Thanks for your reply Ccroft.... I guess I need to explain myself a little more.
Down under in New Zealand there is an Index for Construction information.
Works like this.
1 General
2 Site
3 Structure
4 Enclosure
Information can then be classified in more detail. ie under structure.
31 Concrete
32 Steel
33 Timber
The system continues in more detail....
311 Concrete Floor Systems
312 Precast concrete.
So say you are specifying Precast concrete walls. The section of the spec the information is found is 312 Precast concrete.
The PIO I am creating allows for a Keynote text, then requires the user to appened where in the spec that information is found. How to do that...
The PIO has a series of popup menus to navigate down the index.
The idea is you start with a top level pop up. You select '3 Stucture'. In the PIO this controls what the next pop up is that is displayed. You can then select 31 Concrete, which reveals the next level popup and so on.
What is missing from the script is:
If '(pSpecsectionpop='2 Site') Then (*THIS IS THE FUNCTION I NEED* Show popup2 & Hide the other popups.
I know this function exists, in V11.5 the Door tool has a number of boolean parameters in the object info. Click on one and a the rest of the parameters become visible. Make it false and they disappear.
This is the function I'm looking for.