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C. Andrew Dunning

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Posts posted by C. Andrew Dunning

  1. Adam -

    Though I by no means claim to be a VS expert, you might find one of the open PIOs that I have posted at http://www.landrudesign.com/Downloads_Main.htm to be helpful. Over the years I have found incredible value in looking at what others have done before me and these scripts might do the same for you and may answer your resizing question. The only catch is that the oldest VW version in which they will work is 11.5.

    Regards -

  2. Though the truss PIO is pretty useful in some instances, IMO, in its current state it really isn't a good "end-all" solution / replacement for accurate truss symbols. By using actual symbols, you not only can know where the lacing and such really is, but by creating symbols containing different classes you can accomplish exactly what you're wanting. I've found doing that to be incredibly helpful. My truss symbols contain different classes that not only allow what you're wanting, but also add guides and change the look of the truss for creating rigging plots. Food for thought for you...

  3. In thinking about this particular project, I'd take a look at Panzer's ViewPort Pack @ http://www.panzercad.com/. One of the commands he's created is "Create ViewPorts from Views." This might help you - and, might let you put things on a single sheet.

    Because I don't use any of the architectural title blocks I can't speak as to how that would work.

    If you're at all interested, I have a Template file posted at http://www.landrudesign.com/Downloads_Main.htm. I haven't updated it yet to 12 from 11.5, but you'll get the gist of at least one approach. In essence, a single title block symbol lives on one Sheet Layer (chosen based on paper size). The symbol's text is controlled via class visibilities and Saved Views. All of the drawing elements are placed using ViewPorts - the visibilities of which are also controlled w. classes and Saved Views.

    This works well for me. You might find something there that is useful - even if only to get your own ideas flowing...

  4. But...

    Using your approach, you'll end up w. lots of Sheet Layers instead of lots of Saved Views. It would be a wash. If you were to use both, you could end up with a single Sheet Layer, simply changing visibilities using Saved Views and different View Ports. It really does work quite nicely...

  5. I'm running VW w. RW on an AMD 64 X2 Dual-Core and really like it. No compatibility issues - at least w. the processor. The only problems seem to stem from switching back-and-forth between 12.01 and 11.5, though that's another story...

  6. Because I use symbols (for my fixtures and truss) having different symbols for different fixture orientations works quite well. Where I depart from the AutoPlot and Spotlight norm is that I then have a record field for "optics." For example, I have a group of Source 4 PAR symbols @ different orientations and change the lens designation w. a simple data change. When I make a change to the bottom-hung definition, all of the bottom-hung Source 4 PARs ONLY change. You could do the same w. Spotlight symbols - though significantly more cumbersome if you use my approach.

    Your idea of adding a parameter to the Spotlight OIP makes a lot of sense and, though it would mean the PIO having to "call" both a 2D and a 3D symbol seperately, it shouldn't be impossible to implement. Things that would have to be considered are questions like how the insertion points for the different symbols would be tracked. Not a bad idea, though...

    Where this idea may cause dificulty is when rigs are raked. For a given truss and its fixtures, rotating it off of horizontal involves a lot more than simply rotating the iindividual symbols in-place. All of the elements actually move relative to X and Y on the ground, as well.

    As I said in a previous message, there is, a lot of times, a big difference between a legible light plot / shop drawing and a 3D drawing showing how things hang in space. Several of my rigs have had NO elements that hung level. I would have never have wanted to send my vendors drawings that didn't have things "flattened out."

    It is for this reason that I've really grown to appreciate VW's hybrid/2D/3D options. For some drawings I want hybrid. For others, I need 2D-only and for others 3D only.

  7. Another super-annoying part of this is that the 3D symbols for the Martin fixtures are all set up to sit on the floor, not hang from a truss.

    I'd consider this a MAJOR flaw in this application. I'll use the array trick to fix this, but it's pretty stupid. Stupid enough that I may stop using this app for anything other than simple 2D plans.

    Though I've admittedly been a pretty vocal critic of Spotlight, to call a few symbol rotation issues a "MAJOR flaw" is REALLY pushing it. Of all of the reasons not to use an app, that is a pretty lousy one. Is it that hard to take a minute to fix the symbols?

    Also, the folks @ NNA will respond to your concerns, but I'm sure would appreciate a little respect in the process. There are better ways to voice cocnerns...

  8. The approach that I've taken is to have different symbols for the different hanging orientations. Working that way does 2 things for me:

    1) The 3D part of the symbol "hangs" (or sits) correctly relative to the "Z" value. A fixture w. a "Z" value of 25' will hang correctly from a piece of truss trimmed @ 25'. A side-hung symbol will do just that @ whatever "Z" value I've given it.

    2) For a lot of my symbols there are differences in the 2D representation. That way, someone reading the plot knows, for instance, the difference between an x.Spot hanging from a truss and one placed on top of a tower.

