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michelle l

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Posts posted by michelle l

  1. ugh! my client is playing designer with Home Design a consumer software to design homes..he imported a pdf I gave him (I assume) and marked it up in there. Now he sends it to me and I cannot open!

    and no I am not buying that garbage :)

    Can anyone direct me how to convert the .pro file? or maybe even (pretty please) convert it to a readable image so I know what he is talking about?

    thanks a million


    Mac, VW 12.5


    I only need to read the darn thing and do not need to work with it and no he can barely do what he did and does not know how to save as a pdf (we agonized over that one)

  2. I am a new user of 12 and remember in my older V'works files having accesories available to me that cannot work now in the newer version. I really need furniture and cannot use the Knolls stuff in the package I was issued. Where is the old stuff? Are there fans? As much as I'd like the luxury of sitting around making these from scratch, time is not on my side. Is there a place to download these items?



    I use a PC with XP system

  3. I'm assigning the door's numbers by checking the "on schedule" box in Object info. Is it possible to reduce the text size that shows up on the door or its position? When I enter a different label size on object info pallette, nothing happens (though the numerical value changes as I have entered it).





    Renderworks, Architect

  4. I tried that and the obstacle for me is moving the background just where I want it and its size.

    you see I am placing a site picture in on a specific angle that forces the model to be in that perspective and size.

    I have a few other ideas how to acoomplish this but can anyone tell me how to gid rid of a background without discarding the whole layer? I know I can move the model to a different layer but then I lose the exact location of the its perspective. (gosh I wish there were a way to duplicate that without all the shenanigans of twist and trial and error. thaks for any ideas, help

  5. ok now I am desperate...All I want to do is see the rendered model on the photo. I cannot seem to do it by making a texture of the photo. So is there any way to just have the picture (jpeg) appear behind the model so I can display that to my client. I do not want to go to photoshop to cut and paste. (My photoshop is not on my laptop and I'm on the road. Please help!

    thanks (sorry to be an idiot!)


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