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Lucas Story

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  1. v2024 This has only just started happening, when I am viewing a design layer with Top/Plan view and then switch to a sheet layer then switch back, my design layer view will be set to just top view. Doesn't matter what design layer or sheet layer I switch between it won't save my view. However, any other view (right, left iso etc) will save when I switch layers. So it's only the 2D view that does not hold. It only happens in this one particular file and unfortunately it's a template file I'm working on. Cheers.
  2. Hi all, jumping onto this 4 year old thread with a similar question, I had the same issue as Cookie but managed to work around it by using the Auto - Custom plot date format. Cloud services seems to respect this format. However, when I print my PDF's it displays the date as yesterdays date, not todays. So for example I printed some PDF's today (21/06/2024) and the print date in my title block after cloud printing says (20/06/2024). I'm connected to the Sydney server which is only 2hrs behind my local time so the server isn't printing on a different date to me, unless I print between midnight and 1:59am which I'm not. Any thoughts? Cheers.
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