear VW team, I wish it would be possible when creating a new Viewport to have the option to create a crop right there and then, for example in the shape set by the camera settings - 'Aspect Ratio 16:9'. This by choice or default. Reasons for my wish are: 1) when being on the sheet layer and I want to move a Viewport that has no crop object within, it is more difficult to snap to the corners of the VP in order to position it on my layouts 2) when trying to place a rectangle into the open Viewport Crop to have my VPs match the shape which has been created by the Aspect Ratio, it also does not snap to the corners of the VP, whilst it does snap to the 3 snaps on each side Hope this makes any sense, please let me know in case there are any questions. Happy days from Melbourne OZ. Grethe
  8. Hi guys, good afternoon, I attach to this post the VW file. The project relates to a road rehabilitation (creation of a walkable course, parking area, etc.). I added the stakes of the topographic survey, created the surface and then added the intervention limit. To that point on, the surface started having 3d errors. I tried to simplify the limit, but the errors kept going. Any suggestions? How to you usually faced this problems? Best regards, João Rodrigues 2017_03_02_ACESSO_MARINHA.vwx
  9. Guest

    Site Model Spiderweb

    When creating a bespoke site model crop I am finding that anything more than a simple 5 - 8 sided polyline will result in a "spiderweb" effect that crosses between the extremities of the crop when viewed as a 3D Mesh Solid. Are we aware of a simple fix for this (I have tried changing my OpenGL settings with no success) or is it a known bug? Many Thanks.
  10. Hello - VW2017 Architect - SP3 - Mac issue One of our installations of VW is exhibiting strange behavior. Here's what's happening... 1. Double click on viewport on Sheet Layer that contains no crop object - select Edit - Crop 2. Create new crop rectangle (Class '0' - default line wt. 0.13, line color = black) 3. Exit Viewport Crop 4. Double click on same viewport on Sheet Layer - select Edit - Design Layer 5. Crop rectangle drawn in step 2. (above) now appears in the Design Layer, in Class '0' - but line color is green, line wt. is 2.54. The crop rectangle should NOT be showing up as an object in the Design layer. And when returning to the Sheet layer, the green rectangle is visible at the perimeter of the viewport. This occurs on every file now. Not sure why this started happening. This was happening before and after installation of SP3. Anyone have any idea about what may be going on? Thanks - Doug
  11. I don't have the option to use a 2D-crop object when creating viewports. One time i accidentally turned the option of and I can't find where to turn it back on. Anyone?
  12. Hi there, I'm new to Vectorworks and wondering why when I update a section viewport the image within in it seems to move within the cropped area. It doesn't happen all the time but enough to be frustrating when I have to continually re crop the viewport. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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