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Nina Ivanova

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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  1. To avoid issues with AutoCAD polyline width characteristic you can try to import the DWG file using different Model space scale (this is an option in the Advanced DXF/DWG import options dialog). In general we propose that scale so that the whole drawing could fit in the page, but you might change it according to your needs. For example drawings with huge boundaries could lead to a proposed model space scale like 1 : 10 000, which might not be a good one. Using 1 : 1 model space scale could, in some cases, also lead to issues. There are graphic elements/attributes, which are page based in Vectorworks (polyline width, dimension marker sizes etc.), which are calculated during the import and these calculations are based on the created design layer scale (i.e. chosen model space scale value). If you receive bigger than expected dimension markers or too thick polys, then you could try to re-import the DWG using another model space scale. Note, that once imported not as expected, changing the design layer scale later would not fix the issue. But if you import the graphics with an appropriate model space scale and graphics satisfies your needs, then you could change the design layer scale as you wish and align the imported graphics with the rest of your drawing.
  2. @leecalisti, Yes, please, send me a private link to the file. You may add both files - Vectorworks document and the created DWG (the whole folder, if there are other files together with the created DWG). Thank you!
  3. @leecalisti, Workflows, existing in previous Vectorworks versions, have not been changed. For Vectorworks 2025 we added one new workflow and some new export options. If you use the old workflows, then export from Vectorworks 2025 has to work in the same way as export from previous versions. If this is not the case, then there might be something else, which affects the DWG export. May I ask you to send an example document directly to me, so that the team can analyze the problem?
  4. Hello @unearthed, All the 66 3D loci are exported and are listed as present in both the DWG and DXF files you have attached above - please, see the images. There is a system variable inside AutoCAD, which controls graphical representation of the points: PDMODE. PDMODE = 1 means no graphics at all - which is the case here. I set it to 2 inside the your dwg file and to 3 inside your dxf file - both files are attached. Additionally, there is another system variable, PDSIZE, which can control the size of the points. Hope this helps, Nina 244_HEX_3D_loci.dwg 244_HEX_3D_loci.dxf
  5. @Duncan Gunn, you could just hover over my profile name or icon and from the opened dialog choose the "Message" button.
  6. @Duncan Gunn, the image from your post represents the re-imported graphics, right? Did you try to open the exported file in a DWG viewer? It seems to me, that these are the dimension lines, when graphics is re-imported in a layer with incorrect scale. Please, try to set the Model Space scale in the Advanced DXF/DWG import options to the original document layer scale. If this does not fix the issue, may I ask you to send the document directly to me?
  7. Is that result from a published DWG file? If yes and if you are opening the file on a different machine, then the reason is, that the font, used inside the Vectorworks document, is not found on the other machine. In this case AutoCAD will substitute the missing font with another font (Simplex by default). Solution is to install the necessary font on the other machine. It is also possible, that Vectorworks document uses a mapped font to present the text and when the document is published, the original font is used by the the text in the created DWG file. In this case it is better to use the option "Preserve mapped font on export" form the Export options dialog. Of course, you might also have a combination from both factors.
  8. @MsFrosst, May I have the dwg file, which you try to import? You could mail it directly to me. Thank you!
  9. There is a good discussion here: https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/110016-blender-to-vectorworks/
  10. @designosaur, On Mac, Publish dialog closes immediately after you have chosen to start the publish. If it stays open, then there is some error and possibly a dialog, which needs your attention. However the dialog might be hidden behind the Publish dialog itself...
  11. Thank you for bringing this up, @Tom Klaber! It is on our radar.
  12. @LuisYDA, when the file opens, would you check what kind of references do you have? For example, updating external file format references could take more time. In these cases you might consider changing the reference settings to save the cache and do not update on file open.
  13. Sure, @hassled! You could post the file here and I or anyone from the Forum could convert it to you. In case you do not want to share the file with everyone, you could send it directly to me, as a private message.
  14. Hi @zoomer, I believe you meant here Top View, not Top/Plan View. You can export 3D graphics from either Top View or any 3D View. I added an enhancement request for this. This is a known issue, which is due to the difference in 3D Solids presentation in both Vectorworks and DWG/DXF file formats. On failure to properly match a Vectorworks solid to a DWG/DXF solid, we decompose it to Faces to preserve the graphics and visualization. This is in our list with supported features, which require improvements.
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