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  1. Does Braceworks know about grapples? Is there a way to get BW to understand what they are and how they work?
  2. Hello Forum, Is it possible to attach hoist properly for the Braceworks plug in to vertical truss. Please see attached screen shot. Wayne
  3. Is there an easy way to incline a truss with al his lights and connections to get different calculations in Braceworks to see de different load calculations?
  4. Is there an easy way to incline a truss with al his lights and connections to get different calculations in Braceworks to see de different load calculations?
  5. Hi All, Is it possible to add a new cross section tab at >Prolyte Structures > "BGR70"? Today I added the BGR symbols to my our own workgroup library as a braceworks truss, but I don't want to use a Rigid custom field, but a new cross section that everybody can see in our template / workgroup at Prolyte Structures. Hope to hear.
  6. I'm trying to make some custom truss that technically is a 4-way corner block. There are connection points at each end of the truss and two offset toward one side. Here are some screen grabs of what I'm working on. When I try to make the connection on the offset side, I'm getting some really results. Thoughts? Offset Truss.vwx
  7. Is it possible to edit the Point Load or Distributed Load colors to match the default hoist colors? It is almost maddening to insert an audio hoist and have it default to yellow and have an audio point load default to red. I have tried to adjust via class and it won't change. Any ideas?
  8. It would be cool if you could actually place hoists and braceworks connections on the same layer as your truss/position that you use for a rotated DLVP position. You currently cannot do this, you get the hybrid symbol error if you try to rotate it (this is solely caused by hoists and rigging connections, which is stupid because if you uncheck show screen plane/planer view it seems like it should be a non-issue since it's treated as 3D only anyway) In addition to this it would be rad if the hoists could auto adjust their chain and orientation to always be vertical, or show the toe-in/toe-out of the chain. In a similar way to how a lighting device can track it's focus point through the DLVP.
  9. Hallo Forum users. Does anyone know why i can't calculate this small cantalever? Weight wise should it not be a problem. Any idea's? Greetings Martijn. Braceworks error.vwx
  10. So I have lighting attached to a lighting pipe connected to truss. I have the truss connection diamond showing the pipe connection. When I select the system and run a calculation the pipe is not added to calc. Any ideas? It shows the connection highlighted but not the Pipe or the lights.
  11. Hi there! simply question : its possible to have a full library from Litec ? to works better with Braceworks web:https://www.litectruss.com/products/ Library: - Trusses - Conical trusses - Libera system - High load Trusses - Towers - Flytowers Thanks in advance.
  12. I wish you could reshape distributed loads with the reshape tool rather than trying to edit the path which won't allow you to see the underlying objects to snap your adjustments to.
  13. What is the best way to incorporate inverted motors in truss? For example I have a PA deadhung from a truss and am using a motor for pull back inverted on the truss. I don't necessarily need it to calculate properly as I can manually manipulate with point loads to get that. But I do need to not have a whole bunch of red highlighting.
  14. What is the process of adding additional manufacturers truss libraries to both Vectorworks and Braceworks?
  15. I've noticed since installing SP3 that the truss weight defaults are wrong... Example shown = Tomcat 12x12 box truss @ 10'. Vectorworks inserts this as weighing 134.48 lbs and the manufactures website says this should weigh 61 lbs. I am having to change this constantly (customize etc.).... What gives?
  16. I am having many issues with braceworks but two are particularly problematic right now. 1. Braceworks is always loosing the "attachment" of objects to their hanging positions. I.E. I have a hanging position and go to do the calculation and is says it is not supported. so I go and reattach my motors. go calculate again and not three random instrument are not attached, go re attach them, re calculate and now other lights are now not attached, repeat cycle until i am bald. Very frustrating. 2. I select a hanging position (and its components) and run a calculation on selection. It comes back with a red box saying "selection not supported" that is in the middle of nowhere, not pointing to the truss that I have selected. It might be pointing to a truss that is on the ground, not being supported except for the floor it is laying on, in a layer turned off. But the issue is that I cannot get it finish the calculation on the truss that I have actually selected. Any ideas why it is bound and determined to add things to the calculation that are not selected. Also on the list of questions. how do I get Braceworks to ignore certain objects like pipe and drape that is floor supported? or truss used as scenic pieces on the deck. I would like to use this software more but it has been very difficult to commit to deadlines because I don't know when it will let me down. Thanks so much.
  17. Where do I change the self weight of a chain hoist? (Hoist and chain weight) All the hoist`s possible to choose are having the same weight..
  18. I often have a setup that will be quite the same on the other side of the centre point. Therefore I often want to use the mirror or copy tool. I cant say that this always happens but I often have a problem with objects that have been "mirror/copied" do not have a new Load ID. It still keep the same load ID as the symbol that it was "mirrored / copy" from. Is it a fix for this? I have attached a picture that shows an example of what I mean. At this project, it is a 360 degrees screen, and when I have drawn all of the projection of the one side it would been nice to mirror it to the other side. When I do the Mirror function I need to adjust all of the "load ID" on the items I mirrored. Yes, it is not a very big issue, but it takes a bit of time to do that to very time you mirror or copy symbols that need to be a part of the braceworks calculation.
