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  1. good question! - might need to use a window wall perhaps? as for the transom, that is part of the door, so its not a problem. other than that, id guess you would need to divide your wall into two halves and turn the upper one off. now that is silly.
  2. thanks - was really hoping to avoid doing that, but so be it. it does seem like you should be able to adjust your plan view by changing say the z depth of the layer or something..but i havent gotten the desired result that way either. oh well..add it to the "wish list" for the next release! funny thing though - "top/plan" view isnt really a plan view at all, as by definition a plan view has a cut plane some distance from the floor.
  3. turning off the windows leaves a space in the wall where the window is.
  4. if you mean make the wall which is currently two stories into two walls stacked vertically, id rather not as i end up seeing floor lines and joints in elevation views...or have i misunderstood you? thanks
  5. how does one make a plan view at a certain height? is there a way to define a cut plane at say 4', so only things below can be viewed? i have a couple of two story walls with windows at the second floor, that i do not wish to see on the first floor plan, and im not having much luck using layers/classes to get the desired result. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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