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Everything posted by vhector

  1. got this problem as well. For offices I use a symbol aswell, because they are all the same. But when i is a building with round walls, the spaces are taperd. with a tapered form I aslo get thos white spaces.
  2. When i put a symbol, for instance a door in a wall, the only way I know to move it in the wall is to drag. Is there a way to do that muneric. Like i want the door 600mm from the T-wall (without helplines ).
  3. offcoarse, many thanks.
  4. Well yeah, you get this 1 / Nr. /Nme /sqm 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 2.1 /0.1 /1e / 10 2.2/ 0.2 /2e / 30 2.3 /0.3 /3e /10 But I want this 1/ Nr./ Nme/ sqm 2 / 3 / 3 / 50 2.1 /0.1 /1e /10 2.2/ 0.2 /2e / 30 2.3/ 0.3/ 3e / 10
  5. I made a data-symbol, in that symbol I make some data, like sqm for me. When I make a worksheet of it, the data comes in sub-rows. Problem is for SUM, I can't do that in subrows. Only count the subrows itself, and not the data in it. Is there a solution for it?
  6. I believe know it, it is the turning on or of of the anti-aliasing function. Is there a solution to have the anti-aliasing on for the lines, to have it straight lines, and off for the textures?
  7. I made some tilable images, on screen it looks fine but when i print or make a pdf of it, it get's a with border around it, how can i solve this problem.
  8. Thanks Katie. Weird thing is, I can't open the file, but I can browse the symbols. So i can use them from now on.
  9. It is that it keeps on thinking, have to force stop. maybe it has to do that there are only symbols in thedrawing or that they are all data linked?
  10. I want to open a symbol library that i made with vw10.5 in version 12.5, but it crashes every time. It's only this single drawing. The drawings aren't that big, to about 1.5mb. It seems normal to open an old drawing in a new version, It's also shame i can't browse symbols in old version drawings. Any solutions? Edit: Only have this problem with this library drawing. The normal drawings, it just symply imports.
  11. On intel, `The offset tools works perfect on VW 10
  12. Never mind, view threads below the discussion was allready there
  13. On my work we have recently VW12, yesterday. But I've got problems to offset, only with polygons. I heard it's because I work under Rosetta (mac intel). So now i still ork with version 10. Is there a solution or can I surpass the problem?
  14. Can't find it. I'm working with Vectorworks 10, maybe that's the problem?
  15. Hi first time on this forum, also new user in Vectorworks. I want to make a sheet or text/data block where the area of an polygon is put. And when the polygon is changed the text automaticly changes with it. It's for a room state. so I've to also attach to roomname at it. TY in advance
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