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Posts posted by bclydeb
Thank you all for replying to my "little big bug" problem. I have emailed you, Katie, for the updated PIO set. It is causing me a lot of grief to do things as they should be.
Thanks Mike and Cipes Design for your posts. I had tried to use the VW9 PIOs in two ways - by import into VW10 and by back-sliding a copy of one design into VW9.x. I found that the imported PIO did nothing I wanted and a whole lot of what I did not want. (Wasted hours.) I put out a prelim. using the VW9 back slidden file but continue to work on the VW 10 file to move toward final results. Double work to bring the two files up even.
I have worked around the sliding window problem by simply using the Fixed Window and draw extra lines across it for the exterior elevation view. I let the single sheet of glass ride in the Renderworks views and touch up the prints with pen to make teh vertical divider at the middle of the slider. The sliding glass door problem is not so easily solved.
I am frustrated with the window objects in VW Architect w/ Landmark and also VW Architect. I have v10.0.1 and am trying to make sliding windows for a residence. The "bug" I am experiencing goes like this:
Select the window object tool.
Click on the parameter set button.
Enter window data and leave the Transom button unchecked.
Place window in a wall.
Transom in info dialog is now grayed out and checked!!
In 3D views every blinking sliding window has a transom - which is NOT desired nor set!
Using other window types does not produce this result - the transom does not become checked and does not becom gray.
This occurs no matter which machine I use - Macintosh OSX 10.1.3, 9.1, 9.2, Windows 200NT machines - all in the office do this!
I get a similar preoblem with a file I began under VW Architect 9.0 running on MacOS9.0.1. Last December I bought a G4 dual 800 which can switch hit betwixt MacOS 9.2 and X.x.x
The problems I have is that Renderworks 100% of the time freezes after rendering about 20% down the screen of this file on the dual 800. whether under VWA 9.0.1using the MacOS9.2 boot or Using VWA 9.5 OSX native using the MacOSX boot.
Same file on my old G3 -333mhz renders fine using VWA v9.0.1
I have also upgraded to VWA 9.5.1 and also installed VW landMark v95.1.
The rendering settings I have under the file on the G3 are 3d conversion on high, and custom renderworks set to use High detail, shadows ray traced, ray tracing recursion set to 2, transparency on, antialiasing on and nurbs on. Pict export is set to 72 dpi, printing to 300dpi.
The G3 has 750MB ram.
The dual 800 has 1.2GB of ram.
How come the "better" version of VWA on the "Better" machine can't render?
http://www.nemetschek.net/ubb/images/icons/smile.gifChrista, Et. Al.
I have been using ploygons for room areas for years along with spreadsheets. Whenever a room changes or a building outline changes, the spreadsheet recalc auto updates the info. The spreadsheet also can be displayed and plotted as part of the drawing. Here's what to do:Ceate a new layer or class. I prefer classes because classes unify information and layers separate info.Draw the ploygonGo to the Object Info dialog and select the data tab. Give the ploygon a name. e.g. dining_room.Construct a spreadsheet. Using the database feature, reference your area polygon class as the first criterion and add a criterion for kind=polygon.For the first column set the criterion to =(N) to get the spreadsheet to list the named polygons.for the 2nd column set the formula to =(Area). All the areas will show.Below the database set you can total all the areas.If you are interested in only gross areas - such as apt unit by type and total building areas draw the perimeter polygons for each unit or building and give them unique names. e.g. apt_1_BldgA, Apt2_BldgA, etc.The spreadhseet database will display each building by name or each apartment by name and their corresponding areas.This spreadsheeting the areas helps in creating "site analysis" blocks for planning departments and so on. The beauty of this methodology is that you can change any individual polygon and the spreadsheet recalc updates the whole picture for you.The main drawback is that you generate a lot of Names in the database and you can't copy/duplicate say an apartment plan and expect the database to duplicate the names for the spreadsheet - you have to uniquely name each area set.One idea I haven't tried is creating a database tag for each polygon and linking it to the area polygons. This may allow making a symbol out of the polygon groups and creating the "stamp" effect you are looking for. You would still use the spreadsheet to extract the polygon data but the database criterion would reference the data record to pick the ploygons.If this short dissertations is clear as mud, e-mail me clydeark@pacbell.net and I will send you an example file of what I do. It is less work and "hand tracking" than Katie's suggestion. And it allows you to continue to use your present VW version until you can upgrade. Plus the technique works in VW9.5 - as well as in Architect and in Landmark.
HP 4xx plotters and the HP drivers.
