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Everything posted by RickR

  1. "=Length" will get you the extrusion distance no matter how the extrusion was created. It will also give you length of 'extrude along path'. Sorting pipe types by class and by record field would be my choice. A simple record with material name, job phase or whatever, estimated cost, weight, etc is not a big deal. All that data can display in your worksheet if you want it to. Worksheets can do a lot of bulk editing, sorting and summing. But you can also do it graphically. (select everything in a class and check the record.) I like to look at it both ways to double check my data entry. My new favorite worksheet trick is to put multiple database rows in a single worksheet. Sort and sum each one, but use the same headers and show it as one object.
  2. I find the Guides menu process pretty cumbersome, so I just draw lines in that class. Or in several similar classes. Lock the class or not, lock single objects or not, show/hide sets (colored or not), use simple or complex objects (re: grid tool) and even save sets as objects for future use. If you're looking for something in sheet layers you might make guide objects for particular page sizes. Just be sure to turn them off before printing, unless you use all Locus points.
  3. Even if you don't change it, this object might be useful: This one might help with that cut list:
  4. Some thoughts; Adding data to fields can be done in in bulk in a worksheet (copy/ paste) if there aren't any Sum actions. You could easily have a version of the worksheet just for that function. I've also used location (=Xcoordinate() or Xcenter, etc) to help sort and identify objects to make data entry easier. Marionette is easier to learn than scripting and could do the automation. In fact there are some bookshelf type objects floating around already for theft, er inspiration. Build your own PIO with record data in the OIP! Depending on how complex your symbols are the record might be attached to the symbol so it's elements are pre-optimized. Breaking the process into chucks often helps. If the symbols get in the way of records and listings then you might have them break into groups on placement, or even later as the design develops. Groups can be replace with symbols if you need to go backwards. Again personal process and goals will matter the most. So what are you doing, closet organizers?
  5. There are several other options. Yes a worksheet can pull overall dimensions (see 'Insert Function' when defining your database columns. Area, basic length, width height and many others. Sorting and sub-totaling are how you get summaries of the individual parts. Making everything a symbol might be adding an extra step. I can't imagine why I would extract a surface. Length * Width in a cell will get you the same info. Yes you can do math with variables in a cell header. I'd probably make a simple record with just 'material type' and price or a few other fields, so I could filter, add, and sort based on that. Don't forget that you can have more than one database section in a worksheet. Then you can have standard cells that add values of those sections. Yeah, some head aching can be caused by having too many options and trying to find a clear path. But too much time buried in automating tasks is a real issue, it's called work!
  6. OK @C. Andrew DunningIt won't seem to stay edited. I've altered some lines, added others and even deleted just to see what might happen. And restarted several times over the days I've been poking at this. @JimWcan you shed any light here?
  7. My Focus point selection has gotten severely limited. There are Standard 2D, 3D, Hybrid and Locus. None of the default content circles, ovals and such to say nothing of my custom objects. Furthermore it looks like the tool is missing the resource browser pop-up section for selecting symbols. I haven't used this is awhile, what's going on??
  8. Is the group on another layer? Likely you have layers with different scales.
  9. Another solution would be to turn the houses into symbols with the same name. (in the source file) Then be importing a different version will change the whole master file.
  10. I was looking right at it!
  11. I would add that I often use both leader/notes and Key styles in the same document. Jumping back and forth is a real pain. This looks like a good place for another 'style' type, like texts and walls.
  12. I too looked at the OP rather than the lable. II also noticed the error is the closed poly difference. Check that and the OP matches the label. Clues for the programmers.
  13. I downloaded your file and everything looks good. 77' 7.06" vs 77' 11.884"
  14. Once upon a time I changed the options in some of the pop-ups in the Softgoods tool. Such as "lead tape" is no longer lead, and "webbing only" should be on the list. Anyone recall what file to edit?
  15. My first guess is that you updated some symbols, especially lights and event objects. The defaults from VW now have internal classes that may not be included in your worksheets. Learning worksheets will help quite a bit if you spend much time doing estimating.
  16. Did you mean something like this? Sum by Layer.vwx
  17. The first time I tried this I printed the worksheet to a PDF. Then imported that referenced to the sheet layer. I also wound up making little header text objects for the subpages. Then there was way too much time adjusting the position of everything. In the end I could update the PDF easily. Multiple worksheets is far better!!!
  18. Try calling ETC tech support. Fantastically Friendly Folks that really know their stuff! They will know what can and can't be done.
  19. I think this is very do-able. Criteria would be Type=symbol, maybe class, etc Column 1 = Layer name (sub total on that) Column 2-x would hold Pats formula and should sum up. Does that make sense? This should be very similar to totaling fixtures by position. Note: Formulas are conceptual, I haven't opened VW to verify the formatting.
  20. At the very least you can edit the workspace so a keyboard shortcut pulls up the Lighting Options dialog. I imagine a simple script could also do it. Then place that in the menu and assign a shortcut. I did that with this: As you might guess it clears all selection and calls the zoom to objects function. A bit of poking should get you what you want, including making a 'tool' out of the script.
  21. @MarissaFhave you had a chance to look at this? Linear Array doesn't seem to be in the main library. Do you recommend another method?
  22. You can't hide a row. However you can adjust your primary criteria (database row) to show only the ones you want. A different class, record, field content, etc. Whatever it is that makes you want to hide it can be the basis of the criteria. Which also brings up that a worksheet can hold more than one database row. I.e. Windows of first floor, windows of second floor...
  23. I haven't tried it, but I think if you link the file through a standard referenced design layer viewport, you can cut section viewports. I routinely have multiple viewports of the same referenced file, just so I can turn switch layers and classes as needed.
  24. I recommend contacting ETC directly. Basic tech support folks are legendary for helpfulness, availability and broad knowledge! https://www.etcconnect.com/Support/Contact-Us.aspx As a Viz vendor you should be able to get some inside help if needed.
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