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Posts posted by drmdzh

  1. OK, I'm obviously missing something. I keep having the same probelm over and over again.

    I create a shape in 2D. Then no matter how I stitch and trim, convert to (whatever - I've tried everything), compose, decompose, group, etc, etc. I can't make a solid object out of it. When I extrude it comes out as a shell.

    This is a simple seat cushion. How can I make it a 3d seat cushion.

    Conversely, how would you have gone about making it. I used polygone tool, arcs, fillet tool, trimmed. This is obviously incorrect.


  2. So how would I go about making them solids?

    I used extrude to form the wall. Then I tried doing the "Extract Curve" - Extrude along path thing, just like in the tutorial to create the top of the wall. I turned the extrude into a nurbs curve while I was doing that I think, nothing I tried could make it work. I managed to extract the curve, but couldn't extrude along it. So I traced the top line of the wall and extruded along that.

    I have read the entire book, worked my way through the tutorials, some of which don't even work (see my other post) and still find that almost everything I try to do doesn't work. I have never been as frustrated and angry with something as much as this. It is driving me crazy and the book really doesn't explain things, like the answer you just gave me. It WAS a solid, I converted it to try to do something else, can I convert it back?

  3. OK, so I've been working through the tutorials and I was doing the "Extracting Curves From Solids Tutorial" and when I get to the Subtract Solids part at the end, I get: You have tried to create a solid object which cannot be computed. Edit the geometry to resolve this condition and try again."

    This is the same error I was getting with my moulding issues. I'm obviously screwing up somehow, but I was following the tutorial? I've attached the drawing, why won't it subtract? (I am subtracting the curve from the top of the block.)

  4. Excellent, that worked. Now the only problem is, when I render, the wood grain is all going the same way, instead of down on the side and across on top. So I still have to cut it into separate pieces to render it accurately. Which of course I can't do because I get the "geometry" error again.

    Why is it that I couldn't add the two pieces of moulding together or "cut" the moulding at an angle? what was up with the geometry?

  5. OK, so now I finally have my piece of molding, I duplicated it and now I'm trying to join the two together at 90 to form a doorway. I can just lay them together and render and it looks fine, but I'd like to actually subtract the overlapping solid from each piece.

    I have tried to Add solid, Subtract solid and intersect solid, I always get a "Cannot be computed" error due to the geometry.

    So I figured I'd make a block at 45 to the piece and just "cut" off the end of each and put them together. When I did that and tried to subtract I got a "You tried to create a solid object which cannot be computed" error.

    So cutting my moulding on a 45 can't be computed?

  6. Thanks all. In the end, it took a combination of all of the above to get it to work. The biggest problem was that it was not a closed polyline, which is odd because I figured using the trim command would trim it so it was closed, it didn't, so I had to close the minute gaps between the arcs and lines.



  7. When you say "edit the extrusion" do you mean go back before the extrusion step?

    Here's what I tried:

    1. Before extrude, Compose then extrude, render. The circular pieces and rendered, the rest of it is a clear box with "rendered" lines.

    2. After extrude, Compose, render. Same as above.

  8. This seems like it should be easy...

    I designed a piece of moulding for an interior, using the polygon tool and ellipse tool, then edited out the excess using the trim.

    I then extruded, fine, I get a 3d wireframe object, but nothing I try will make it render as a solid. I've done so many combinations of "convert" at this point, before and after extruding, I'm pulling my hair out.

    Thanks in advance for you help.

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