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Posts posted by Hugues
5 hours ago, Pat Stanford said:
I have not done a complete review, but yes, it does appear that some of the newer worksheet functions can report on specific resource. Materials certainly can.
But in general, there is no overall way to get resources into a worksheet.
This is correct. As of now, Material is the only resource that can be listed in a worksheet database using the standard database methods.
Support for other resources will be added in future releases.
As @Pat Stanford pointed out, database by script is an alternative method for listing any list of objects in a database worksheet.
57 minutes ago, Tim Harland said:
It would be helpful (especially for staff less familiar with Worksheets) to be able to control criteria for Database Rows in Worksheets with And/Or functions through the visual interface. At the moment it defaults to 'or' (when one would expect it to be 'and') and the only way to adjust it is to edit the criteria formula to change the vertical bar to and ampersand. As soon as you want to add a new criteria you need to reedit the formula.
In the same interface it would be good to be able to change the order of criteria or at least delete criteria that are not at the bottom of the list.Hello Tim,
Are you using VW2022? The criteria interface was updated for VW2022 and addressed these issues. -
There is an existing bug where the OR condition doesn't work with the LAYER criterion. It works will all other criteria.
This is going to be fixed.-
On 10/8/2021 at 5:54 PM, DDD said:
How should I modify the criteria to let VW sort out the "M" or "S" category shrub? Thanks in advance!
Enter the value in the Criteria Dialog with the quotes: ("S" instead of S)
It looks like the value of the tag is stored with quotes. This is strange. We will look into that.
@EAlexander Thanks. That is helpful.
Could you also provide the graphics card info? -
10 minutes ago, EAlexander said:
@HuguesThanks - here you go - attached. This is just solid modeling - no PIOs or anything but extruded geometry.
Crashes 2022 before I even get it fully opened. Can't copy and paste it from 2020 to 2022 as 3d.
EDIT: just noticed the file name has CORONA in it - this is referencing the render engine in Cinema 4d, not the virus 🙂
Thanks @EAlexander
What operating system are you running? Could you please provide the specs of your machine?
19 minutes ago, EAlexander said:
Sadly, any file pre 2020 that I try to open gives instacrash. See y'all in a few service packs.
EDIT: even weirder - I open a file in 2020. I copy all the Geo to the clipboard - move over to 2022 and paste.....I get a 2d line representation of my model (like I ran convert copy to lines and no 3d. ☠️
Would you mind sharing the files with us? We want to investigate the issue.
@Bruce Kieffer
Have you tried printing the worksheet from its palette? -
I understand your frustration and I agree that this functionality isn't intuitive.
I'll try to explain how this is designed to work. We are aware of the issues with this design and we will improve it in a future release.On 8/5/2021 at 5:32 AM, line-weight said:1) Newly created "level types" disappear
The behavior you are seeing is intentional. When you open the "Edit Story" dialog, the list of levels shows:
- Levels that present in the story (these have a checkmark)
- default levels (unchecked)
You can create a new level and add it to your story. Note that this new level is not a default level. Therefore, if you do not add it to the story, it goes away.
If you need a level that you can make active in whatever story (these levels are what we call default story levels), you should create by editing your Default Story Levels.
On 8/5/2021 at 5:32 AM, line-weight said:2) Not possible to make an existing level type a "default story level"
A level type is not the same as a story level.
You can create a level type from the Level Types dialog. The level types can be used when creating Story Levels or Default Story Levels.
I think there is a confusion here that I would like clarify by describing what level types, story levels and default story levels are.
Level Type: A Level Type is just a text label that specifies the type of level (e.g. Ceiling, Finish Floor). It has no elevation, no additional properties.
Story Level: A story level defines an elevation in a story. It has a level type and an elevation.
Default Story Level: Preset story level stored in a list of readily available default presets so that they can be selected and activated in any story.
Hope this helps.
18 hours ago, taoist said:
Thank you.
By Material I mean the new Materials in VW2021.
Can the materials be used in formula calculations, in this case takeoff??
Square Feet or area for the paint area and the paneling area of the wall.
I know one can apply a texture, but that is not a Material in VW2021 speak.
