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Posts posted by FredM

  1. This may or may not help. Here is how I would do it. Double click the line tool. In the ?X field tpye 8 and set the ?Y field tpye 0. Make sure the x and y fields are 0 and uncheck position at next click then hit ok. Double click the line tool again ?X 0 ?Y -12" X 14" Y -5" make sure the top square insertion point is selected and insert at next click is unchecked then hit ok. Finally repeat steps and enter 0, -6, -4, -4 . I find it easy to insert the information first. Hope this helps.

  2. What I end up doing is working in nurbs till the last minute then convert all of the objects that usually disappear into 3d poly, export in simple vectorscript then undo actions till all are back to nurbs then save the file.

  3. I've created a vase with 2 sweep objects; 2 extrude along path with exponential scale; and 1 extracted curve extrude along path. Nothing really complicated and yet file size before converting objects to 3d poly is 35 megs. Converting all 5 objects to 3d poly not only slows down the re-drawing of the objects the file size after just doing that is now 55.3 megs. I've tried to convert to mesh but got the error,"Selected objects may have too many vertices for a mesh." It's a simple vase. In my line of work, I need to represent client products for display purposes. I may need to create 4 to 6 different tea pots for a rendering. Those 20 megs add up. You can imagine what it's like along with the display fixture/structure also in the file.

  4. Squirrelboy, Thank You. You are absolutely correct. I don't like to convert to 3d poly. I don't think that I should have to. I love VW. It allows me to draw anything! Its great! Converting to generic solids gives me undesirable outcomes in strata. Exporting in iges gives me the same stuff in strata. Is strata the problem? Do I have to learn ANOTHER program to get my job done? I was hoping that there was an order to the creation of an object; or a convert to command in the process of creation that would make me happy in strata. Katie, I will send you the chair I've drawn. I hope you can help. I'm correctly using the tools and it all works the way I've done it for years, but man, when the boss is hovering over me and the program is walking like a 286 trying to add 2+2 I create strange conversation topics to mask the tick tock of the clock. Thanks everybody..

  5. Thanks for your response: Here is what I've noticed after trying iges; I created a 2d circle, extruded it, extracted a curve of the top, extruded along a path, then subtracted solids. Exporting iges 3d only then opening it in strata, the subtract solid is not there, the extruded curve is there and the cylinder is hollow.. So then I re imported it into vectorworks and then exported it in simple vectorscript and It worked.. Though the import into strata took quite a while on my g4. It seems quite archaic..

  6. Hi all. I am having issues with converting 3d objects to poly then having them be extremely large and it boggs down the computer something terrible. Lets say I create a chair. I do a lot of extrude along path, fillet edge, extract curves to get the shapes that I want.. Here is the deal... I use Strata 3d pro and (other than an upgrade to cx---that may not even fix the problem). Exporting to Strata 3d, or simple vectorscript with items created in such a way, disappear in strata unless converted to 3d poly. And Dang it I'd swear the file size goes from 50 megs to 650 megs for 2 chairs.. Does anyone know of a simpler way?

  7. I tried '=price/count' it gave me a lower amount but still wrong. About 1/3 the price amount. Is that a bug? I did an experiment, and believe it or not it worked. I will try to explain..

    Step 1. Create New Resource. Record Format

    Step 2. New Field. Price (number decimal use comma)

    Step 3. Attach 4 identical objects on the build layer to the record format through the object info palette.

    Step 4. Organize Create Report Summarize

    Step 5. Create column and name it Total

    Step 6. Copy and paste the formula for the price column into the newly created Total column and PRESTO it works. I've tried a couple of other tests, and now I really feel stupid. It appears that all I needed to do was highlight the database header row and drag the sum icon over the individual column. I was dragging it over the database column tab ie. 2

    I Really appreciate everyone's help Nicholas and Charles javascript:void(0)

  8. Thank You Nicholas for trying to help me! Sorry for the confusion. I'm going to try to upload a picture of what I am having an issue with. I've created a new record format with ...Item Name...Item Description...Price...Weight. I then create report, choose my record format, the worksheet opens up with all the criteria in the record format. I then add a column, name it ...Cost Each... I then type in the foumula =('Format-1'.???????)

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