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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, I'm using Vectorworks 2018 SP6 (Fundamentals, Spotlight, Renderworks). For the last several months I've been maintaining a manual link between Vectorworks and Excel by going through a process of importing a CSV made from Excel as a worksheet and pasting values one column at a time into a database worksheet linked to a symbol record format. I made a couple of other posts with problems I had when I was first getting started with this project but unfortunately got no help. Once I finally got it working, albeit cumbersome, it had no real issues. I haven't needed to update either the Excel file or the Vectorworks file for a couple months but now I have new information to incorporate. All of the steps leading up to this point have been identical to what I did for months, but now I get an error message when I try to paste cells into this worksheet: "The cells you are trying to change do not allow pasting." I've never seen this before, doing it this way has always worked up to this point. Here's my troubleshooting process so far: Close without saving and restart computer Check it's the exact same number of cells copied as attempted to paste into Check file isn't accidentally open read only somehow (I can change anything else) Make sure correct Excel file was opened (I even opened an older version but got the same error) Try copying small groups of cells, which worked but only sometimes (also isn't a realistic option for 17 columns and nearly 2000 rows) Not sure what to try next. Any help is appreciated, thank you
  2. One of the most frustrating and time consuming experiences in VW is the copy and pasting of database header rows and other worksheet elements. It would be an incredible if, when copying and pasting a database header row, that the paste result would remember the summarization and sort settings of the original copy. Instead, it forgets all summarization and sorting and if you have a fairly complex system of these results, you have to manually restore them on all necessary columns. This is also true with merged cells. Worksheets should remember the merge and wrap text settings of copied cells and apply them to the paste. Excel does this, so should VW. Pretty basic, but a big potential time saver.
  3. Copy & paste between drawings/ 'windows' - sometimes works, other times not. Haven't found a pattern to it. The command on 'window' drop-down doesn't let me switch betwen open files. Found a work-round but it's a real pain. Anyone else had this...or is it user error?! M
  4. I'd like an option to copy and paste objects from another file but without importing Classes. The information would come in as an object that behaves like a Viewport, with its own Class visibilities. The difference being that you wouldn't need to create a Workgroup Reference, nor import all the data from a Design Layer when creating a Design Layer Viewport (both of which I find eventually weigh a VW file down). When co-ordinating with engineer's drawings, for instance, I tend to copy and paste just the bits I need rather than creating a WGR and Viewport. The downside is it brings in their Classes. If they have a lot this can impact quite a bit on Class navigation.
  5. Hi all, I'm sure it used to be possible to copy and paste between two open drawings, but in VW2017 it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas/ was this ever possible?! thanks Mark
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