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Don@Black Dog

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Everything posted by Don@Black Dog

  1. I find the stair data (i.e., up and down has reverted to a tiny font size. any way to reset it? Also, Christiaan, it seems the edit function you mention only affects the marker size, not the length of line, which would indeed be helpful, as would the data reverting to Down at the top of the stairs as vsd mentioned. Give us concrete and steel stair capability and we are almost there!
  2. Must be selective. I was doing just that as I opened this thread, and did 3 floors with a stair cut-out just fine (v.12.5.1). It would be nice to be able to spec the number of joists around an opening. Make sure you are grabbing the slab instead of the original rectangle. For a start point, when asked to set the direction of the joists do the "draw a line in the direction.." command at your desired start point, such as the side wall.
  3. I'll kick in a wish list item: that the "beams/collar ties" default to 1 per rafter (or assigned interval), with an option to double them. For simple roofs they are typically framed singly, and if put at "0" can be the attic floor, needing only one per rafter.
  4. On a much more prosaic note than most recent posts, when framing a roof we shuld have the option of specifying 1 or 2 beams/collar ties instead of the default 2 per rafter (or assigned interval). They are frequently framed singly, and this tool can be used to make a simple attic floor, using one unit per rafter. Yeah, I'm doing a lot of roofs these days...
  5. I am using extruded polylines for tile wainscot textures in a model. How can I edit them around another object, say a window?
  6. Just to clarify (assuming you are new, forgive me if you aren't): Use either Model Setup to set up your model layers and Z-coordinates, or just set up separate layers using right-click in the Info Pallete for Slabs, walls and roofs, giving them the Z coordinate in Tools/Organization (one of several ways). If you draw everything on one layer you could potentially give each object it's own Z-designation (See Peter's comments)but that could lead to chaos in trying to keep track of it all.
  7. I think that what he wants is a way to further sub-divide the myriad of Sheet Layers one can end up with into more managable groups, especially useful for a large project with many types of drawings, Arch, Mech, Structural, Elec, etc.
  8. Wonderful suggestions. I have used the Extrude along path for this, and for roof brackets (historical) and mantles, but while doing so thought it should be part of the roof-making process. I do like Petri's suggestions of parametric downspouts and self-adjusting elements. Regarding the American style gutters, I am sure there are many things that are specific to Ameican or European, or other, markets. Just one of those things needed when addressing different region's requirements. Thanks again. How do you paste a new profile on? Just draw it and eye-dropper?
  9. Dont know. But a separate Tool for gutters would be just as good. Either in Building shell or Detailing.
  10. Maybe a minor point, but I wish the roof tool would allow creation of gutters as an accessory. like the facia settings. Square, 1/2 Round, K, size... Sort of a built in extrude along Path.
  11. I wish the Documents Settings menu was multi-tab window so all the setup could be done without perpetually having to go back and reopen the menu. It should also have an option to establish printer and page size up front and to insert common title block text (firm, project, consultants etc.)when you select the title block. Thanks.
  12. Why would you want to import a sheet layer with viewports into another file? If you are looking for a way to set up standard project sheets, it may be better to just use the Documents Settings options to set up the sheet layers and viewports, save it as a Template for new projects. Also, it is so simple to make new layers, classes and viewports on the fly, custom to the particular project, it hardly seems worth the bother.
  13. Katie, I like the idea of editing a title block with unchanging info as a new symbol (actually, it was an "oh, duh" moment). I was trying to find out how to do global changes to a set's titleblock information to avoid typing in my firms info a doxzen times (having forgotten to make a template file) and that will help. It would still be helpful to be able to do project-wide changes to title block information in one location, maybe in Document Settings.
  14. Thanks to all. Since the roof seemed to be the only thing moving, I turned it off (along with other non-drawing layers), set all the remaining layers to show/snap/modify, and used the mirror tool, which worked this time. Go figure. I will also try the layer link. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks. I will try it again with the show/snap/modify on them. I spoke with Katie a little while ago and she did not think there was an effective way to do a whole file, especially since it is tought to grab everything in a large comlicated project file and some items like text would be adversely affected. She did suggest flipping the viewports, which is intriguing, and certainly workable where you just want an alternate version of the original design. This will work for me at this point in the production, but it would be nice to be able to invert an entire file.
  16. I am trying to flip a plan we decided worked better the other way, but cannot mirror it. When I select all (Ctl/A) with all clsses and layers on, I tried Modify/Rotate/Flip Horizontal, but only a few items came around. Any suggestions? It's a full house, so a lot of stuff. Thanks!
  17. I get that too. I think it might be a headroom issue?
  18. Do a search for Dormers or Roofs and you will find a ton of stuff. VW has a basic and simple dormer tool for single window dormers that are a bit tough to modify, but ok. Or build them manually with walls, a roof rectangle, roof faces,cut out the hole, etc.
  19. Mr. Anthony, we should plug you right into the help network...
  20. I draw a rectangle, use AEC/Floor to give it location (how far down) and thickness. Or use the layer attributes to se the depth (Mod-Footing or Mod-Foundation). Just draw it in line with the foundation wall. I draw one, make copies (Ctl/click), rotate and reshape the copies as needed, push them together and "add surface", then the AEC/Floor routine... You could also use the double line tool, Draw as Polygon, to the same effect, then AEC/Make Floor.
  21. How can I show a window in a deep wall, say a brick wall where the brickmold trim is within opening? all my attempts leave odd gaps at the sides of the pio, and do not have a wide enough opening for the brickmold. I tried variations of the splayed openings set to 0/0 to no avail. Thanks!
  22. My scroll mouse still doesn't do this, though it did for one brief period a while back. Is there a Windows setting or VW setting to toggle?
  23. Ooooh! That's a nice one to find out about. I really should experiment more....
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