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Christian Fekete

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Everything posted by Christian Fekete

  1. @shorter @jeff prince I use walls for the foundation wall and another type of wall for the footing. Components in my walls are on separate classes I.e. insulation, masonry etc. The wall itself is inserted on the wall-main class. For foundation they are in the basement layer. One other issue on top of not being able to change the class visualization for components in a viewport is that I cannot see only the class of the wall component without the wall-main class ON . Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? This may be related to the first issue
  2. Is it possible to resend the file in 2021 version? I stopped updating after 20es, I think I have enough features at this point to master. Thank you
  3. @jeff princeThis is a much lighter file if it helps 1155527240_wallplanview.vwx
  4. This is a much lighter file. Thanks for the suggestions. I would love to work with the classes but for some reason the wall type seems to take precedence 1733860222_wallplanview.vwx
  5. @jeff prince Thank you for looking into that. I am not really using the visualization but it seems like to best option, is that your opinion? This is the backup file, I will keep working on the current version and update like you do so no rush, I really appreciate it. Thanks so much 1721825000_230316RiemerResidenceMHCD-Backup-20230512145531.vwx
  6. Pat, thank you will try but that would apply to all viewports correct?
  7. Tried to work with class overrides in my viewport but that did not change the wall fills
  8. Is there a way to keep the concrete hatch in view and see a dashed line with white fill in plan view? I use a wall style for that, not sure if it's the best way to do that but it is the same process as for the foundation wall which also should be white in plan view per industry standard.
  9. Just drag it into the page, that simple
  10. Hi everyone, hope all is going well. Is there a settings somewhere to specify that greyed objects be printed in grey rather than black? This has been stomping me for a long time. Keep up the good work
  11. Thank you guys Had a hard time finding these icons but I found these options once I inserted a window the traditional way. Once I selected the options above they became consistent options.
  12. Why can't I drag a door into a wall. I can insert from a create similar selection but not by dragging it. I think to remember that there is a setup that allows this but I can't find it. Thanks CF
  13. Send to surface may be the correct command since I use a 3D model for the site and not a site drawn from contours. Where can i find the command to send to surface? FYI I already dragged those from the side views, just inquiring for the sake of concluding this thread for others to benefit from. Than you CF
  14. Can someone explain how to drop down a tree on the terrain surface from the layer plane? Thank you CF
  15. This has been going on for the longest time on VW to a point where I save the file before I add a new leader to a callout. Anyone noticed the same thing?
  16. Did you make sure you switched the 4th icon below in the options for the selection tool (X) ? This can be very frustrating, I just ran into it recently and OMG Good luck
  17. I am not able to drag a door/window or other symbols setup to attach to wall into the walls. I need to "create a similar item" to an already attached item to be able to insert it into a wall. Puzzled, this used to be a no brainer Thank you for any suggestion. CF
  18. Hello, I am looking to create a report on spaces for mechanicals data as requested by the building department. Yes it would be quicker to do that by hand ! but I am set on extracting the data instead. I was able to format the report for most information that I need but I cannot figure out how to get the glazing are and the net glazing area ratio. I can't figure out how to enter the information in the space information panel because it is calculated somehow. I would really appreciate to understand how this is calculated and how to insert the result in my database header. Here is what I am working with. Thanks for the help CF
  19. The oblique lines are showing on walls. Is there a way to remove those?
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