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We use Vectorworks quite heavily in the office for 2D drawing, but are just really starting to get to grips with Landmark / Renderworks, and while I am loving it so far I'm not quite sure of the full extent of it's capabilities. I am looking to do some visualisations for a wind farm planning application, for which the levels of accuracy required by technical guidance for visualisation (published by SNH) is quite precise, and I'm not sure if it's something that can be achieved in Vectorworks or if I need to look at bespoke wind energy software (such as Resoft Windfarm / WindPro etc.) I need to be able to match a wireframe view of OS terrain information (for an area of up to 80km of Terrain50 contour shapefiles or DTM grid) with a panorama photograph, to an exact bearing direction and field of view. The wireframe needs to match the cylindrical projection of the panorama photograph (- i.e. NOT be in standard equirectangular / planar perspective as per a single standard photograph,) and the model will also need to account for the curvature of the earth and atmospheric refraction. My current feeling is this is beyond the realms of Vectorworks capability at present, (much as I would love this not to be the case!!) but I would appreciate the thoughts of users with more experience and expertise!!