    Your comment about 2D plots looking bad is one of my chief complaints against WYSIWYG. Folks seem to have missed the fact that there is a HUGE difference between a legible light plot and a top-view of a 3D model.

  9. Good morning!

    If any of you are current or past VideoScreen customers and did not receive an e-mail regarding this new version and our free upgrade offer, please contact us as soon as you can. The e-mail went out to all of the addresses that we have in our records but, judging from some of the e-mails we've gotten, a few of you are not getting that message. You may have changed addresses or used an address for the order other than your usual address.

    Have a great day!

  10. Greetings from Nashville!

    We are excited to announce that work on VideoScreen 2.0 is completed and the PIO is now ready for download!

    VideoScreen 2.0 is a VectorWorks tool that allows users to insert video devices, like projection screens, plasma televisions, CRT monitors, and LED arrays in their drawings.

    This tool was inspired by the many projects that I've been doing that involved projection screens. I was dealing w. many "what ifs" w. my clients:

    "What would video screens look like on my show?"

    "Where would the projector need to be placed?"

    "What would plasma screens look like in this situation?"

    "Will 4:3 or 16:9 work better?"

    Sound familiar?

    I was more than happy to give my clients what they wanted, but a lot of this was proving to be fairly time-consuming. W. needing to modify masked light sources, change images, and correct screen borders, a simple size change might have taken 30 -45 minutes. No longer. Now, changes are possible in less than a minute.

    Things to look for in this new version:

    - We've re-written major portions of the manual.

    - Minor installation changes were made to adapt to changes made in VectorWorks? versions 11.5 and 12.

    - The 2D screen texture is now changeable through the Attributes palette.

    - A multiple projector option has been added. Projectors can either be stacked or placed side-by-side.

    - RP and FP screen formats now have a FastFold leg option. Included with that option is an toggle to draw a standard screen dress kit.

    - The method of placing projectors for the FP and RP formats has changed. In addition to the previous method, users now have the option of specifying one of the included stock floor stands (scaffolding, AV carts, tables), placing projectors relative to desired flown trim heights, or aligning them with the tops or bottoms of their screens.

    - 3 ?caged? projector types have been added.

    - RP screens now show the reversed image on their back sides.

    - Options have been added to place different PIO text in the drawing: screen dimensions, lens rating, distance to the screen from the lens, and projector ID.

    - A ?Hide Screen? option has been added that will place projectors and draw the projection cones, but will hide the screen geometry.

    For more information, please visit http://www.landrudesign.com/VWPlugIns.htm.

    Best Regards -

  11. Good morning!

    I'm trying to have VS calculate an angle (A), based on my knowing a chord length (S) and a Radius ®.

    I know how to rearrange the formula "S = 2*r (Sin (A/2))" and to get the value on a calculator using the Inverse Sine function. How do I do that in VS? I can't seem to find the call for that function...


  12. I like using something other than "none" and using the toggle because it takes a step or 2 out of the process to edit the crops. Just my reasoning. In fact, I have several such toggles that have taken the hassle factor out of a lot of my drawing.

    Have you seen Panzer's ViewPort Pack yet? One of the tools generates crop object(s) on the related design layer(s). Very useful if you're wanting to adjust drawing geometry to fit a particular VP. Take a look @ www.panzercad.com.

  13. Try the script below. It came from Vector Depot...

    {From Vector Depot}

    {Patrick B. McConnell}

    PROCEDURE toggle;

    PROCEDURE doit(h : handle);


    hVport : HANDLE;


    hVport := GetVPCropObject(h);

    IF GetLS(hVport) = 0 THEN SetLS(hVport, 2);

    IF GetLW(hVPort) <> 0 THEN BEGIN

    {alrtDialog('Not zero');}

    SetLW(hVport, 0);



    { alrtDialog('Zero');}

    SetLW(hVport, 12);




    ForEachObject(doit,((SEL=True) AND (T=122)));



  14. Charles -

    1) If I REM out the subtraction, I can do the subtraction manually.

    2) The value returned is "0" (success).

    3) I believe the LNewObj handle is valid.

    I've built a stand-alone script to seperate this block from the rest. Here are 2 observations and a question I have when trying different things w. the "test mule:"

    1) If I REM out the subtraction and if I explode the 3D part of the object and look at the curtain part it is a solid addition (according to the OI box). If I ungroup the addition it is 3 parts: a large central panel and 2, smaller "sliver" ends. Their widths seem to correspond to the width of the "tail" I add to "wrap up" the curtain creation. This leads me to wonder if I'm creating the curve correctly.

    2) If I "unREM" the subtraction line, explode the PIO, and look at the resulting objects, I get 2: One is a solid addition that is in-essence the 3-part group mentioned above. The other is a solid subtraction that "contains" my extruded rectangle and the left-hand "sliver" of curtain.


    As a workaround, how can I "get at" just the central panel and subtract from that? The rest of my code dictates that my subtraction window will never get out as far as the 2 "sliver sections.


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