I too have had my share of this problem. Windows machine or Mac the 455C, CA, etc. etc. all create problems.
I plot using a program called MacPlot which works on a Macintosh and can be purchased with the connectors and added software that enables a firm to plot all drawings from either one designated (does not have to be "dedicated") plotserver Mac or can plot (using Jetdirect?) from as many Macs as you buy direct spool licenses for.
MacPlot plots, rain or shine, to the 455's perfectly. For files created on my IBM brand PC, I simply transfer them over my 10/100 Base T network.
One of my clients owns the plotter and I take my stuff on a G3 PowerBook (400mhz Lombard w/512 Megs RAM) and plug in the MacPlot supplied USB-Parallel cable and go.
Since I have a very small firm at the moment, for my own stuff I have not "afforded" one of the pricier HP Plotters, but consistently plot using a HP1220C printer which can handle 13x19 inch paper - and cut four quadrants together for Arch'l "D" or I use MacPlot's plot to file mode and then change the strange dot extension they use to dot-plt and ship off by internet or CD to my reprographic house. The spooled files come out near perfect. (There's always a typo somewhere you don't see until a "bidder" picks it up!)
I have also successfully sent PDF files; (I use Adobe Acrobat full version not reader) to various places on the earth and they have been able to plot them and print them at their end. "Kinkos" appears to do well with PDF's and their large format plotters.
As for cost of a "more expensive" plotter versus wasted time - If I grow my firm back up to size again and am plotting more than once or twice a month again, I would not hesitate to buy something that works and be able to bill out the plots than fuss over a problem, obsolete plotter using hours that could be turned into billable time. However, sometimes we get so lost in the woods we forget we could climb a tree, take a look around and get better bearings.
I am using Vectorworks Arhitect and Architect w/ Landmark 9.50/OSX versions on Mac G4 dual 800, 1.2 gigs Ram, 90MB hard drive w/ 40 gigs to spare.
I have pulled in some "legacy" files for facilities projects and am trying to update spreadsheets. The problem which occurs is adding new forulae to calculate items does not work properly. The Worksheet formulae which were already there work fine. When I expanded the worksheet and tried to add formulas to sum up and count some columns the formulas appear as text (you can read the formula) and not calculated results (what you'd expect to appear).
I have to use a HP 450C plotter to plot VWA files. If I am using VWA9 with a file developed from scratch -the machine seems to plot fine.
However - legacy files, those which I have passed through MiniCAD (v1.9x!) through succeeding iterations until VW8.x - plotted fine as long as it was a 8.x file. We're talking Windows 98 here folks. Now, I have converted the file one more time into VWA 9 and it no longer plots! The results are that it appears to plot only one layer. the layer plotted is not the top, nor the bottom nor the active layer. Each different file plotted has a different layer plotted. All other layers do not exist. Checking other sources and HP troubleshooting suggests using an HP750C or C-plus driver since adding the C-kit to the 450 plotter to make it a 450C effectively changes it to a 750C type plotter. Again no go. either get a single layer only or - when using HP's prefview selection, SOLID BLACK!
Any solutions, besides pop the big bucks for a new plotter or have to spend the big bucks on remote plotting services and overnight delivery? I am a small office and affording other options is not an option.
It used to be that one could "ungroup" a spreadsheet in MiniCAD and it would become a group of text and lines. I assume NNA thought this was a bug and pulled the code which allowed this out. Since VWA 8.x I have taken to sending spreadsheet exports, reimported into MS Excel spreadsheets along with the DXF/DWG-ed drawings so the consultants who need the charted info can use the ODBC import kludge ACAD uses for so called database display. (Is that why ACAD charges so much for the program?).
The spreadsheet export from VWA works pretty good. Use Tab delimited as the export means from VWA. Live formula info doesn't go - but usually the receiver wants the actually displayed info and doesn't care about live, recalculating spreadheet charts.
Conversely - one can import an Excel sps into VWA spreadsheet form when the consultant sends one with pertinent info that goes into my drawings.
Don't know of a third party product that is licensed from CSI.
But as a member of CSI I would like to know what the problem hinted at is. If it could be helped by us CSI members lobbying (positive action), protesting (negative vibes) or whatever; I/we should do what is best for those who like to use CONDOC.
However we need to know what the problem is in order to address it correctly. And positively! Is the problem related to Cost? AutoCAD centric thinking? Other???
I am having difficulty plotting to an HP 450C plotter running the windows version. The V8.5.x worked flawlessly. I am using the HP windows driver for the plotter - latest version available on the internet.
