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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I originally posted this on another forum and it was suggested I would get more help here. I am using MA2/MA3D, version 3.8, not MA3 for this project. I am using VW2020 SP 2.1 just updated this morning from 2.0. I have worked a long time in MA3D, and now trying to make the change to VW2020 hasn't been the easiest. I want to be able to import into MA3D what I see in VW2020, and so far, that has not been simple at all. I am having issues exporting from Vectorworks 2020 to MA3D. The problem as I understand it from talking to people is the "normals" are flipped on the model? Models are not showing the same exterior. Here is what happens: I export the model as 3ds, include textures. I have tied as jpeg and png, neither change the results. In the Open Gl render in vw2020 you see the stage complete. When I import it into MA3D, the surfaces of the items are translucent. Everyone I have asked says it has to do with the normals being flipped but have no idea how to fix it. The picture I attached is a file I started just trying to learn how to use the program. I added a basic stage from the stage tool. I added a basic LED Wall from the tool in the events tab. Both of these are simple items that are internal to the program, and I would think have nothing special about them. When I click on the the stage deck and 3D options, each piece is set to default "Black" They do not have a texture assigned. When viewed in Open GL in VW2020 they display correctly. Once exported, they display with no stage top. For the LED Wall, it has a texture of a picture I imported and made of the video map. I was not sure how to get the LED wall to "display" the map without making it a texture. Is there a way to assign the image directly to the surface? I have included an image of what is happening as an example. Left side is Open GL in 2020. Right side is how it imports into MA3D. Any help or ideas would be really appreciated. Thanks, Anthony Wayne
  2. Creating furniture, eg. sofas etc. as native VW symbols/ assets; Manufacturer provides 3ds, igs & dwg, and Revit. Previously used 3ds files which worked reasonably well but wondering if igs is more effective?
  3. Hi All, We are currently in the process of constructing a complex 3D vectorworks model with the end goal of exporting from Vectorworks to rhino, in order to render in V-ray. Any ideas as how to best construct and export so that the file is as clean as possible, with all appropriate layers, when imported into rhino? KM VW 2016 SP3
  4. In conjunction with the BIMobject LIVe Worldwide Business Conference held in Malmö, Sweden on November 2 – November 3, 2016, global design and BIM software developer Vectorworks, Inc. and BIMobject AB announce the availability of the free BIMobject App within Vectorworks 2017 software. In the software program, designers have direct access to a growing library of manufacturer-specific content, which includes detailed geometric and product information, all coordinated and provided via global BIM content provider BIMobject. Current Vectorworks software users can access the tool by downloading the Service Pack 1 update for Vectorworks 2017. “The BIMobject App in Vectorworks 2017 is a major milestone in our continued mission to provide designers with access to building material and product specifications for building information models,” said Robert Anderson, vice president of integrated practice at Vectorworks. “We’re extremely proud to be releasing such a content-rich App, and we greatly appreciate the support of BIMobject in helping make this a reality.” Anderson will be showcasing the App at the two-day BIMobject LIVe conference, which focuses on building information modeling, future technology and the power of digital products’ internet distribution. He will be delivering the presentation, “Vectorworks and BIMobject” at the conference to illustrate the power of Vectorworks software, as well as to provide a demo of the new BIMobject App. The Vectorworks BIMobject App is unique in that it manages and downloads not only Vectorworks native content, but also transparently converts DWG, SKP and 3DS content in the BIMobject Cloud into information-rich Vectorworks content. This is done entirely in the background and delivers the exact user experience no matter the source data format. Using this technology, the App debuts accessing more than 4,600 objects from over 260 brands, which is an unprecedented amount of content for a newly-introduced App. In turn, the manufacturers who support BIMobject with these formats gain immediate access to the Vectorworks user base of up to 650,000 users. The App stores all of the non-graphical object data in Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format, meaning it is platform neutral with a non-proprietary open file format. This means that if a Vectorworks user creates a project using content from the BIMobject App, then exports using IFC, all manufacturer product information is preserved through the export. “The fact that the BIMobject App for Vectorworks is pre-installed is really good, giving direct access of up to 650,000 potential designers for all our manufacturers and brands that are published in the BIMobject Cloud. It will be a great synergy with the Vectorworks application and make the BIMobject Cloud the preferred choice for downloading BIM objects and product information from the web,” said Johan Dyrssen, teamleader for Web Development at BIMobject.” Learn more about Vectorworks 2017 and its offerings by visiting vectorworks.net/2017.
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