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  1. Per now, we can only sort by, or exclude classes by tag or text, but not both at once, and not multiple of each. This limits how well a filter can work when multiple classes follow a numbering system. As example, we have classes for styles, and for the layers in the styles. the classes follow the same numbering system at the start of the class name, but the classes should not show at the same time when using a filer. I have a tag on the classes used for the "layers" that only show the relevant classes when building up these styles, but if i want to make a filter that sorts by a range of numbers, as well as excluding these tagged classes, i can not. Please add this function as it would make working with many classes a lot easier. Example for what i wish for: Exclude by word: text1 , text2 , text3 , etc Exclude by Tag: Tag 1, Tag2, Tag3 , etc Exclude by word and Tag: Exclude (text1) & (Tag1) where i work, this would make it a lot easier to only show relevant classes per filter, but as of now, it is not possible as we can only sort by one word or tag Vectorworks 2024. Version 8, latest update also tested in Vectorworks 2025. If this is possible, then i dont see how.
  2. I don't know if anyone can help with this. I have been trying to use python scripting to create new classes by importing data from a .cvs file with the class name, lineweight, and pen colour. The script is able to import the name and linewights correctly without any problems. However, when it comes to setting the pen colour it doesn't work and either has just black and white, or semmingly random colours. And help into what i am missing here would be greatly appreciated. import csv import vs # Prompt the user to select the CSV file file_path = vs.GetFile() # Check if a file was selected if file_path: # Read the CSV file with open(file_path, mode='r') as file: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(file) for row in csv_reader: class_name = row['Class Name'] line_weight_mm = float(row['Line Thickness (mm)']) pen_r = int(row['Pen Color (R)']) pen_g = int(row['Pen Color (G)']) pen_b = int(row['Pen Color (B)']) # Convert line weight to mils line_weight_mils = round(line_weight_mm / 0.0254) # Create class and set attributes vs.NameClass(class_name) vs.SetClUseGraphic(class_name, True) vs.SetClLW(class_name, int(line_weight_mils)) # Set line weight vs.SetClPenFore(class_name, pen_r, pen_g, pen_b) vs.SetClPenBack(class_name, pen_r, pen_g, pen_b) vs.SetClFPat(class_name, 0) vs.AlrtDialog('Classes created successfully with correct line weights from the selected CSV file!') else: vs.AlrtDialog('No file was selected. Operation canceled.')
  3. HI I am trying to move some doors and millwork to demo class, but it wont let me make the change? The objects aren't locked and Im not sure how to change their class? The door is unsettled and the wall that its nested in is set to demo class. Thank you
  4. Hello, I'm trying to write a script that adds a label to a vwx class but i can't seem to figure it out.. I tought an array in vectorscript was the same as a list in python? Can someone please help me out 😄 def SetTags(): # List of tags i want to add l = ["Concreet"] # Handle to the vwx-class i want to add the label to h = vs.GetObject('00. Algmeen') # Function for setting the label vs.SetObjectTags(h, l) SetTags() # Result -> Error: Invalid callback function parameter type. Parameter index= 1 name=arrTags # file "<string>", line 12, in <module> # file "<string>", line 9, in SetTags # file "<string>", line 1, in <module> This is what i have in vectorscript and this works but all my code is in python. Procedure Test; VAR A1: Array[1..1] of String; B1: Boolean; Begin BEGIN A1[1]:='Concreet'; B1:=SetObjectTags(GetObject('00. Algemeen'), A1); End; End; Run(Test);
  5. I need to make marketing drawings showing unit layout. One set of PDF drawings will need to show room dimensions and an identical set of PDF drawings will not show the dimensions. I'm new, so this is an explanation of my workflow: I've selected my viewport and click 'Edit Annotations'. I added my dimensions. I created a unique class name called "DIMS_unit". I select the dimension and in the OIP select the unique name from dropdown list. I then exit Viewport Annotations. If I want to export to PDF with no dimensions showing, I then go to the Navigation/Classes and turn visibility off for the unique dimension class name, but they are still showing. What am I missing?
  6. I have a resource libary that is used across the business and recently we have been starting to use Graphic Legends (GL). When we import the GL into the required document all class definitions from the resource liabary then get imported into the new document. Is there a way to make sure either no classes are imported or only the class definition of the GL is imported?
  7. Hi, I have started using pre configured saved views in an attempt to streamline my workflow. The area of most value has been the setting up of which layers and classes I have visible. What I have discovered is that during the process of drawing, any newly created classes are set to 'not visible' by default. For example, when I choose a particular wall type not used before and classes are created, they are turned off in all the preset saved views. Is there a way to set the default to have newly created classes 'visible' Or am I going to have to create a new template file thaws these walls and other objects in them? TIA James Dawson
  8. Good day: If the objects in symbol were created on the 'none' class and it is assigned to its appropriate class descriptor eg. Equipment main , but later on in the modelling process the objects inside the symbol show as being on random class that they were not originally assigned to. What could have caused this and how can it be fixed without going through every symbol in the model to reassign them to appropriate classes. Helpful to know: The VWX file is a shared file - multiple persons work on it throughout the course of the day. With thanks,
  9. In one file, only, a full list of the file's classes is not available when trying to change the class of a wall component. Just a very few classes show up in the drop down list, as defined by one particular class-filter. I worked around by opening a file with the same total classes and imported the wall to be edited. Changed the class, then imported the edited wall back into the first file. So it's not a Vectorworks issue, but maybe some sort of document issue. But I cannot find any setting in Document Preferences which changes this strange behaviour. But whilst looking at Document Preference settings encountered the same problem when trying to set dimensions to draw automatically in my preferred class... ...just wondering if any one else has encountered this? VWX 2024 Update 2.