The problem which occurs is that the plotting process takes place and finishes very quickly. about a minute later the plotter starts to plot and only plots a single layer's information. Same layer every time.
Since I have 48MB RAM in the plotter, I have tried the HP driver option of "in computer" for out of memory probnlems. Same result. wasted paper and ink.
When plot preview is selected the result is a complete on screen plot, but with the plot data line showing only 45% to 50% of data converted to plot data. When print/plot is clicked the result is a large "transparent" black smear with other colored lines plotted unnderneath it. Kind of like the HP driver sees the white space as a Black color.
What is the problem?
smithlb gives a simple solution to the simple problem. You can get a bit more sohisticated with "realistic" carpentry features by doing:
After getting the posts extruded, swith to View, Front view (or whichever way the gable end faces) and create a beam rectangle at the top of a post. Then extrude it and check it for location by viewing the other sides and moving using the ruler (for figuring distances) and the Move 3D command to shove it into desired location.
Switch back to gable end view and use the double lne tool set to the rafter depth and run the rafter wild past the seat both at the overhang and beyond where the ridge will be. Use polygons as sawblades in conjunction with the clip surface tool to make the plumb cuts at the ridge and overhang ends as well as the "birdsmouth" over the timber. Then Extrude the shape created, mirror to make both sides of the roof. Switch to plan view and use the linear array feature to make all the rafers you need. Finally - you can use the 3D ploygon or the roof tools to create roof sheathing and roofing materials. I hope this helps.
I have been using an HP 750 for close to 5 years with MiniCAD and Vectorworks plotting from both Macintoshes and Wintel PC's. I use the MacPlot Graphics Pak from Microspot from the Macintosh platform either directly or to spool from a laptop to a clients 750C plotter.
From the Wintel, I use the HP latest version Windows driver. This is important because you cannot use the Autocad driver supplied by HP.
I have success in having the local reprographic shops and remote service bureaus (read many states away) plot the .plt (Windows) plot files and HPGL files generated from Macplot (.cmds files) after changing the dot-suffix to .plt and e-mailing them.
Whichever driver/platform I have used described above, all items VW can produce, embedded Picts and .jpg graphics plus all tables and entities, patterns etc. VW can generate all plot very well.
Although I don't hink you can edit class colors using the setup for VW Arch, you can change class colors in the classes menu set on the menubar.
I would recommend that you change to the colors of classes YOU want in a freshly made setup for the project type. Then save this setup as a template and use it (the template) every time you start a new projet.
Finally - I use colors for either real color (rendered views) or to delineate important/less important information the way us "old time" drafters did with pencil shades Light and/heavy hand, broad point sharp point) and grades (4H, 2H H F HB B etc.) and gray and colored inks.
I find that learning the "Gray Shade" of various colors aids in the reproduction (via "bluline") by knowing which screen colors to avoid using. (E.G. Yellow and Cyan).
Finally - my reprographic house has gone over to laser printing because ammonia based processes are too expensive (OSHA, Environment and material and machine costs). These laser printing, large format machines do real well at producing even lightly colored lines and pale gray shades. Plus they do not fade in the field. Cost is competitive with "bluelines" too.
To add to D Shaffer's description, My office stays with several linked 3D layers - each set to a different view setup and we are able at any time to turn on the 3D layer of view of interest and observe the effects of any design action or change.
These layer sets also enable us to create view sets which can be composed into quicktime movies for sending CD's or VHS videos (I have movie capable Macs) to clients to see progress or to view as part of an in-office or Laptop on thier coffee table presentation.
It is only at the late stages of final production that we do similarly to D Shaffer's firm and use the convert features to make construction document views. We also include Black and White 3D views, rendered as no hidden line final views on various sheets where they become a big help in understanding what we the contractor to build.
Most times we even plot the color rendered views (buy VW Architect and Renderworks!) directly to the construction documents - a picture is worth many words or gigabytes to people bidding it and building it in the field!
Many of us have for years lobbied Richard Diehl and his incarnations of DiehlGraphsoft and now, Nemetcheck North America for ACAD compatibility. We have pretty good transferability now. However jfmarch is correct in that ACAD is a difficult beast to use compared with Vectorworks.
Why did we want ACAD compatibility? So we could send files to our various consultants who seem to like particular CAD prograqms with "vertical market" bells and whistles, like COGO or civil engineering.
However I do all of my work in Vectorworks because, as jfmarch states, VW is the best program to do it all in. There are few limits VW imposes. I can get Automatic and semi-automatic views via VW's 3D and 2D features which are not attainable without a $12,000.00 plus investmenet in multiple software packages which Autodesk sells or authorizes 3rd parties to develop.
