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Everything posted by willofmaine

  1. I went to quickly generate a report on the areas of the window objects in my model, but they were all reported as having no area. Huh?... VWIS184 The windows are in symbols and use window styles. The report's search criteria were set to "include components of symbols." A couple of hours later, it seems the problem is with my specific windows, as I can't replicate the problem when starting from scratch. But accidentally, after changing window IDs in an effort to keep track of what was a growing number of different window conditions, I discovered that, finally, the windows' areas would show up on the report... Unfortunately, when the IDs were changed, the tags inexplicably inherited the graphic attributes of the class that the windows are in... But upon yet further investigation, it seems that temporarily changing a window's ID Tag class to use a different class and back again gets it back as it should be... VWIS186 Files attached... 04-Window Area Not Reported-03.vwx 05-Window Area Reported-04.vwx 06-Start from Scratch-00.vwx
  2. Hi Matt, I'm using version SP2.1. I can't seem to replicate the issue. I tried repeating what I think I'd been doing before it happened, but all to no avail... This project (and the viewport in question) has been around since at least SP2, but this is the first time this has happened... Thanks! -Will
  3. I have some walls in a wall class, but they're in a group in a "Guides" class that is turned off in the viewport. Until now, there's been no sign of the walls showing up in the viewport (a section viewport), entirely as expected. But tonight, after updating the viewport, suddenly, unexpectedly, for the first time, there's a brick hatch to be seen through the windows. Huh?!? I check layers and classes and viewport settings and look for extraneous geometry of some sort that maybe I inadvertently placed. Somehow. All seems to be as it should be. But after updating the viewport again, the brick is still there. Closing and re-opening the file and updating the viewport yet again doesn't help. Finally, after quitting Vectorworks and re-starting Vectorworks and updating the viewport for at least the fourth time, the brick finally goes away. VWIS183
  4. With each and every new session of Vectorworks, it's necessary to yet again reselect the "Keep the Edit View on Exit" option for editing viewports (even though the checkmark is always in the box from one session to the next; it's necessary to uncheck it and re-check it before viewports will indeed keep their "edit view" upon exiting the viewport). Why?!? I wish Vectorworks would actually remember this selection from one session to the next. VWIS182
  5. In the annotations of a plan viewport, when I tried to snap to the geometry (a rectangle) of a page-scale symbol, snapping wasn't available. VWIS181 Closing and re-opening the file seemed to help, at first. Ultimately, the snapping seems entirely sporadic, possibly affected by zoom level. Switching Navigation Graphics from "Best Compatibility" to "Best Performance" didn't seem to make a difference. However, doing so did result in the text in the page-scale symbols suddenly being the wrong size. Reminiscent of https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/62556-first-hour-with-2019-sp3-productivity-0/#comment-311520 (VWIS156). Exiting the Viewport and changing its Text Scale (Advanced Properties > Text Scale) from 1.5 and then back to 1.0 seemed to resolve it the issue. But for how long, one wonders?
  6. With great frequency, when I right-click on a symbol and select "Locate Symbol in Resource Manager," it's not highlighted in the Resource Manager, as expected. It's necessary to right-click on the symbol a second time and again select "Locate Symbol in Resource Manager" before it's actually highlighted. VWIS180
  7. Create a blank file. Draw some walls. Create a section viewport. Edit the Section Style class so that it has a light fill and heavy line (such as 0.70mm). In the Viewport's Advanced Properties > Display, set the Line Weight Scale to 1. Set Vectorworks Preferences > Display > Navigation Graphics to "Best Compatibility." Update the section viewport, and draw a line (either inside the annotations or not) and set it to the same thickness as for the Section Style class (the 0.70mm) as a reference. Note that the lines representing the walls at the section plane are not 0.70mm as expected. Change Navigation Graphics to "Best Performance," and then they are as expected. VWIS179 Unfortunately, with Navigation Graphics set to "Best Performance," the colors of objects in viewports that are on layers using layer color overrides are entirely nonsensical (whereas they are as expected with "Best Compatibility." VWIS175 The super powerful Vectorworks Graphics Module seems to have plunged us into a seemingly endless and inescapable world of Vectorworks graphics trauma.
  8. You do, yes. While 2020 has some nice new features (or at least capabilities), it's as graphically-challenged as it's ever been since the introduction of the VGM (the benefits of which mostly continue to elude me). Please fix Vectorworks. Someone. Anyone. Please!
  9. I haven't tried the camera yet, but, if you've got a browser such as Safari or Chrome running, try quitting that and see if the space bar will then activate the pan function for you. Usually you can then restart your browser again and the space bar will continue working. At least for some amount of time... HTH
  10. Actually, when I go back to my original preferences, that's all still the same: the Outer Boundary mode will recognize two overlapping rectangles but, otherwise, neither mode seems to work. So I guess changing the preferences actually made no difference at all...
  11. And it only works for a couple of rectangles overlapping each other... not for a single rectangle...
  12. If I blow away the Vectorworks Preferences in Application Support and try again, I can get the Outer Boundary mode to work on a couple of rectangles drawn in the viewport's annotations. But Inner Boundary still doesn't work, and neither works for geometry from the design layer...
  13. Sorry! The files were attached to another post of mine. They were created for that issue, but can be used for this as well. I'll attach them again here. Vectorworks 2018-VWIS170-002.vwx Vectorworks 2020-VWIS170-003.vwx
  14. Ah................. user error!! 🙄Wish I had a department to blame this on... I rarely use components, so when I edited the Roof Face Style, I didn't look beyond the "Edit Roof Attributes..." button. But now I see (I think...) that that only controls attributes for the Roof Face's Top/Plan representation, and its the component's attributes that control its 3D / Section representation. Thank you Alan & Tamsin!
