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Found 3 results

  1. Vectorworks, Inc., a global design and BIM software developer, congratulates its Japanese distributor, A&A Co., Ltd., for receiving a 2018 BCN AWARD in the CAD software category. A&A received the award due to its 37.6 percent Japanese market share. Vectorworks outranked software providers Lilac System Inc. (27.3 percent market share) and Photron Limited (20.9 percent market share). Market share is based on statistics accumulated from 2,608 stores of 23 companies providing sales reports to BCN Co., Ltd. For 19 years, BCN Co., Ltd. has collected the sales data of major domestic electric appliance mass merchandisers, personal computer specialty shops and net shops in Japan. Based on these numbers, the BCN AWARDs recognize manufacturers with the highest total annual sales volume. “It is a great honor to receive the best prize for the CAD software category for two consecutive years with Vectorworks software,” said Takashi Yokota, president of A&A Co., Ltd. “This is a result of our customers’ support and partners’ collaboration, and we deeply appreciate them. We will continue to do our best to deliver attractive products and services to the market.” This year, 56 product provider companies received prizes in 117 different categories, with a range of software categories including Business software, Communications software and Education/learning software. This win marks the eighth year that A&A was recognized with a BCN AWARD, winning first place in 2017, second place from 2013 to 2016 and third place in 2012. “A&A’s achievement with this award victory is extremely impressive, because despite the highly competitive Japanese market, they were able to not only win, but they also managed to increase their market share growth by 5.6 percent,” said Vectorworks CEO Dr. Biplab Sarkar. “We are extremely grateful for A&A employees’ hard work and dedication, which made achieving this accomplishment possible.” To learn more about the award-winning Vectorworks line of design software for the architecture, landscape and entertainment industries, visit vectorworks.net.
  2. Global design and BIM software developer Vectorworks, Inc. announces version 2.5 of the pedestrian simulation software add on for Vectorworks 2017 software, SimTread. Created by Japanese Vectorworks distributor A&A Co., Ltd. in partnership with Waseda University and Takenaka Corporation, SimTread helps in simulating and analyzing a variety of crowd control needs, such as evaluating evacuation times, building egress and traffic flow. Updates for this version include improvements for video export quality and a more detailed analysis that offers the ability to efficiently add time-dependent events like evacuations, as well as account for different occupants, such as individuals in wheelchairs. As a flow-analysis tool, SimTread helps those working in disaster preparedness, public safety, facilities management, as well as event, municipal or campus planning. SimTread can assist in and optimizes a design’s circulation pattern – whether directing the slow meandering of people through an art museum or expediting the exit of tens of thousands of people from a football stadium. “We’re always looking for new ways to help designers work more efficiently by putting the information they need at their fingertips,” said Jeremy Powell, senior marketing director at Vectorworks. “Updates for this SimTread version will improve productivity for the design and planning of pedestrian flow and evacuation safety.” Updates for the latest SimTread release include: · Improved plot tracking, which provides a more in-depth analysis by enabling the ability to plot and display the specified path occupants take to reach their destinations. · The new Show/Select SimTread Object command helps users save time by showing or selecting all instances of specified SimTread object types. · The duplicate transfer points update provides a command that streamlines the creation of a simulation of a multi-story building by allowing the replication of transfer points at stairwells. · Enhanced anti-aliasing and H264 video codec parameters for higher-quality video output. “SimTread helps designers make better, more data-driven decisions when it comes to optimizing their layouts for crowd flow and safety,” said Dr. Takeshi Kimura, manager of product development at A&A. “As such, we continually work to improve the capabilities of SimTread based on customer feedback and provide Vectorworks users the best tool possible.” To purchase SimTread, or learn more, visit our partner page at vectorworks.net/simtread.
  3. Global design and BIM software developer Vectorworks, Inc. congratulates its Japanese distributor A&A Co., Ltd for receiving a BCN AWARD 2017. Winning the CAD software category, A&A received the honor due to its 32 percent Japanese market share, making Vectorworks software the bestselling CAD solution in Japanese electronics retail stores. As the market leader, Vectorworks beat out software providers Phototron Limited (24.3 percent market share) and Lilac System Inc. (21.8 percent market share). Market share is based on statistics accumulated from 2,614 stores providing sales reports to BCN Co., Ltd., the organizer of the BCN AWARD. Now in its 18th year, the BCN AWARD collects the sales data of major domestic electric appliance mass merchandisers, personal computer specialty shops and net shops in Japan. Based off these numbers, the awards recognize manufacturers with the highest total annual sales volume. “This is an incredible honor for A&A, and it’s quite the accomplishment for them to win this award in the highly competitive Japanese market. We sincerely thank all A&A employees for their hard work and dedication, resulting in this tremendous success,” said Vectorworks CEO Dr. Biplab Sarkar. “We will continue developing the robust Vectorworks product line to further empower our distributors to lead the market and enable today’s designers to create unmatched experiences.” This year, 58 product provider companies received prizes in 121 different categories, with a range of software categories such as Business software, Communications software and Education/learning software. This marks the seventh year that A&A was recognized with a BCN AWARD, winning third place in 2012 and second place from 2013 to 2016. “It is a great honor to receive a BCN AWARD. It reaffirms that architects and designers highly appreciate the creative design features in the Vectorworks series, which led to us receiving this award,” said Eiichi Kawase, president of A&A Co., Ltd., during the awards ceremony. “We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the customers and dealers who have given us support and patronage. We will continue to make efforts to provide more attractive products and services in the future.” To learn more about the Vectorworks line of design software for the architecture, landscape and entertainment industries – which is available in twelve languages – visit vectorworks.net.
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