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Luis M Ruiz

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Luis M Ruiz

  1. "Wet wash watercolor sketch" Excellent key words. Thank you
  2. Hello @Grethe Connerth Thank you for your kind comments. Just because you are one of my fav users I made these for you. Hopefully you can crop them and use on your renderings. Show us your work when you are done.
  3. Last batch. These are 2d illustration style.
  4. One more finding. Once the final image is created, the same can be used as a template for consequent images. See more samples.
  5. I found these shapes can be created by combining key words like "Human Figures" and "Turnaround Page" add a white background and you'll be set. I believe the same works for other items. Animals, Trees, etc.
  6. I've been very intrigued by creating concepts of futuristic buildings and full metropolis. AI Visualizer, images from prompts only can create interesting proposals but it all depends on the prompt. I'll start with the first sample.
  7. Here is a new finding, try typing "Monotone oil and ink architectural sketch". The word monotone forces the image to eliminate colors.
  8. With this massing model we can see how at 100% creativity the sketch looks a lot better but it becomes someone else's project. By bring it down to 50% I found a happier compromise.
  9. When you press that "refresh button" behind the scenes is taking a screenshot of the model, pure pixels, that's part of the process to understand, if you take a screenshot of an obscure blob with no edges, creating something from it requires you to type or explain what it is. So, nope, this thing is not smart enough to know automatically what you have on screen is a: kitchen or a skyscraper or a ketchup bottle, it needs some help. A 2d image is valid, a napkin sketch is valid, a massing model is a start, a detailed 3d model helps. I am always on the look out for prompt formulas, I found this recipe that works for architecture, but also applies to other fields.
  10. The images I am posting here are just the few that I felt like I nailed it. Took me more than 20 tries. I found that starting with the creativity slider at 0 sort or matches the lines in the source image (screenshot) but gives no so interesting sketching results, and in many cases adds unwanted heavy lines. Moving the slider to 100% provides super better quality but then it looks nothing like the original model. So, I went down to 60,50,40....but then I thought, since my goal is just to create doodle sketches, no precision is necessary, so raised it up to 60,70 until I got something better.
  11. During my first attempts to create some concepts from thin air, I learned a few things about composing a prompt describing the interior of a gallery with a unique parametric ceiling. I'd like to share some screenshots and final results. (If you try this prompt, try changing the colors)
  12. I thought I'd share here another happy discovery. The prompt: oil ink architecture sketch, triggers some interesting concept images, the colors are more vivid than watercolor. I think may be my go to for future projects.
  13. Hello @Saml12 before I jump on answers, could you please explain your current steps/workflow you are testing for creating a masterplan? Can you also post an image of what you are going after? I am a very visual person, I'd get it better if I see what you are trying to replicate. Thank you
  14. About 10 years ago I think, I had the opportunity to model a building that I've never been to, but I admire the architecture of it. I decided to test it and make use of a sketch prompt and apply the create similar: Prompt: loose hand architectural sketch, storyboard style 20% creativity Here are some images.
  15. At some point, and this is just an advanced suggestion, it maybe time to include ChatGPT. Ask for help improving your original prompt, then edit it and paste in your prompt location. Don't forget to start incorporating things your do not want in your scene. Start with a high level of creativity and as you get results, lower it and find the happy medium between quality and precision.
  16. For our dear Landmark users and friends. For Landscape scenes. Here is a recommendation. Help the AI Visualizer to narrow the type of style you are looking for. Not just leave it as watercolors or color pencils, that is a bit too vague because there are gazillions of watercolors styles everywhere and you'll always get random results. Instead, give the AI a hint by typing an artist you know. Then the AI will try to match the hand style of that person. Here is a test using a Park file and adding to the prompt an artist, Greg Rutkowski. Look him up and you''ll see the type of illustrations he goes after. You have to test and test by sliding that creativity level. The less creative, closer to your model but more restricted on the style. Too much creativity, AI style will be great but it will not resemble your own project. Just keep that in mind.
  17. Hello AI aficionados. I have for you a few extra prompts that are extremely simple, and trigger cool sketches for when you are in need to show your project progression. I am using a cafe file with lots of chairs, tables and overall everything that makes an interior project look interesting.
  18. Keywords on this one: "Architect loose hand sketch" creativity: 75%
  19. Hello, hello all. I thought I'd start this AI topic with something easy to control. An interiors Vectorworks model of a lounge and bar as the source, and let the AI palette create a pencil sketch as my starting base. Prompt is simple: "Black pencil architecture hand sketch, storyboard style, corporate Interior lounge, interiors project, designer's furniture, plants, hanging vines" Creativity: 20% It took me a few tries to get an image style I liked, at that point I could lock it with the create similar button and move around the model to create more views. Some keywords that are effective for triggering sketches are: Line art, sketching, Doodling, comic drawing style Manga, Cartoon, Fantasy Art, loose hand.
  20. Thank you MGuilfoile for posting such a detail list of questions. I'd like to go over each one of those in detail.
  21. Talking about lights. Recently I made this project where lighting was a key aspect of the renderings. Here are a few samples produced. All Redshift by the way: For some tips on how to control light and renderings, please check put my latest webinar: ITERATIVE DESIGN FOR INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE https://university.vectorworks.net/mod/scorm/player.php?a=619&currentorg=articulate_rise&scoid=1238
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