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Posts posted by sphere3d

  1. iPad is restricted by iTunes and its software... a pity, i guess...

    Would have been better to make it a stand alone pad... so any one can install what they want.... and no multitasking... bummer


  2. Work with VW 12 and was asked may times why not draw plans with walls... my answer: you get a hybrid drawing and symbols will insert in wall (like toilets) when not wanted. I draw walls just with rectangles and ploygons and add surface them together.

    More people have reasons not to draw with the wall tool in VW 12?


  3. Well, setting aside when-it-is-an-oval-and--- discussion:

    Still the problem remains when the offsettool is used on a rotated oval, i will not get a smaller rotated oval but a polyline (some are bezier, some are spline based) with a wierd shape.

    So why is this? And using values is nice, but needs calculation....

    Anyone from Nemetschek??


  4. Well we draw in 2d, like technical drawings. So when 3d locus is placed in this drawing it becomes a 3d drawing. The fact is that some people here at my office do not understand when a view is in isometric the drawing dissapears (a floorplan as a symbol, and in this symbol an other symbol is deleted from library, this symbol becomes a 3d symbol due to a 3d locus)

  5. Anyone have noticed the difference between printing patterns on a Xante accel-a-writer 4N with Quarts (an Quarts imaging) enabled and disabled?

    With Quarts enabled patterns become inversed (black dots will be white, whits space will be black)

    Is it a bug?


    VW 12.1.0, G5 macos 10.4

  6. Hi all!

    I have several viewports which i would like to export as epsf or as pdf format. seems that the size of those files are very big... so other people can not work with it in, let say, Illustrator.

    Is there a way to "explode" viewports, so all that is left are some ploygons and lines?

    Any tip how to reduse filesize?? (the exported filesize)


  7. We have a VW script for selecting Dimensions by KIND.

    Nou with the new chain dimensions i would like to select them too, with the same script.

    BUT it seems chain dims is a plug-in object, and has no unique number, is it??

    So how do i select a chain dim by KIND, or do i need to rewrite my script?

    (i know one can select by Class)



  8. Indeed, you are correct. In architecture, brick symbols have their insertion point at the upper or lower edge, due to placing requirements in the drawing.

    Sometimes bricks are placed from left to right, and all goes well. But when this symbols is place from rifht to left, it appears bolow the insertion point, cause one had to rotate during the placment. So it looked to me a nice feature, to use a key, to flip this brick on its place, when placing it in the drawing....sorry for my english....i hope you understand my story.


  9. We use dates in filenaming, like 305 floorplan 070125.mcd That is to use the latest version available when more designer are working at the same project.

    BUT when one has a reference file, the problem is one has to assign the ref file again every day, as its name will change due to the new date...

    How do you people do this at an architectural office???

    Please elaborate...


  10. 4 seperate buildings (with 4 stories) in a square... so 4 files and each file containing 4 layers (one floor on one layer, and classes for seperate building items), so each floor plan aligns with the floor above....now, these files i want in an overall view, so again 4 layers containing the 4 builing floor plans... (as it will be the urban plan)

    as more designer are working on this project, it would be great to:

    1- have all symbols as reference ; how do i proceed??

    2- all seperate plan will be inserted in urban plan: so how do i proceed

    That is what is needed...

    thanks again


  11. I work at an architectural office, and i am wondering how to split project between more than one designer. I am familiar with workgoup reference, as in that there already is one drawing, and this one i split into 2, 3 or 4 files and keep the first as reference (mostly for symbols)

    Now i have a big project containing of 4 slabs (with 4 floors each) in a square, and maybe you already guessed, i would like to make 4 seperate files, and one file in which all 4 slabs are together in areal context. But all slabs are rotated, so they will be symbols.

    How do i set up this project easily so designers (VW users) will understand how it works, but moreover please give me a way to get those slabs at an 90 degree angle (for drawing purpose) but when referenced, they are exactly in position. Do i use symbol reference, layer reference??



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