  19. For the second year, global design software developer Vectorworks, Inc. will sponsor awards at the annual Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) in support of recognizing the diverse work of young entertainment designers. From January 9 to March 3, 2018, thousands of talented student artists, from eight regions across the United States, will have the opportunity to showcase their work. “In 2018, KCACTF is celebrating its 50th anniversary honoring excellence and offering student artists individual recognition through awards and scholarships,” said National KCACTF DTM Chair Rafael Jaen. “At its core, it provides opportunities for participants to develop cutting-edge skills and learn current best practices. We do this successfully by partnering with industry-leading sponsors, such as Vectorworks. The company's sponsorship will help the Design, Technology and Management (DTM) students expand their design approaches and achieve higher levels of professionalism.” The eight regional festivals KCACTF is hosting this year will be comprised of workshops, discussions, regional-level scholarships and award programs, giving students the opportunity to present their best productions and receive feedback from professionals. This program helps students develop their creative and technical skills and provides opportunities for participants to take important next steps in their careers. For each of the eight regional festivals, Vectorworks will donate a professional Vectorworks Spotlight 2018 software license to the winners of the Design, Technology and Management category. “The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival gives young theater students a chance to be recognized for their creativity,” said Frank Brault, product marketing manager for entertainment at Vectorworks. “We appreciate this opportunity to support the next generation of entertainment designers, year after year.” Brault will be attending the Region 1 KCACTF festival that takes place from January 30 to February 4 at Western Connecticut University. He will be located at a table at the vendor expo to support the students, as well as offer demos of Vectorworks Spotlight, Vision, and Braceworks. Since its commencement in 1969, the KCACTF has given more than 400,000 college theater students the chance to have their work evaluated and receive national recognition. Learn more about KCACTF’s network with more than 18,000 student participants and over 600 academic institutions, as well as each festival, at http://www.kcactf.org/regions/
  20. I'd like to propose that when you toggle the double purchase (sidebar, I've always heard this as called double reeved when referring to motors, and double-purchase for fly rail systems, maybe it's a US thing?) option in the hoist tool the diagramed changes happen. Basically: When the toggle is ON: The max allowable weight of the the selected hoist doubles from it it's default capacity The speed in feet per minute is halved (though this is't a big deal, but it might be useful) The total chain length get's doubled from it's default or current value. When the toggle is OFF: The max allowable weight returns to the defined max of the selected symbol. The speed in feet per minuted is doubled (once again, not a big deal) The total chain length get halved from it's current value. After inserting a bunch of 1/4T's that are double reeved (double purchased) for a ballroom show, I have to update them all the time to have their max allowable weight be 1000#'s. I've found every time I insert one it resets to the default max of 500#. Option + Dragging won't work half the time cause the motor won't attach to positions when I do it that way. The eye dropper tool also dosen't seem to want to grab the max weight as part of the plugin parameters. The tool WILL however remember the double purchase toggle, so It would be great if it could adjust the base values accordingly with it on. After all this is how motors generally work in the real world. It would make the tool more useable especially in conjunction with Braceworks. I am open to further thoughts/discussion. Just some observations of the tool use while diving face first into Braceworks.
  21. Anyone else noticed that the insert truss tool for BW seems to add .03 degrees of rotation? Also there needs to be a tool to attached a load manually to the truss system. I have lighting instruments that won't attach for love or money...
  22. When trying to snap a motor via the red insertion guides to a beam in a drawing (see the vertical light blue line in the photo) even when my cursor snaps to the light blue beam (as pictured) the red insertion square does not line up with the beam, it's offset slightly to the left. So the hoist always inserts slightly off the beam. Is this a bug?
  23. I am having an issue getting things like Speaker Arrays, or projectors/Screens to attach to truss to be included in the weight calculations ANyone have a solution?
  24. Global design software developer Vectorworks, Inc. is announcing Braceworks, a new 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) add-on for Vectorworks Spotlight, at the Prolight + Sound 2017 conference from April 4 to April 7 at Vectorworks’ German distributor ComputerWorks GmBH’s booth E60, Hall 3.0. Braceworks provides design, production and rigging professionals with an easy way to gauge the performance of temporary structures under load to ensure safety and compliance with engineering codes and standards. By adding Braceworks into Spotlight, designers for the first time have a completely integrated entertainment modeling, analysis and documentation process. Braceworks will be available as an add-on to Spotlight with the Vectorworks 2018 release this fall, at which time pricing will be made available. “With today’s workflows, it’s difficult for entertainment professionals to quickly and accurately assess the safety of their designs,” said Vectorworks CEO Dr. Biplab Sarkar. "Giving them access to structural analysis within their 3D design environment is a massive improvement for their workflows. It not only will save them time and effort, but make it much easier to quickly evaluate how design changes will impact a structure’s performance.” Developed in collaboration with DeerSoft GmbH, Braceworks analyzes complete 3D structural systems modeled in Spotlight. It supports point and distributed load types, straight and curved members, and multiple materials. The FEA enables static analysis with results displaying graphically on the model for easy reference. Braceworks also includes support for Eurocodes and upcoming ESTA standards, such as the E1.6. Furthermore, detailed calculation reports are automatically generated, and files can be exported as DTSV to be easily shared with structural engineers. “Globally, the safety of temporary truss structures has come under scrutiny, so entertainment designers are constantly adjusting to new regulations and standards,” explained Moritz Staffel, managing director of DeerSoft GmbH. “Braceworks makes it easy for professionals to certify the safety of their structures.” Those attending Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt, Germany from April 4 to April 7 can learn more about Braceworks at ComputerWorks’ booth E60, Hall 3.0. Additionally, designers can find out more by tweeting @Vectorworks. Media members can secure an interview about Braceworks by emailing Vectorworks Communications Manager Lauren Meyer at lmeyer@vectorworks.net.
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