  15. Hi Tony, I'm using 2020 SP1, build 512839. This issue also seems to apply to the Outer Boundary Mode as well. Vertex mode is fine. And for both the Inner and Outer Boundary Modes, it seems to apply both for objects drawn directly in the viewport's annotations space, as well as for geometry that's on the design layer and rendered in the viewport. Thanks!
  16. Hi Tamsin, In both of the above attached files, the user and internal origins are coincident, and the geometry straddles 0,0. In the VW 2018 file (using VW 2018...), the Polygon Tool > Inner Boundary works as expected. In the VW 2020 file, nothing happens. Not even a spinning beach ball like it's trying to do something. Both of these files were created from scratch using the "blank document" option in their respective versions of Vectorworks. Thanks!
  17. Oh no!! It seems that in Vectorworks 2020, the Polygon Paint Bucket (the "2D Polygon Tool: Inner Boundary Mode") does nothing in Section Viewports?... In Vectorworks 2018 and all previous versions, it works fine, where I've used it extensively to "punch" my building elevations. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Or, if I'm missing something, let me know what it is...). VWIS173
  18. I rarely print drawings on paper; I typically just send PDFs to clients. So it wasn't until recently, zooming in on a building elevation (Section Viewport), that I realized that the line weight for all of my Roof Face objects was too thin. So I started the investigation. *Sigh* First I tried to figure out if I could control their line weights with viewport overrides and/or by changing the attributes of their class. But that lead to another problem. I found that updating viewport overrides and/or changing class attributes would only sometimes actually affect the line weights as displayed in the viewport. Huh?!? Finally, after much time & frustration, I found that it was necessary to update the viewport twice before the viewport would finally update properly. As far as I can tell, in VW 2018 this is necessary most, if not all, of the time. In VW 2020, it seems more sporadic. Fine. Always update Viewports twice after changing line weights. VWIS171 But in figuring all of that out, holy cow, yet another problem cropped up. I found that after changing the viewport's line weight override for a particular class and then changing it back again, some objects would failed to update with that second change. Huh?!? I quickly realized it was scaled 3D symbols that weren't updating, but it took quite a while to (I think) figure out a solution: if the line weight of said symbols doesn't update, edit the class itself (not the override) and temporarily change the class's line weight to a different one and back again. After that's done, the viewport should then update properly. VWIS172 I have no idea what the original issue was. Oh yes... it seems that in Section Viewports, in Hidden Line Render mode, Roof Face objects always render with a 0.05 mm line weight, regardless of what corrective actions one might attempt. I guess one workaround might be to convert Roof Face objects into Solid Additions, but of course then one gives up control over their textures. VWIS170 All of the above seems to apply in BOTH Vectorworks 2018 (SP5) and in Vectorworks 2020 (SP1). Attached are test files in both versions, both created with blank documents. Vectorworks 2018-VWIS170-002.vwx Vectorworks 2020-VWIS170-003.vwx
  19. I don't know, I can't seem to consistently replicate this issue this morning. I believe it happened before and after I updated to SP1, yet I haven't even restarted VW since updating. If it happens again, I'll try to send something (ultimately, I cut holes in the main slab and made the bathroom slabs the same depth, tops of all Floor Objects at exactly the same elevation - in which case; having done that, there have been no display issues...). Thanks.
  20. On top of my main Floor Object, I created a 1/16" thick Floor Object for a bathroom and added a floor tile texture to it. Nothing. I edited the Floor Object (which is necessary to get Floor Objects and even Roof Faces to display their textures (VWIS078)) but, still, nothing. Finally, when I zoomed out, the texture became visible. When I zoomed back in again... it disappeared. I seems that the more one zooms out, the greater the difference between the top surfaces of floor objects needs to be in order for their textures to display... VWIS169
  21. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic!!! This is major (at least for me). One of the main reasons I moved beyond VW 2016 was for Door & Window Styles, a reason seriously compromised when this Symbols issue appeared with VW 2019. So, it is absolutely, extremely beyond great to now have this solution! (Which solution must be one of the simplest VW workarounds ever... ...one that I never would have figured out in a million years...). Thanks, Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Okay, great, thank you. My only experience with 2019 is a few short-lived trials, so, I'm comparing 2020 to 2018...
  23. Vectorworks 2020. Open a brand new, blank file. Make sure Vectorworks Preferences > Display > "Center on objects after view change" is selected. At the top left of the page layout, create an extrude. Zoom in on the extrude so that it fills the screen (a "working zoom"). Toggle through a variety of 3D views, and the extrude remains centered each time, as expected. In Top/Plan view, save the extrude as a symbol, with Insertion Point set to "Next Mouse Click," and use the lower right of the page layout as the symbol's insertion point. Edit the symbol, zoom so that the extrude fills the screen, and again toggle through a variety of 3D views. This time the extrude disappears, unless you zoom out enough to see it off to the side, because it's not being centered after the view changes. Repeat this in Vectorworks 2018, and the extrude always stays centered, as expected, both inside and outside the symbol. I often create symbols with geometry that's some distance from the file's 0,0 origin, but I use the 0,0 origin as the symbol's insertion point so that I can cut & paste-in-place geometry into and out of the symbol. VWIS168
  24. This inability of Doors and Windows in symbols to retain their Door and Window Styles when in said symbols persists in Vectorworks 2020. It is absolutely, extremely beyond frustrating. Particularly since it was acknowledged by Tech Support exactly ONE year ago tomorrow, and again submitted to the "engineers" six months ago by Matt. VWIS148
  25. I wouldn't know about 2019, as I've completely skipped that (well, except for several ill-fated attempts to use it...). I think if you try this in VW 2018, it will work as expected (i.e., only the position of the scale text is adjusted).
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