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Posts posted by M.CH

  1. Hi

    Best route is to use bi-rail lofting.

    First create a polygon to represent the front curvature, and convert to nurbs

    Second create a line and convert to nurbs and move to the right height/angle lets say 2000mm in y and z axis

    Third Create a rectangle 2000mm x 100mm to represent thickness, convert to nurbs

    Choose Loft tool from 3d palette and choose bi-rail loft

    Select first the Poly nurbs,then the line nurbs and finally the rectangle nurbs.

    You can then drop this into your roof.

  2. My Mac has 1 GB of memory, which I'm guessing is not enough. How much memory is needed on the computer and/or plotter in order to print a file like mine?

    You dont say what computer you are using.

    If you save it as a pdf, which is how macs print anyway, might be the route forward.

    You will then have a file that does not need rendering prior to printing.

    I was producing stage sets on VW11.5 I was rendering and animating 40mx30m stages with 1000seats on a g4 powerbook with 1g of ram if I remember correctly.

  3. For stage visualisation, ESP Vision is hard to beat.

    There is a VW plug-in and as with Artlantis, changes made in VW can be updated in the ESP/Artlantis files without having to make any other changes, lighting and rendering settings etc stay the same.

    Artlantis is a stand alone programme, but requires 3D files to input prior to rendering and animating etc.


    ESP Vision is also a stand alone programme that also allows programming of lighting desks, lighting plots, and anything else happening in a stage environment.


    Also of note the Opening and Closing Ceremony at the Beijing 2008 Olympics was modeled in VectorWorks and visualised in ESP Vision


  4. I would have thought that this would be information that could be provided as a comparison chart by Nemetschek staff. Their sales and technical team should be able to provide you with the necessary information, especially as you know Revit very well.

    Try them on Monday morning.

  5. "but it looks like it is a virus that can infect other non ED drawings but making the mistake of importing something FROM an Ed version."

    Its a very simple process, every document that is produced in the Educational version has a watermark.

    If any part of that document is copied and pasted into a non-educational file it will take the watermark with it.

    So if you open an educational document on your office machine it will have the watermark, it is not a virus but a simple device to keep the different versions distinct.

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