I am using VW2019 Architect and want to know how far or well integrated the new Materials are.
Appreciate any input.
Yes, you should be able to assign a Material to a Nurbs surface get quantity takeoff in worksheets.
16 hours ago, Boh said:
Hey @Hugues I've just upgraded from vw2019 to vw2021 and am struggling with the new notes manager.
If I write a callout note I'm struggling to see how to add that note to a database.
I have the callout.
I right click "edit" to open the edit callout dialogue
I click on "Add Note to Database"
Now what? Do I have to retype or copy/paste my note into the dialogue? I've already written the note, how can I just add it to the database?
See video. I must be missing something.... Please help!
This is not a normal behavior. I'm not sure why you are getting an error loading the "callouts.txt" database located in your application. This may be because you do not have write access to that database.
It looks like that database is your default database. This is why we try to load it by default and since it fails, the process break down.
Go to the Notes Manager and change your default database to one you have access to. This may solve the problem.
Let us know if this solution doesn't work.
In the meantime, we will improve the error messaging when a database isn't accessible.
On 10/30/2020 at 12:50 PM, _James said:
Hi @Hugues,
I don't have 8 decimal places set, could there be another cause?
I'm not including the tabs in the prints no, I would rather not see these. Do you know the dimensions of these so that I can account for them in my margins?
It appears that those rounding errors are the result of some legacy unit conversions.
The width of the row tabs is about 64mm.
33 minutes ago, spries said:
@Hugues that's what seems to be the case. What do I need to do to modify the current function in order to prevent this from happening?
As I said above. Currently I am using. =IMAGE(S='My Symbol Name')
S='My Symbol Name' will find all instances of the named symbol in the drawing. You could modify it to isolate a single instance of the symbol. For example you find an instance of the symbol and give it a name, then use (S='My Symbol Name') & (N='name')
Or you could place an instance of the symbol in a layer and make sure it is the only instance in that layer, then use (S='My Symbol Name') & (L='layer name')
Or you could place an instance of the symbol in a class and make sure it is the only instance in that class, then use (S='My Symbol Name') & (C='class name')
Or you can use any other criteria that only one instance (or maybe just very few instances) of the symbol would match.
This is because your criteria is set to find all instances of the named symbol. It will then generate an image for each instance found in your document but will only display one in the cell. That function would need to be a bit smarter and avoid generating images that won't be able to be displayed anyway.
What you could do is set your criteria to narrow down the result to a specific instance of the symbol.
On 10/22/2020 at 5:57 AM, _James said:
Thanks for your help on this. After a bit more playing around I realise that it's my error as I had set all the margins to 0. Now that i've restored these to a more sensible amount, particularly the bottom=25 the rows split correctly. On this, is there any reason why the margins give 8 decimal places? I do not need this level of precision! Also I found that if I put all the margins as equal amounts, the worksheet does not sit centred on the page, hence right and left have different values.
These unit and precision of these values are controlled by your document units and precisions. The length unit precision for your document is probably set to 8 decimal places.
Are you including the tabs in your prints? Tabs always taken into account even when you turn them off. That would explain why the worksheet doesn't appear centered on the page.
2 hours ago, matteoluigi said:
I could imagine like in the following screenshot. Maybe with a checkbox to enable or disable the functionality, so, users who don't care about "&" and "|" don't have to think about it. However, if you already start to use worksheets with criteria filters setting logical links is an elementary thing.
Thanks. It would be interesting to know what you would expect as far as operators precedence.
A & B | C could have 2 different interpretations : (A & B) | C OR A & (B | C)
How do you picture an interface to support this?
The & and | options are supported in database criteria, but are not supported in the interface (the Criteria Dialog). You can edit your database criteria formula by hand in the formula bar as @Pat Stanford suggested.
I would be interested to know if there is an interface out there that does this type of AND/ OR queries and that you consider elegant, intuitive and easy to use.
9 hours ago, drelARCH said:
Aha... I thought that criteria 'visible selection state' is already quite narrow when one single object (this time slab with slab style) is present on current screen...? I was really hoping that it can be that simple.
