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Dieter @ DWorks

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Everything posted by Dieter @ DWorks

  1. ow, i though they were the same, i found it and the conversion is: 1mil=0.0254mm. thx
  2. you can do this but only for the things you see in the section, not for those in the opposite direction
  3. it seems that this command is not working the way it should be??? or am i missing something? when i use this command and specify a line weight of 5, i got one of 13. if i specify one of 18, i got 46. what's going on???
  4. that's with every pio, the bounderies of a wall are always shown. that's also the reason why there are no corner windows.
  5. i just checked and now i see. that's very handy! thx
  6. i also don't use goto's because you'll need to be very carefull with them. if you have pages of code, it gets confusing and hard to find where to go. better not use them.
  7. i had the same problem when i edited my profile, all i had to do is restart my pc for 2 times and since then i do not have this
  8. you can't snap to lines that are in a vp, you can snap to points! i use loci if i must have a certain point.
  9. totaly agree, i pulled out all of my hair on this one. aaargh!
  10. that should be a wishlist item: viewport anotations to scaled as the objects on the design layer.
  11. are base file is a file withouth a date in it's name, then everyday we first save a copy, that copy has the date in it, so that way we keep drawing on the original file, and all the other are copies for if something should happen or if we must get a previous design.
  12. Well, no. This isn't the case where a sheet has more than one page. Obviously it is then the page that is the same size as the printed page, not the sheet size. Scaling the sheet size has nothing to do with scaling the size of the page. And rescaling VP's has nothing to do with the issue as far as I'm concerned. As an example, I have a logo, as a symbol, and I use it in a VP, say at 1:10. If I want to use it in a title block, then I have to create a new symbol scaled to a tenth of its size. Maybe the way I use sheets is different to most users, and maybe it doesn't bother anyone else, but my gripe remains - why has the scaling of sheets been changed to make it less flexible? you can't change the sheet scale in vw 11.5, i checked it, you can change how many papers of the a certain size you want to seeonthe background though.
  13. just make your own pio, vectorscript is not that difficult
  14. never have a problem with that, just make a class for your vieuwports and turn it on. we do it all, drawing on 1:1! we only show things on different layers, that's where lineweights and the options in vp to scale them comes in. basicly we set the lineweight for printing on 1:50. but when we want to print on 1/100, we must use the half of the lineweight. in the organization dialogue you can see a list of all viewports! you'll need to name them the way you can know which one is wich when you see their name, i always name them VP-name+info just think it through
  15. You can't change the parameters of a pio! only if you made it yourself!
  16. you can use a selection script and check 'in symbol'
  17. Here the same, and it should be that way, that's the meaning of the two
  18. you can set the zoom and position of the sheet layers and design layers differently. look in the preferences of vw.
  19. do you really hate vp???? they are the best! well, this is how i work: i use saved views to go to a state i want, for example if i want to go to level +2 and want only the walls, floors and dims to be visible, so i can work on it withouth seeing other things. That's also the purpose of saved views, they only set the layer and class visibility, the active layer and class, and the zoom scale. they don't do anything else. all the presentation layers have vp for showing the model. all other things that belong to a presentation like the drawing border etc... are also on these layers. the presentation layers are actually your paper where you print on, and that's the purpose of them. you actually draw 1:1 (although you can set the scale of a design layer), the scale of the design layer is just the way you want to see you drawing. and in comination with view linethickness, you'll see if the thicknesses are wright for that scale. the whole thing is: you draw you model in design layers 1:1. you can draw it with as much details as you want. then when you want to print it, you go to presentation layers and adjust you paper there for how you want it to look. this involves vp. THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN COMPARE SAVED VIEWS WITH VIEWPORTS BECAUSE THEY ARE TOTALY DIFFERENT AND ARE USED FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES!
  20. Where I work, they used to do it also with no classes, but it is more work to get a drawing done because you'll always have something moved that didn't need to move, you'll always have to use 'send back' and 'send forward' etc. also if you'll need to change an attribute like the background color of something, like a certain type of wall, you'll have to spend a lot of time for changing one after another. So you do not use classes, but maybe you are using layers for the same purpose as a class??? like the electrical wiring is on another layer? you could also put it on the same layer as the walls, but in another class. that's basicly the same, but a bit confusing for some people. but whatever you choose, i find classes better because you can set more things with it than with layers. Could you tell us how you're structure is put together then? here we used to work with layer 1/50, layer 1/250, layer titleblock, etc... It maybe a good way to understand other kinds of drawing, and in every kind of drawing is a good thing and a bad thing. You can set class overrides for each viewport. There is the problem! when you make symbols, you'll need to set the attributes to 'from class', that's the only way the elements of the symbols will change if you change that class. so that's one more reason for using classes. Because when you make the symbol and just choose a color, it does not matter in which class the symbol is placed, because it will just stay that color. so here you'll need to be carefull and make symbols with classes! it is difficult to make them that way if you already have a lot of them, but it is worth it. another reason for using many classes. you can quickly change something and you do not need to go over every item and change it, probebly forgetting something. that of the symbols, you can find above. ??? ctrl+z if you change your mind. maybe the 'use at creation' button is not checked? And the answer is: 'YES' and that's the point, because you can use a class not for the purpose of editing the attributes, but only for grouping items that are like the same. so then you do not need to change the attributes. YES! but here is something to look at: you can place the elements of a symbol in a class and put the symbol itself in another class!!, just like i said above, the class the symbol is in would be for grouping purpose. Using classes may seem more complex, but it just makes drawings easier to handle. f.e. we work for many architects, so we need to draw with a lot of different colors for each of them. like the one want his windows that way, the other that way etc... so we use classes with our own colours. when we then finish the drawing, we change the color of the classes the way the architect want them to be (this is done with a script to work faster but it is not needed, you can do it manually). f.e. we draw are front view, back view, ... also in 2D and the walls looks like brick, wich is a hatch. when the architect then say, the brick must be red instead of black, we only need to change that class atribute, and the whole drawing is adapted. there are other examples of using classes, but i hope that you can see more clearly how classes work and how you can benefit from it. I know that changing your drawing method is really hard and it will certainly take some time, but you can do it in steps, and constantly make it better. here, we are still doing it, and it's getting better and better. so do not be afraid if it does not work out correctly after the first change. Just think it through and go for it.
  21. If you make your symbols with classes, then it will work!
  22. that's how it is done, but i agree with TBrown that this is a thing that should be attached to a class, or maybe a parameter for dimensions
  23. what do you mean with shaded boxes? are they annotations? because annotations are drawn in front of everything, or you can send them at the back of everything with 'send back' command.
  24. it would be great if we could scale symbols, that way we don't need x times the same symbol, but with another size.
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