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Found 16 results

  1. Looking for a UK Vectorworks Architect 2021 for Mac, Many thanks.
  2. In late 2019, I grew tired of guessing between identical dock icons for previous & current Vectorworks releases. Instead, I now create versioned icons with a year badge for each release. As a visual aid, I also age (yellow) the icon of the previous version. If you want to eliminate this headache for yourself, download the .icns files via this link: VW Icon Pack by MadXD™. The files in this folder will be updated over time and I will try not to change the link. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Enjoy!! On a Mac, changing the icon is easy. Steps below: Navigate to the app in your Applications folder [/Applications/Vectorworks 2020/Vectorworks 2020] or right-click on the icon in your dock, then select Options > Show In Finder. Right-click the app and choose Get Info Drag the appropriate .icns file and drop it on the small Vectorworks icon in the upper-left corner of the Get Info window. Delete the current VW alias in the dock by dragging it away and holding until it says "remove", then let go. From the application folder in Step 1, drag the updated Vectorworks app to the dock. Note: This a refresh of my original post, which only covers the old 2019 and new 2020 icon set. I will post any future updates here.
  3. MAC PB13 Quad Core i7 OS 10.15.14 16Gb Ram 1TB SDD 56 GB free 2021 SP1 Once I create AEC objects from shapes they seem to lose their AEC attributes (ie: roof object, now slab object). - I have already quit and restarted once. I guess logical 1st step is update SP to latest or switch to 2022. Thanks in advance
  4. I haven't used Image Effects on SLVPs very much, but I am having trouble on a file in Vw 2021 where I get an error pop-up saying 'One or more operations were aborted due to lack of memory' when I try to update a SLVP with Image Effects. After giving me the error, looking at the OIP for the SLVP, it has gone ahead and unchecked the 'Apply image effects' checkbox; If I click Update on the SLVP viewport without the Image Effects, it renders and completes just fine without error; I can successfully apply the Image Effects after the SLVP has been updated - BUT - if I need to update the SLVP, I have to uncheck the Image Effects first in order to avoid getting the error. The Vw file in question is 114MB, so not terribly large. The first time this happened to me, I shut down Vw and restarted my Mac. Then I reopened Vw 2021, opened the subject file, and repeated the process only to get the same 'Aborted due to Lack of Memory' error. Screen recording showing the error in progress: vw2021-slvp-memory-error.mp4 Thanks in advance.
  5. I quickly grew tired of seeing the same two icons for 2019 and 2020 in my dock. So I yellowed the 2019 icon and added year badges to both. I'll post a Dropbox link with the .icns files in case anyone is interested in using them. I'm not sure if the forum will let me post said link but I'll try in the next comment...
  6. Vectorworks Architect 2021 for sale. $3000 CAD obo No transfer fee Send me a message if interested.
  7. If you are interested, please make your offer by message!
  8. Why can I not see or alter the 3D boundary information for a Space Object in the OIP with 2021? Why would VW change that? Am I missing some higher, more sophisticated model method? It's annoying to enter each space object to change the Classes and other information.
  9. Hi I'm looking at migrating to 2021, but I'm having a problem with a degradation in rendering quality. This view is rendered in 2020: The next image is rendered in 2021, if you look at the glass you'll see a weird dappling and there is something strange going on with the lighting of the stonework. They are both rendered with the exact same settings. Are there any significant changes to Renderworks in 2021 that could explain this?
  10. Hi I'm wanting to add a long list of botanical plant names to the UserDictionary.txt Users\Ben\AppData\Roaming\Nemetschek\Vectorworks\2021\Plug-ins\Dictionaries The first time I run the spelling I click "learn"(file VW generated) and it adds the word to the dictionary. I then manually open and add a new word (file VW Manually Added), but when running spell check again it doesn't see the word in the dictionary. I then click learn again and it overwrites everything into a new format (VW Learn Overwrite). I've read in the docs that it should be the word followed by tab and then i, but this doesn't work either. Please could someone attach their working manually generated file so that I can copy the format. Thank you so much Ben UserDictionary_VW generated.txt UserDictionary_VW Learn Overwrite.txt UserDictionary_VW Manually Added.txt
  11. Is anyone else having an issue with the Title Block Manager in 2021? I can't seem to add an Issue Date to multiple sheets. It beach balls every time until I force quit. Even if I only select a single "sheet to use" within the Manager However, I can add it to a single sheet with no problems at all if I select the Edit Border settings. It's happened on multiple files that where previously 2020 and opened in 2021.
  12. Heya Team, I am in the process of building our new titleblock in 2021, and I've hit a bit of an issue that I'm sure has an easy fix. In previous versions I have completed the titleblock and sheet border and saved it as a group symbol (with the red text) then I could save that to our symbol library which let me drag it in to a new drawing easily. I have noticed when creating symbols now, there is no group option. This means if I save my completed titleblock and sheet border as a regular symbol it doesn't work correctly when I bring it in. I would also now like to have multiple titleblocks available depending on the project. How would you suggest I save them for easy access by all of the VW users in our company? Thanks a million!
  13. Is there a way to summarise items / sort items in a worksheet in which the data is imported from an excel spreadsheet, rather than created from the drawing as a database? When I'm trying this, the sort / summarise / sum items all appear to be greyed out.
  14. Hi, When I use the quick search (thank you for this feature, love it!) the result comes up grey most of the time, but not all the time. Why is this? For this example I want to change the lighting options, but it's grayed out, please see image. thanks!
  15. I could have sworn i posted this the other day, but I cannot find it. If this is a double post I apologize I opened a drawing in v2021 that I was working on in v2020 and when I hit numPad 0 to go to plan view the rotation is -90°, it says 0° in the plan rotation box, but I am looking at my drawing rotated. I can type 90° in the plan rotation box to get it back to where it should be, but as soon as I hit numPad 0 it flips back to -90° and calls it 0° degrees again. EDIT: I was working inside a rotated symbol when I saved the doc and thats where I was when I opened the document. So it was just a silly self inflicted situation. Thanks
  16. After installation of Vw 2021 (US Version), I let the installer open up my default browser (Safari) to the Software Registration page, enter all of my info, and I get the following message: I've tried 4 attempts using Safari on MacOS 10.13.6. I also sent a message to the listed email address. Thank you.
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