It is actually that simple. I was just warning you about using the 'visible selection state' criteria. The results in your worksheet will differ depending on your selection on the drawing. This can feel unpredictable if you happen to have objects that are unexpectedly selected on the drawing. You have to be careful to recalculate the worksheet only when your target object is the one and only selected object in your drawing.
9 hours ago, drelARCH said:So do I have to add additional criteria to my criteria functions...like on which Layer it is present...and so on? I want to keep it as simple as possible and as universal as possible.
You may have to narrow your criteria a bit more. Because you indicated that the performance was great in a small file but degraded in a very large file, and if you can confirm that you didn't have many objects selected when you recalculated the worksheet, the plausible explanation is just that the criteria is processing too many objects.
If your criteria is just "VSEL = true" , all objects in the document will be visited to test for selection. If you have 1 million object in the document, that's 1 million checks.
You could narrow your criteria to a specific layer and only the objects on that layer will be visited. If you have only 1 object on that layer, that's 1 check. You can imagine the difference it would make.
9 hours ago, drelARCH said:How you would add more criteria to image function or componentthickness?
Your criteria for the Image function could as simple as (L='Layername') & (VSEL=TRUE)
For the componentthickness function, since you are not looking to get the total thickness, you would what to narrow your criteria to point it to one specific object. One option is to give that object a name and the use the criteria (N='objectname'). Another option is to place that object on a layer and make sure it is the only one of that style on the layer. Then you could use =COMPONENTTHICKNESS( (L='Layername') & (SLST=B5) , 1)
@drelARCH I looked at your worksheets is here are somme comments and advices.
- Worksheets calculations will definitely be faster in an almost empty file because there are less objects to process.
You are using many criteria functions in this worksheet. Each function needs to evaluate the criteria to find the matching objects. The more objects there are to process, the slower the speed. 10-15 minutes is a lot. But it depends on the number of objects in your file.
- The criteria that you are using in your Image functions are very broad. I imagine that your intent is to set a criteria that identifies one single object, in this case a particular slab. But your criteria is simply looking for any selected object. Any selected object of any kind would be a match, and if you happen to have more than one objet selected, the speed would be affected because it would attempt to create images for each one of them.
On 10/17/2020 at 9:19 AM, drelARCH said:I have noticed that whenever i import worksheet to any full project file, worksheet for some reason picks up some very high componentthicknessvalue for component no.1...? (3945 mm or similiar). It doesnt happen in blank file....
The componentthickness function will return the sum of the thicknesses if more than one object match the criteria.
In other words =COMPONENTTHICKNESS( SLST=B5, 1) will find all objects that use the specified slab style and return the thickness of the first component. If it finds more than one object using this slab style, it will sum up the values.
FYI, you can use the Purge command and select the option to purge coincident duplicate objects.
21 minutes ago, hollister design Studio said:
@Hugues could you relink the video for duplicate array?
link seems to go to connectcad improvements...
The link has been updated. Sorry about that.
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Here are a couple of improvements you would recognize from the Wish List forum:
Class Creation Improvement
This task streamlines the class creation process by allowing users to (1) quickly create new hierarchical classes without having to type the full class name or class prefix, (2) directly see the full name of a duplicated class in the hierarchical display mode.
Display Symbol Name on OIP in Multi-Selection Mode
This task keeps the name and unit information visible on the Object Information Palette when users select multiple instances of the same symbol definition.
Duplicate Array Improvement
This task updates the Linear Array and the Circular Array mode of the Duplicate Array command to include the ability to interactively designate a point using the Next Mouse Click option in all views. Video
23 minutes ago, Andrew Davies said:
Doors anyone know if VWX 2021 is Big Sur compatible on OS X?
This article will be kept up to date with any details about the compatibility between Vectorworks and macOS 11 Big Sur:
Are you running Vectorworks Fundamentals?
The two way worksheet feature is not available for Vectorworks Fundamentals.
in Architecture
Posted · Edited by Hugues
Your annotations should NOT be deleted because you added a line to the Description title or because of other minor operations.
If you have a Legend that exhibits this behavior please report it as a bug and send the file to us for investigation.
Annotations are deleted only when fundamentals changed are made to the Legend in such a way that the cells are no longer referencing the objects that were annotated.