  10. Hi all, How do you all do when you want to have some guide lines and not print these? The only workaround I've been doing is the creating the NonPlot class give it some strange colours so we can know it's visible and then before printing turn off the class, but is there any other way? (eg. when working in Autocad you could change the in the layer to not be printable even though the line was active and in the print area, is something like this possible?)
  11. HI, I didn't find the way how to list all the classes assigned to a layer. I have lot of classes and layers, but I don't see the links between them. Any idea? thank you
  12. Good afternoon folks, I have a weird thing showing up to all my doors and windows. There are these thick black lines at the sides of the window / door symbols. I never noticed it before because I had my data visualization set to make the existing walls 80% black. We changed the graphic representation and went for a 50% black and now these show up at every door and every window. They appear to be "under" the window / door symbols. The "Draw wall lines" is turned off and the lintel and threshold classes are set to an invisible class. I've also looked into the wall type to see if there's something class wise going on there but everything is set to colour by class which has been modified with data visualization. Any ideas what they are and how to turn them off? Thanks folks! - Dylan
  13. I'm in the process of migrating from Revit. Currently I'm trying to figure out class naming standards and so forth. I've found the standards sub folder within the VectorWorks program folders and libraries using the Windows file browser. However, when I go to my resource browser and look for the standards folder there, no luck. ?? using the windows file browser I've opened up the ClassNameStds.sta folder and am able to peruse it's contents. I think I want to create another column for my own standard. Or maybe copy this file and just change the lineweights and colors. What exactly is an *.STA file, how is a new one made, and how does it get connected with the "Standard Naming" command? What's going on under the hood? Thanks, Rudy Beuc
  14. Good morning everyone, Not sure if this is possible but I thought someone might have discovered a way to do it... My workflow right now for setting up viewports (usually plans) is to control class appearances through a data visualization preset so it's consistent and easy to apply, and then turning on / off class visibilities in the "Classes" options under the Viewport OIP. On every plan viewport, I turn off all the wall component classes so that the walls default to their class appearance. (ie, all new walls are drawn under the WALL-NEW class which is a white fill with a .35 black line). I learned this trick from, I think, a @Wes Gardner video. This is great for simplifying the drawing and making it easier to read but it's a pain for dimensioning when we are dimensioning from structure and not finished faces. It would be wonderful if I could setup a data visualization that would alter both the appearance of the classes AND also the class visibility in the viewport. I like working on the annotations in full colour / detail and it would be grand if with one selection I could set all the visibilities / visual properties for viewport when I'm done or need to switch between the two. I know I can accomplish this with the eyedropper tool but it makes it hard to keep things consistent throughout multiple projects and I have to remember to keep one viewport always set to the "final look" to pull from. Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks folks!
  15. Hi everyone, I would like to be able to write scripts that change objects on a given layer/class. I will want to do things like: changing fill or pen colour/thickness or switching a particular layer/class off. Can you please advise me whether there is a good example of a similar script out there that I could have a look at and use as a guideline when adjusting to fit my needs? Thank you very much!!
  16. Hello Vectors, Recently I had a file where I wanted to overrule the class settings because no symbols were set by the class. At that point, I tried clicking the checkbox hoping that all classes were set "by class". Unfortunately nothing happens. Now I'm currently working with an other file where I did the same thing, and yes, I finally had the popup I needed. Can someone explain to me when and when you don't get this popup?
