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Adam Britt

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  1. I just opened up a spotlight file that I had been working on the other day and now I have found a few strange things. I can no longer select instruments by clicking on them, I have to drag the selection box around them to select. I can no longer select lighting positions, at all. I can no longer place instruments on the positions, i can only put them on the ground. I feel like all of these things are linked, but I can not figure out how. Any suggestions? -Adam
  2. I am currently working on laying out a set that has a lot of curved platforms. How can I draw arc lines (I won't ever 3d render them so they can just be lines) without the white 'pie piece' fill that seems to automatically follow?
  3. hm, well now i have a different problem, of sorts. When i create a position in 3d without the 2d part of it and make it an electric, the label is in the right place. But when i make it an electric after i have the 2d part added, it puts the label way off to the side. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Beans45601/Picture3-2.png What is it about the 2d part that creates such a big space between those two things? -Adam
  4. This worked, thanks! I have another question, although (it has been a while since i used vectorworks). When i make this lighting position, it disappears and will only appear when I am using the '3d selection' tool. Which in itself is fine, however when I go to insert a lighting instrument, it puts me back in the 2d selection and my electric disappears. With that line under my pipe, it seems that something should show up in both 2d and 3d. What am i missing?
  5. How do you do that in '08? I don't remember having to do anything special in 12. -Adam
  6. When i create a lighting position (as opposed to inserting one from the library), it will not let me set it's z height. How do I go about doing this? I can set the lights on the position to a z height, however not the position itself. -Adam
  7. How do you go about drawing a raked stage, in Vectorworks? I can't figure out for the life of me how to 2 (or even 1) sides higher than the other two
  8. Is it possible to send in a drawing to a firm and have them (easily) turn it into a CAD file? Would this just be a 2D CAD file, where you have to extrude everything your self, or are their ways to easily have the file be 3D?
  9. How do you go about/what tools do you use to model the house and stage space when you are first starting a design? How do you go about making the apron? -Adam
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