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    Landscape designer
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  1. At the top of this forum it says: "For users new to Data Tags, check out Scott's introductory how-to videos showing how basic Data Tags are built. " But I cannot see where these are? I've googled but all that comes up is this forum and some videos by Jonathan Pickup. Anyone have a link please? Thank you!
  2. I'm so glad it's not just me! Any chance you could upload the file with yours in please? Would like to double check myself!
  3. I've attached it and added some annotation. Really hoping it's not something silly on my part! Although my colleague has exactly the same issue. LA test file.vwx
  4. We are having the exact same issue - have set up classes for the Bed, Cloud and Line with different coloured attributes for Fill and Pen, but the Landscape Area tool doesn't seem to recognise the Fill, only the line. I've made a video showing what I mean here (apologies for slight waffle - you can tell that I'm not used to where things are in VW25 yet!) Is this a bug or something that I'm missing/don't understand? I feel like I've got it right... All advice appreciated - how are you getting on now @Jonk and @Tom W.? I'm on a Mac Studio M1 Max using Sequoia.
  5. Hmm I've just tried this in 2024 and it does the same thing, so clearly not a bug! Just very weird to have it reset the Attributes - I've never seen a tool do it - I'm used to it only doing that when I have nothing selected and manually set them to something else! Admin happy for you to delete this! (I can't)
  6. This is repeatable by myself and my colleague (different computers/locations). 1. Open blank file, go to Building Shell tool set > Wall tool 2. Note current attributes in Attributes Palette. Select Wall tool 3. Press spanner and pencil, the Edit Wall Attributes. Change Fill colour, press OK 4. Draw Wall 5. Deselect all and note how the fill colour in the Attributes Palette is now the colour you just assigned the wall. This is the only tool that does this - persistently over-rides the current colour - so I'm assuming it's a bug?
  7. Good answers @Catmansound and Jeff 🙂 I think my background biases my thoughts on this - I've historically used SketchUp for all my 3D work and VW for all my 2D. SU isn't technical enough for detail drawings (I'm a landscape designer) and the 3D on VW has historically been either really clunky or not good enough. Now it's finally starting to partner up with things like TwinMotion and Enscape I'm just willing everything to work seamlessly and I guess to take away the reason for using SU for visualisations. Totally get what you say Jeff about building separately, but it's just that that's the kind of thing I want to avoid in my dream world! 😄
  8. Googling how to add a bullnose to steps led me here. If it's going to be able to be used seriously as a tool for both 3D visualisation AND for creating construction detailing, it needs to be able to have bull-nosing, mitred and pencil round edges on any side of the tread, as well as a drip channel. (And also LED lighting recessed into it but that's less urgent!)
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