  17. Hi, Having spent an hour or so on the phone with one of your very helpful support team I thought it prudent to add this feature request to save time and effort for others in the future. I have imported several DWGs into separate reference files and used reference viewports to view/snap to them in my main working file. However I want to grey out these backgrounds in the sheet layers so that my content (not the architect's) is clearly visible against their background. By using viewport class overrides this should be possible (setting the line and fill colours to grey). I was advised today that this only works if ALL the reference file objects have their attributes set by class. The DWG import doesn't have an option to do this. Setting all objects to by class manually after the import doesn't always work well since the AutoCAD layer definitions (which are converted directly to classes - which is the right thing to do) may not have been used by every object in the drawing (colour by layer/fill by layer etc) but instead set manually. Is there any clever way around this problem (perhaps creating more classes where manual overrides have been used). Creating and using classes based on an objects current line type/colour/fill type/colour etc to create a class automatically and apply the same class to objects with identical attributes and then setting all attributes by class? (I envisage hundreds of 'sub-classes' being created) The other problem arises when dealing with hatches. AutoCAD, unless I am mistaken, allows you to use hatches where the hatch line colour is determined by the layer, VW has individual hatches one per colour if needed .... adding to my problems. I went through and changed all the pen colours and set them to grey (but I don't think that a good idea). Love to hear your thoughts. R
  18. Hello, So I'm creating a 3D Building and I've separated it in different layers and classes. Now, as I'm working, I'll naturally move inbetween layers/classes and this has been happening (check photos): I'm working on the tower, for instane, go from top/plan view to a costum 3D view and the rest of the building (on a different layer), as well as the 2D page remains in top/plan view. Also, as you can see I've got "Show, Snap, Modify Others" on in both layers and classes. This did not happen to me before and I'm not sure why it's happening now. Can anyone help? Thank you very much!! Cheers
  19. Hi All, Perhaps an obvious question, or may be not.. but is there an easy way to summarise and view all the objects in my drawing so that I can make sure everything is in the correct class or on the right layer. As a VW newbie I have found myself drawing objects onto the wrong active design layer or creating objects in the wrong class. Sometimes I spot it at the time, or make a note to myself to correct it later. I know. Discipline! Some examples: Walls and doors should be in walls and doors classes (and only on certain layers) Televisions should be in an AV-TVs class and on the AV-Equipment Loudspeakers should be in the AV-Loudspeakers class on the AV-Equipment layer I only expect polylines in my audio zoning layers I was wondering if there was some means of checking things over via a worksheet for example and possibly correcting them from the worksheet too, perhaps. Spotting the things that are clearly out of place? TIA Ross.
  20. Would it be possible to add colour information to the OIP class drop down list to make selection of some classes which relate to the (by class) attribute colours to be applied more obvious/quick and simple? E.g. Class A, B, C, D, E and F will apply different colours to various objects, it would be handy to be able to select them based on the colours displayed in the drop down not just the class name. Just a though, as always! R
  21. The NBS team have just announced an update to their Uniclass tables. The updated tables can be found here https://www.thenbs.com/-/media/uk/files/zip/uniclass/uniclass-all-2021-01.zip?la=en As part of our ongoing preparation of Vectorworks resources for our clients and customers, we have just updated the BS1192/ISO19650 compatible class library previously issued, namely Uniclass Table EF to v1.8 and attach it for your information and comment. All amendments and revisions to classes are noted in Red. The NBS team have not deprecated any classes in this latest update, but we will note these in grey when the time comes. There is a 'Read Me' class also in the file, to identify the version of the table, along with commonly used filters as previously discussed. Uniclass Table Ss is currently in preparation, and can be emailed on request. The attached table is v2020. It was felt that issuing v2020 and letting you convert to v2021 did not pose any major technical issues. As before classes are prefixed with the Discipline code 'A-'. Use the Batch Rename command to change this code. If you would like any other tables in any other version of Vectorworks; need help uploading to, or configuring your workgroup folder; or would like be included on our mailing list, please do not hesitate to contact us via the forum. Regards Steven Shorter BA(Hons) DiplArch(pcl) Architect Classes-BS1192-Uniclass2015-EF-v1-8-2020.vwx
  22. Hi vectorworks community, I wonder if people use standard naming tool (found in File>Document Settings>Standard Naming...) for daily work as a part of their office standard template...is it of any use and if yes is it reliable to do what it suggest? My main aim is to have classes in my own language - not english, ones that are coming automatically with certain inserted objects (site model, site modifier, roads, window, doors...) I have been experimenting little bit with these tool with mixed feelings so far. For example class name for site modifier will not change even if I have mapped it with custom name...still coming as: Site-DTM-Modifier What about copying objects from other files (ones with standard VW arch active ). Will it bring classes with that standard names or will it rename accordingly my custom standard....? What about class attributes that can be defined within dialogue...will it override existing class attributes? What is best approach to use this tool? Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.
  23. How do I control the visibility of classes in a viewport directed to a design layer object which is a referenced drawing? I am not able to see the classes in that reference drawing. The alternative would be to go into the design layer and turn that class off by selecting the referenced item but I am wandering if I would loose that visibility in other viewports which refer to the same object. Maybe I could copy this reference to another layer and work from there; would that add a lot of memory to my file size? I am not sure what the best approach is, please advise . In the image below I would like to not see the plywood in the bracket detail
  24. When I insert a symbol from the VW Cloud libraries, I would like a setting to insert that symbol into my drawing in the active class. I don't mind the internal geometry having specific classes that need to be maintained, but I would like to govern how the symbols themselves are inserted into my drawing. If this exists already, my apologies. I have not been able to find a way to make this happen. Thank you for all you do!
  25. Hello, Is it possible to set the same landscape areas as different colours on different sheet layouts? For example, I have a class called 'proposed hedges' On my planning drawing I want all landscape areas in this class to have a green fill and dark green line, as this is a coloured layout. On the planting plan I want to use the same hedges but I don't want them to have a fill and I want the line to be black as this is a black and white drawing. For most objects I can select the viewport on the sheet layout and click on the viewport class properties and choose different settings for colours etc just for this viewport. But with landscape areas this doesn't seem to work?? I am using Vectorworks 2019. Thanks.
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