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  1. Another time "WOW" you are great, i think i will need monthss to understand that, but i will try. Thanks to your nice written code, i can understand at least a little bit... Dank je well mika
  2. I found this example-code at http://www.nemetschek.net/support/custom/vscript/example.php to choose an Hatch, but I have no idea to get it combined the my ChHatch-Script above and get two times this window to choose the old Hatch and then the new one. Can someone explain me how to combine (these) scripts and get the VARs from one to another? PROCEDURE ImagePopTest; VAR gHatchList:dynarray[] of STRING; gHatchCount,gDlogID,gDlogResult : INTEGER; gHatchChoice : STRING; gOKdlog : BOOLEAN; FUNCTION BuildHatchList:INTEGER; VAR temp_i,temp_cnt:INTEGER; BEGIN temp_cnt := 0; FOR temp_i := 1 TO NameNum DO IF (getobject(namelist(temp_i)) <> NIL) & (gettype(getobject(namelist(temp_i))) = 66) THEN BEGIN temp_cnt := temp_cnt +1; allocate gHatchList[1..temp_cnt]; gHatchList[temp_cnt] := namelist(temp_i); END; BuildHatchList := temp_cnt; END; FUNCTION Define_Dialog: INTEGER; VAR dialogID,i : INTEGER; BEGIN dialogID := CreateLayout('Hatch Picker Dialog',True,'OK','Cancel'); CreateStaticText(dialogID,4,'Select the Hatch:',-1); CreateControl(dialogID,5,10,'',0); SetFirstLayoutItem(dialogID,4); SetBelowItem(dialogID,4,5,0,0); Define_Dialog := dialogID; END; PROCEDURE Drive_Dialog(VAR item:LONGINT; data:LONGINT); VAR temp_i,i:INTEGER; temp_s:STRING; result:BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE item OF SetupDialogC: FOR i := 1 TO gHatchCount DO temp_i := InsertImagePopupObjectItem(gDlogID,5,gHatchList[i]); 1:gHatchChoice := GetImagePopupObject(gDlogID,5,getImagePopupSelectedItem(gDlogID,5)); END; {of CASE} END; BEGIN {MAIN} gHatchCount := BuildHatchList; gDlogID := Define_Dialog; gOKdlog := VerifyLayout(gDlogID); IF gOKdlog THEN gDlogResult := RunLayoutDialog(gDlogID,Drive_Dialog); IF (gDlogResult = 2) THEN alrtdialog('You canceled') ELSE alrtdialog(concat('You chose ',gHatchChoice)); END;Run(ImagePopTest); Thank You!
  3. Wow, I don't know why it works, but it works fine Dank je wel!
  4. Thank You! I have to try out. How do you come from Foreachobj to SetVectorfill, it doesn't work like my first example. Just works with SetLW... I always get a "Function"-ERROR, how to use this Functions instead of Procedures
  5. Here is a peace of code, I can select the objects with the specified hatch, but i don't now how to set the hatch then (see Set????) and if it works, how to select the hatch in an interactive way... PROCEDURE CHHatch; PROCEDURE EditHatch( ObjHand : HANDLE ); BEGIN Set?????(ObjHand, ??? 'Hatchname'); ResetObject( ObjHand ); END; BEGIN ForEachObject( EditHatch, HFI='Hatchname' ); ReDrawAll; END; RUN(CHHatch); thanks for help
  6. Hi, I want to select object with specific hatch fill and change the fill of the selected objects then. If possible with all objects in drawing (including groups and symbols) How can I reach this via vectorscript? thanks
  7. Hi, can someone help me: I have a Custom Title Block that works, but the drawing borders in VW are to ugly! Is there a way to customize it? I tried it with a drawing border in the titleblok symbol, but that doesn't work very well. It inserts somewhere. Thanks myf
  8. Hey Charles, first thanks, I'd like to have the center x and y as 0 and to pick the start- and endpoints like in the normal round wall function. It's cause I have a quite big drawing and a hundreds of wals with center 0,0 At the moment I have not much time to test it (other projects with rectangular layouts - fortunately. I will tell you when i did it. Bye
  9. Hi Charles, yes, I'm working in 12.5
  10. Hello, I'm a newbie to Vectorscript and I have a few "first user"-questions. Perhaps You can help me understand. I have a layout with lots of round walls all with center 0,0 in different wall styles. So, how the script looks like for creating the wall with predefined center? And is it possible to make scripts with shortcut for the different wall styles - and the center 0,0 (for example shortcut ALT+10 for the wall with wall style "GK 10cm") Thank you myf
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