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Everything posted by MaxStudio

  1. I'm trying to write a script that will allow me select an object by line weight. Our office works in mils so the the numbers will be whole numbers. I've gotten the following to work BEGIN SelectObj(LW=4); END; but if I change the 4 to a variable such as 'n' be it a real, integer or longint the script stops working VAR n : (Real, integer, or longint); BEGIN n:=4; SelectObj(LW=n); END; Does anyone know why this is happening? Is it not possible to use a variable in this situation? Thanks in advance, Derek
  2. I usually ask the question and if I make some progress on my own I post my progress and solution anyway. I figure it may help someone else out some day! Happy it all worked out for you!
  3. ok, i created a simple example that seems to work. Unfortunately, I'm a little confused by the starting location for the x and y parameters. The x seems to be the bottom left corner while the y seems to be centered on the object causing me to subtract or add half the height. It is not a big problem, but does anyone have any idea why this is?: **If anyone can see any errors in my code or ways to improve my code your comments are always appreciated** PROCEDURE plugin; VAR x, y, w, h, LineLength, BoxWidth, Offset : REAL; result : BOOLEAN; objname : STRING; oh,rh,wh : HANDLE; BEGIN { retrieve custom object information } result:= GetCustomObjectInfo(objname,oh,rh,wh); { if object information was successfully retrieved } IF result THEN BEGIN { retrieve parameters } LineLength := PLINELENGTH; BoxWidth := PBOXWIDTH; Offset := POFFSET; w:=LineLength; h:=BoxWidth; PenSize(4); Rect(x,y-(h/2),x+w,y+(h/2)); PenSize(2); Rect(x+Offset,y-(h/2)+Offset,x+w-Offset,y+(h/2)-Offset); END; END; Run(plugin);
  4. Do I need to keep the parameters LineLength and BoxWidth? or can I change those to simply width and height?
  5. Ok so I can't change a point object to a rectangular object, but can I use the same vectorscript? What type of problems might i run into if I just copy and paste the script from the Point Object to the Rectangular Object? I'm going to attempt it now. Thanks
  6. Hello, I've created a Plugin Object that creates a rectangle with another rectangle offset on the inside. The Object Info Pallette has the following variables: Width Height Offset of Inner Rectangle At the moment I can only edit the dimensions of the rectangles by changing the dimensions of the variables via the Object Info Pallette. I would like to be able to select the Plugin Object, click the handle, and drag the handle to modify the rectangles dimensions. Basically, I just want the ability to manipulate the plugin object like a normal rectangle. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
  7. i knew it was simple after further digging around i found the function GetFPathName. That seemed to work just fine. PROCEDURE Example; VAR n :STRING; BEGIN n:=GetFPathName; Message(n); END; RUN(Example);
  8. i used GetFName to get the current file name, but i'm still having trouble accessing the complete path of the file.
  9. I'm looking for a simple way to run a script that simply returns a message with the current file's name and path. I'm guessing its a simple script, there might even be a simple way to view it in vectorworks already? I'm looking into GetFileInfo and using Message to display my results, but I'm not having any luck. Any ideas? Thanks Derek
  10. or is the name the name given when i use: GetCustomObjectInfo(objectName :STRING;objectHand :HANDLE; recordHand :HANDLE;wallHand :HANDLE) :BOOLEAN;
  11. Is the name used in the script the same name i give the plugin in the VectorScript Plug-in Editor? If so, how do i differentiate between 2 different objects create with the same plugin tool. Example: I create one window in plan using the plugin. Its with will be 24". I then create a window in elevation that is linked to the window in plan. Its with is 24". I now want to create a new window in plan that will be 36". Will there be issues with the width if I create this new 36" window? Sorry if I'm confusing you folks. I am always trying to work these things out on my own and appreciate the help. Thanks Derek
  12. ok so here you are saying I need to have a record created. I store the width in one of the record fields. The objects reference the record to obtain the width. when I change the width of objectA it changes the width of the field in the record therefore changing the width of objectB? Next question, how do i create the record? and how do I get both objects to reference the same record?
  13. DWorks, but how would I go about referencing an outside plugin object in my script? Is there a way to give the plugin object a name once it is created? I have a plugin object that creates a window in plan. I also have a plugin object that creates a window in elevation. I want to be able to change the width of the window in plan and have it also change the width of the window in elevation. and vice versa. This means I need to be able to create each object seperately and then i need to be able to link the two (using a parameter or a name) is it possible or is there a better way to do this?
  14. Anyone know a way to create two different plugin objects that utilize a common parameter? I want to be able to create an object (objectA) and another object (objectB). I need a way to link objectA and objectB together. Once they are linked I would like them to be able to utilize a common parameter, such as, the object width. This way if I change the width of objectA the width of objectB changes as well. Any ideas? Thanks in Advance Derek
  15. Miguel, Do you have an example of the buttons you are talking about? Thanks
  16. maarten, can you give me an example of a parameter with the prefix. I don't understand exactly where I would place the "__" Thanks
  17. Hey Josh, Thanks its always good to learn how to clean up bulky code!
  18. OK finally got it working correctly oh is the handle ended becoming: SetParameterVisibility(oh, 'parameter', FALSE); IF checkbox THEN BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(oh, 'parameter', TRUE); END;
  19. Ok i've made a little more progress: IF checkbox {boolean} THEN BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(inPlugin, 'parameter', TRUE); END; Is the inplugin handle the object handle created at the beginning of the script, see below result : BOOLEAN; objname : STRING; oh,rh,wh : HANDLE; BEGIN { retrieve custom object information } result:= GetCustomObjectInfo(objname,oh,rh,wh); in this case would oh be the plugin handle?
  20. This is what i found: PROCEDURE SetParameterVisibility(inPlugin :HANDLE; inParameterName :STRING; inSetVisible :BOOLEAN); I would assume something like this would work: IF checkbox {boolean} THEN BEGIN SetParameterVisibility(inPlugin, PParmeter, TRUE); END; What is the inPlugin handle? I know how to give an object created, such as a rectangle, a handle, but how do i give the whole plugin object a handle?
  21. I've created some new plugin objects. The object info palette is becoming overwhelmed with options and variables. Is there anyway to create a sub-menu within the object info palette so that I can hide some options until they are needed? Thank You in advanced!
  22. Everytime I import a DWG file the arrow heads on the imported file are huge. I have to go and select each individual arrowhead and change it manually. Is there a way that I change them all at once without having to do it one by one? The arrowheads are huge in paperspace but look normal in model space.
  23. I seem to have lost the ability to select multiple objects. The only way I can select them is if I completely encircle them. Holding shift doesn't work and intersecting while holding option does not work either. Is there a keyboard shortcut I might have accidentally hit? Thanks in advance
  24. Is it possible to recall printer settings with a script? Sometimes I print full size and at other times I print half size. I print full size to a plotter and I print half size to a printer. Is it possible to store and recall printer settings using a script? It would be nice to just click a button that says "print half size" or "print full size". I know I can use PrintUsingPrintDialog, but I don't want to have to change the settings each time. There is also PrintWithoutUsingPrintDialog, but then I'm guessing it only uses the current print settings. Anyone had any experience with this? Thanks - Derek
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