One of the classier features in Vectorworks is the Spreadsheet/database integration which can automatically - and I mean automatically - generate schedules, keynote blocks and other items which, to do in ACAD requires exports to third party software (e.g. Excel) and then an import or Windows type data link to pull back into ACAD drawings for plotting. It is so time consuming to generate some items in ACAD that only a few, very heavy in investmented overhead, firms dare tackle.
Log me in for asking wishing hoping for a 'User Friendly" way to customize the standards to suit my project types. Like many architects I have developed some "fringe" markets and services which help keep me in demand and my clients coming back with the plus that I can get "value added" fees. Of course this requires I have flexible CAD to support my efforts. Vectorworks far and away seems to give me the best "off the shelf" suite of tools with fleexibility (User accessible, easily undrstood Vectorscript plus point and click tools) and customizing options. Th VW Architect module needs to offer us a few more customizing options to the very useful "standardizing" features it has.
I think you would need a CD mastering software like Adaptec Toast or it's PC counterpart.
I haven't explored this very far - but the software allows constructing Mac/Win CD's and maybe Autoplay features.
Also look at Apple's quicktime tools for runtime movie playing features.
I have sent CD's to clients who do not seem to mind double clicking on the movie to play it. But I bet it would make them appreciate my services more if I could get the CD to autoplay them - so I am going to try to do some exploring. I will post my results/problems/solutions when I knaow more.
I had a similar problem with a radio adn recording studio project. "I solved" the problem by creating one wall, installing a wall opening at the size of the door plus jamb reveal requirements, then replicated/duplicated the wall outward spaced accordingly. The door openings remain aligned. I then substited a door symbol for the opening in the wall, putting the door where it should be. Finally I kludged a "stub" wall to indicate the jamb closure. My 3D's looked OK to the client, especially when rendered w/ Remdrworks.
I echo the need for an Automatic property metes and bounds entry for the metres and bounds tool. It is a pain to have to do so.
My Opinion:
I can switch hit between several CAD systems. I have the most experience with Vectorworks and am very Facile in AutoCAD v14 and ACAD lt 2001, among others.
I prefer Vectorworks away and above any CAD system I have tried or learned well enough to be a comnfortable user.
I regularly use the VW export features to Photoshop, Painter, Illustrator, Appleworks, etc. or to .jpeg/.jpg for enhancing/making various rendered views and "scenes", promotional materials for my business and for clients to gain financing, rent their properties or put on their website.
I have both Windows and Mac versions of VW running in my office and prefer to run it on Mac. I have employees who are more comfortable with Windows machines and I have a few Wintels to ensure compatibility checks with clients who like Windows for facility management.
To get elevations from the plan you will need to set up at least one model layer and use the model features of VW to display each elevation.
I usually set the layers for my elevation models to only the exterior wall, grade plane, and roof layers. This saves processing time in rendering. Use View menu/Create Layer Link to set the layers to be used in the model layer
I then render each elevation as follows:
set the view to Front for front elevations, Back for rear elevations etc. in sequence. Use View menu/Standard Views/Front (or back, left right) for setting the view
After setting a view - say Front - I then render the elevation. If I want colors I use Renderworks. If a black and white I use View menu/Rendering/final hidden line. Other rendering settings produce various results. experiment with the settings to get the rendered view you'd like.
After the rendering is complete for that view I usally select the rendered view and use convert to lines or convert to polygons.
Convert to lines is best for say a construction document elevation because it is less data (smaller file) and has easily annotated and dimensioned features.
Convert to polygons will preserve colors and textures for a "rendered" elevation effect.
Printing to HP500
in Troubleshooting
I just bought a 500PS 24" equipped with the Jet direct plus spent the extra bucks for the HPGL2 card so I could boost the memory to the max at the plotter.
Since the PS model is supposed to support the Mac I expected the HP ps software to run fairly well out of the box and I would be up and plotting.
No dice - it only loads under "Classic" and only plots after checking the "run in classic" mode in the VW 10.x get info.
The plot only plots one sheet - hangs using the "print sheets" function in VW. In one sheet at a time mode VW bombs out just at the end of the spool. The ps driver (apparently by Adobe for HP) chugs the spool and finally dumps it into the HP plot Utility (HP Designjet 500PS) and sends to the plotter. Most everything works and plots OK with the exception of callout text which has been fliped or the arrow repointed in another direction.
Man, I'm making this a long comment - Do any of you other 500/800 and 500/800PS folks have the extra costHPGL2 cards and added memory?
I will make another post to comment on the Windows problems.