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Christian Fekete

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Everything posted by Christian Fekete

  1. 300 dpi seems to have made a difference today...thank you all
  2. Yes that’s a shame. We should be able to modify the featuring wall. Maybe next version update
  3. Kevin, I just realized that it’s a question of scale if the Drawingsare too small the dash is showing one line
  4. Can someone please explain to me how to show dashed hidden lines actually dashed? Thank you
  5. Feature recess in walls cannot be modified, no push pull anymore! Has this anything to do with the new feature editing new option? please explain Thank you
  6. Can someone tell me why the edges of this section viewport in openGL are fuzzy? the layer is at 150ppi and the IP shown high detail level. Also the OpenGL option is on high I had to create a section and add it as a separate VP on top of the first one but there is a better way I am sure, thank you
  7. Why did VW change the section label setup! it used to work fine... What a pain, there are so many things that have been changed for the worst or not working properly, viewports update work when it wants (just to think about this one) Yuk This is what i get with the labels The first one is on the design layer and the second one as shown in the VP. The same thing, different result. Text is surrounded by a ghost surround! Please leave things that work alone, frustrated sorry
  8. I use the OIP to change that but it does not work 🤭
  9. Copied elevation benchmark from drawing 2020, title hides marker, please advise how to move text, thx
  10. This is not working, please fix or advise. Thanks
  11. VW keeps crashing when I try to add general notes from the database that comes with it. Of the start VW offers to get data from two sets. No matter what I select VW will crash more than 70% of the time. What am I doing wrong?
  12. Is there a way to drop down a layout of trees unto a sloped terrain?
  13. Have you noted that adding a new tag line to an existing Tag will crash vectorworks? It happens on new and older files but not consistently
  14. The Info palette of windows option "show on schedule" whether on or off does not update whether the window data appears on the schedule until the tag information is removed from the unit. This need to be resolved as even thought the windows can have data it should not show on the schedule if the radio button is turned off
  15. I cannot remove this IFC value from the wall style, it comes back even if I check of the Set_wallcommon it reappears with the old value when I recreate a new IFC wall data
  16. Hi Matt, Another one on the same elevation benchmark, Is there a way to remove the decimal points in the distance? Stay healthy
  17. There seem to be a default wall tag that I would prefer to not have (to be able to change it as needed) but I cannot change this standard value. Any idea. File attached Keep safe wall styles .vwx
  18. I am not getting proper dimensions on drawings 8 & 6, not sure why. Any suggestions? Thank you
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