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Posts posted by Jodyb17

  1. Thanks for the info Mr. Cipes.

    Odd that 12.0 installs fine, just won't update. 12.5.3 is running fine on other 10.6 machines here in the office, but I guess they were migrated from older machines.

    Upgrading the one machine means upgrading all of the others in the office. Not really an option since we are phasing out VW in favor of another program.

    Thanks anyway....

  2. Trying to update 12.0.0 on a new computer running OS 10.6.8. When running the update I get an error message that says the update is obsolete and that I should download a new one.

    The website the message sends me to does not have 12.5.3 as an option to download.


  3. I also use the trackman by logitech, which is a thumb operated trackball type mouse.

    The nice hting is you can keep the mouse in your lap, you do not need a hard surface for the mouse.

    I find that keeping my elbow level with my mouse hand with the combination of not having to move my wrist alleviated my pain.

  4. I've taken to turning off the "Rulers" display preference. The shortcut button to the "reset origin" tool is very close the the mode selection icon of all the other tools (top left). It's pretty easy to reset the origin and not notice by accidentally clicking on this icon.

  5. Not sure about version 2009, but in 12.5 I had to resort to turning off the "adjust flipped text" preference for sheets laid out in portrait orientation (wall sections). Worked for me, but I always kept forgetting to turn it off when printing out a set. I had to have it on for the rest of the set (plans anyway) to display the doors correctly. Pretty frustrating.

  6. I took the plunge. My new 64 bit Vista system Dell will be here soon. Dual quad core Xeon processors, 32 gig of Ram (16 was thrown in for free), 1.5 gig ram on the the Nvidia Quadro FX4800 video card, and some other goodies.

    This machine should fly compared to my 5 year old machine. I think I'll only have to upgrade my accounting software. Quickbooks 2003 won't run on Vista from what I've heard.

    How did you get 16gigs of ram "thrown in"?!!!

  7. Ha, very true brudgers. Price is always an issue.

    In terms of the original questions of stability, I think that has more to do with the hardware than necessarily the operating system. Mac products tend to use high quality components, hence the price. Not that you can't get good quality from a PC brand.

  8. If you're committed to VW I would say it doesn't matter much one way or the other. Mac tends to limit your cad program choices though.

    I think if traveling is your thing, you might want to consider things like battery life and weight rather than one operating system or the other.

  9. Now in the one on top you can turn on "Black & White Only."

    Now you have nice black lines, but you still see the color fills below.

    How do you set a viewport to B/W. Is this a feature in the newer VW versions?

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