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dr paaj

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Posts posted by dr paaj

  1. You can use one of these...

    But CINEMA 4D has the Mograph module there you can use one tree(3D object), duplicating the object multiple times and the tree will look scaled, rotated and moved with a few mouseclicks.

    Of course there are a lot 3D tree/plant libraries to buy:

    like VBvisual, Xfrog and Vray, these are in 3d, Render realistic and also very fast.

  2. Here we have a problem with importing and exporting shp files.

    In 12.5.1 we get a file out of an GIS database(autodesk mapguide) we can import it to our drawings and make modifications, when we export to the Gis database, the file wasn?t recognized.

    When we imported a Gis-shp file and make no modifications, and export the file to the Gis database, the file wasn?t recognized.

    When we try to see what happens with Gis viewer(ESRI) we see the geo reference was not edited correctly, VectorWorks make changes to the file with im- and exporting only(but that?s not useful)

    Could it depend on the projection method: Lambert Conic, or UTM. Normal we use in Europe Lambert Conic, with the origin in France(I thought it was in Paris)

    Is this projection method from ESRI?

    ESRI and Autodesk told us the same, that it could depend on Lambert Conic or UTM.

    Any tips or solutions are welcome...

  3. what is tot?

    My VW automatically uses the acrobat when exporting a PDF from VW. Is there a setting to keep this from happening?

    To instead of tot blush.gif

    Do you use Export to PDF in the file menu, or print to PFD, with destiller?

    Opens Acrobat 6 the files? when you download acrobat reader 7 or 8, I think that, there are no further problems with your text.

  4. Here a few corruption issues again...

    Yesterday VW was for an half an our not used, she comes back, want to work further, but VW does nothing, her whole system freezes, forced quit. She opens the file again, and directly she get the report, to save the file under another name, everything was ok. So far so good, but this morning, the drawing was corrupt, included the one from yesterdays evening in the backup folder. 0,1k OS 10.4.9 on a G5 2.7 x2/1.5 GB, VW12.5.1

    Another issue: VW drawings were used for copy and paste work, all the 4 VW drawings are asked to save on another name, all the 4 are corrupt... OS 10.4.9 on 2 IntelMacs 2,13/2 GB, VW12.5.1.

  5. We hava a strage problem:

    With VW 12.5.1 machine design, the fastener tool, shows no icons in the mode bar.

    We've switched to another workspace, done a reinstal, take another workspace from a system that works(shows the icons correctly), replaced the plugin and also the IP resources.rsrc

    This only occurs on a single G5 1.6 single/lGB/GF FX5200 updated to OS10.3.9(on 10.3.8 it worked correctly), on all the onter systems it works normal.

    Anyone an idea?

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